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Unfortunately I can't give you a dose on the dbol because the only dbol I have had was bunk. But from what I've read and heard, 30mg is plenty if its good dbol
Hey mate !just want to share that I been doing your workout routine !!
Specially squats and back ! Crazy way to hit those fibers ; now I'm sore as fuck..
Any ways how's everything ?
@Maktub Nice man, glad that's working out for you. Hopefully after I gain some more knowledge on powerlifting I can come up with some better routines eventually.

Not going to well right now brother, unfortunately lol. Pretty sure I have an abscess from pinning about a week ago. Going to end up going to the doctor in a couple days when I get back from vacation. Last day of the cycle today, going to be cruising on 250mg of test e per week now. Ended up hitting two out of the 3 goals for this cycle though. Finally got that 515 squat, wish it would let me post the video. Not sure if it was the angle or if I actually didn't hit parallel.


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@Maktub Nice man, glad that's working out for you. Hopefully after I gain some more knowledge on powerlifting I can come up with some better routines eventually.

Not going to well right now brother, unfortunately lol. Pretty sure I have an abscess from pinning about a week ago. Going to end up going to the doctor in a couple days when I get back from vacation. Last day of the cycle today, going to be cruising on 250mg of test e per week now. Ended up hitting two out of the 3 goals for this cycle though. Finally got that 515 squat, wish it would let me post the video. Not sure if it was the angle or if I actually didn't hit parallel.

Sorry to hear about the abscess. Impressive squat 515 WOW!! You can post a video, you just have to upload it to Vimeo or YT first, then link to it here. Make sure your face is blurred, but I'm sure you know that.
@Maktub Nice man, glad that's working out for you. Hopefully after I gain some more knowledge on powerlifting I can come up with some better routines eventually.

Not going to well right now brother, unfortunately lol. Pretty sure I have an abscess from pinning about a week ago. Going to end up going to the doctor in a couple days when I get back from vacation. Last day of the cycle today, going to be cruising on 250mg of test e per week now. Ended up hitting two out of the 3 goals for this cycle though. Finally got that 515 squat, wish it would let me post the video. Not sure if it was the angle or if I actually didn't hit parallel.
Now thats pushing some weight right their bro. That sucks man sorry to hear about your bad luck. Hopefully you can get it taken of an its speedy recovery.
Good job, and keep at it. As for the abscess, come clean with your doc about how you got it if he/she asks. Infections are no joke
Not real sure what happened. I think it has something to do with scar tissue. I know it's not the gear and I always keep everything clean. I pinned 3ml in glutes... 2 days later couldn't fucking bend over to put my socks on. Fluid built up in my glutes and moved to my back, was red but no heat and no fever. Started taking antibiotics and ibuprofen and it went down and now I'm left with this massive lump in my lower back... No swelling, just the lump. Been using a heating pad but doesn't really do much to make it go down