First Log

Sorry I haven't updated guys, been pretty sick the past few days. Feeling normal again and I'll be heading to the gym tonight for sure, I'll make sure to update later tonight
Alright guys, back from the gym. Sorry again for no update lately. Took it pretty easy today trying to ease back into it. Felt terrible this weekend, not sure exactly what it was. Couldn't eat anything and could barely walk around. Just woke up and was completely out of it. Still holding my same weight though which works for me considering I missed a few meals! Anyways, as far as the lifting goes... I finished off the halo, was doing 20mg a day. Not sure I reaped the full benefit but I damn sure got stronger, maybe people just hype it up a little too much. I definitely got 2X the results when I ran anadrol from a different lab so that's kind of disappointing. I'm looking pretty flat right now but that could also be do to the diet. On the halo I was getting amazing pumps, but today they were just okay. Worked on my deadlifts today and I feel like the strength is still spot on, just hasn't increased but I'm happy with that considering I finished the halo.

Sumo deadlifts- 5 sets of warm up sets. 5 sets of 455 @ 1 rep.

Deficit deadlifts- 6 sets of 365 @ 3 reps.

Lat pull down- 6 sets of 220 @ 10 reps

Seated rows- 6 sets of 180 @ 10 reps

Seated calf- 5 sets of 315 @ 18 reps

Standing calf- 10 sets of 345 @ 15 reps

Again, I took it easy but it was still a really solid day. Felt good and strong. I have been pinning mix 4 1ml every 4 days and tren ace at 1.3ml every other day. I'm going to switch mix 4 to every 3 days and I'll be running out of tren by the end of next week. I'm also going to throw in some test e from a different lab once the tren runs out just because of this recent pharmacom blood work. I know my blood results will be skewed after that since I'm mixing two labs but I'm not going to waste my cycle just to show that pharmacom may be underdosed
Alright guys, back from the gym. Sorry again for no update lately. Took it pretty easy today trying to ease back into it. Felt terrible this weekend, not sure exactly what it was. Couldn't eat anything and could barely walk around. Just woke up and was completely out of it. Still holding my same weight though which works for me considering I missed a few meals! Anyways, as far as the lifting goes... I finished off the halo, was doing 20mg a day. Not sure I reaped the full benefit but I damn sure got stronger, maybe people just hype it up a little too much. I definitely got 2X the results when I ran anadrol from a different lab so that's kind of disappointing. I'm looking pretty flat right now but that could also be do to the diet. On the halo I was getting amazing pumps, but today they were just okay. Worked on my deadlifts today and I feel like the strength is still spot on, just hasn't increased but I'm happy with that considering I finished the halo.

Sumo deadlifts- 5 sets of warm up sets. 5 sets of 455 @ 1 rep.

Deficit deadlifts- 6 sets of 365 @ 3 reps.

Lat pull down- 6 sets of 220 @ 10 reps

Seated rows- 6 sets of 180 @ 10 reps

Seated calf- 5 sets of 315 @ 18 reps

Standing calf- 10 sets of 345 @ 15 reps

Again, I took it easy but it was still a really solid day. Felt good and strong. I have been pinning mix 4 1ml every 4 days and tren ace at 1.3ml every other day. I'm going to switch mix 4 to every 3 days and I'll be running out of tren by the end of next week. I'm also going to throw in some test e from a different lab once the tren runs out just because of this recent pharmacom blood work. I know my blood results will be skewed after that since I'm mixing two labs but I'm not going to waste my cycle just to show that pharmacom may be underdosed

regarding the pharmacom test E:

Why would you mix them? What if the other lab is poorly dosed too?
@Wunderpus Well I'm not running pharmacom test by itself. It's in the mix 4, test phenyl prop and test deconate. The compounds are working but I have without a doubt had better gear than this. The other labs test e that I'm adding I have already had bloodwork done on it so it G2G. When I get my bloods back I'm going to come up with my own conclusion regarding pharmacom because I know what my other lab is dosed at. I will say that the pharmacom tren is definitely working for me though. The proviron as well. The arimidex we will figure that out when I do the bloods.
Oh, and just an update on the my girl and the var. She is only 6 days in at 10mg a day and she is getting some great pumps she says. She had to take a break during the sex last night because of the lower back pumps. LOL
Back from the gym again. Decided today that I'm going to need to keep my bodybuilding style workouts in my program because it seems they help out quite a bit compared to what I have been doing. Feel like I tanked my estro. Joints were pretty sore today and libido is down. Hit chest today, worked on bench a little bit but stuck to more of a bodybuilding style today.

Flat bench-
Warm up
5 sets of 315 @ 6 reps
5 sets of 225 @ 15 reps

Incline bench-
5 sets of 225 @ 8 reps
5 sets of 135 @ 15 reps

Machine wide press-
5 sets of 315 @ 9 reps

Cable flys-
5 sets of 60 @ 15 reps

Machine flys-
5 sets of 130 @ 12 reps

Oh yeah, just in case anyone has some insight on why the fuck this happened I would be glad to know... The other day I was pinning my mix 4 and tren. It was really thick even after warming up and I was pinning in my glute. So I'm pushing, I'm pushing, it's starting to go... I start feel some pressure as normal but this time the pressure didn't go away. It got worse and then started burning more and more. Had to pull the pin out, ran out trying to walk it off looking like a damn fool in front of my girlfriend but it kept getting worse even after I pulled it out. The pressure and burning was literally the worst pain I have ever felt. No idea what happened. It lasted for a good 5 minutes and I was limping the rest of the day.
Just got back from the gym. Worked on some squats today. Didn't have a whole lot of time but still got some solid sets in. Tried front squats for the first time, probably not the best form. Had some trouble from my wrists today. I'm used to doing high bar squats but lately I've been trying low bar but it's destroying my wrists even with wraps. Other than that though everything felt alright, decent strength. Trying not to go too hard, it seems I get better results by giving it about 85% in the gym with nice clean sets. That way when I go all out everything feels good.

Pause squats-
Warm up
6 sets of 405 @ 3 reps

Box squats-
6 sets of 385 @ 4 reps

Front squats-
6 sets of 135 @ 12 reps
Sorry guys, took yesterday off. Have some personal shit I'm dealing with. Anyways, hit some arms tonight. Had a great pump tonight, pretty painful actually but those are the best ones right.

Rope push downs- 5 sets of 140 @ 12 reps

Reverse bar pushdowns- 5 sets of 130 @ 12 reps

Overhead extensions- 5 sets of 130 @ 9 reps

Skull crushers- 5 sets of 100 @ 12 reps

Cable curls- 5 sets of 140 @ 9 reps

Hammer curls- 5 sets with 45lb Dumbbells @ 12 reps

Preacher curls- 5 sets of 100 @ 10 reps

Incline dumbbell curl- 5 sets with 35lb @ 10 reps

Seated raise- 5 sets of 315 @ 15 reps

Standing- 5 sets of 345 @ 12 reps

Donkey calf- 5 sets of 320 @ 12 reps

The pump was insane in the calves, couldn't get many reps in

Strength really isn't up much but it's at a nice solid point. I look nice and full but my physique is already changing due to the powerlifting style that's for sure. But overall I feel great and if I had to give my opinion... The mix 4, tren, and adex are all doing their job. However, I've never ran deca before so don't quote me on the mix 4...
And sorry, I know this is a shit log. I figured when I started I would have more time to set aside to be more specific and provide more details. Unfortunately I've had a lot of shit going on, the stress is probably killing me in the gym too. Next log I do I will be sure to do a much better job
Worked on deadlifts tonight. I was shot already going into the gym but still put down some work for the small amount that I did. I think it's definitely an improvement from the last day of deadlift work. I need to start doing some other accessory lifts in addition, would probably help me pull a little more weight.

Sumo deadlifts-
5 sets warm up
5 sets of 455 @ 2 reps.
Last day I could only hit 1 rep sets

3 sets of 405 @ 2 reps

Deficit deads-
3 sets of 315 @ 5 reps
Did this to try and help my speed off the ground because right now it's shit.

Maybe I'm just being a little bitch today but after those sets I was done, legs were shaking and felt nauseous. Stuck with good form today and had some clean lifts. No grinders today. I'm happy with the little progress that I'm making. Trying to go a different approach and take my time instead of trying to PR every single day. I think it will help in the long run and possibly prevent some injuries in the future. I'm going to be adding in some injectable anadrol in the next week or so. Running at 50mg a day. I stopped running the tren yesterday due to the fact I'm broke and can't afford more tren. I'm going to a family reunion at the end of the month so I'm going to save what tren I have to blast it the last two weeks with the anadrol so I can look a beast