I gave you advice but your to busy justifying your past. I told you to come off everything and see how your body naturally responds.It's been close to two years since I've ran anything. And 7 cycles in 8 years and not all of them being aas probably 3 of them were short pro hormone cycles
what do you mean its not going to happen? Ive stopped for two years as stated above. and i said 6-7 cycles being on the higher side im not sure ive done 7, ive always been conservative (time/doses); about 3 of those cycles were just PH oral cycles less than 7 weeks. theres people on here that cycle 6 months out the year every year or that blast and cruise. Everything else checks out as far as sides go so im safe to say that i havent been reckless about using. If you dont have logical advice on the topic then just stay out of it it doesnt help anyone.
STOP TRYING TO FIX YOUR ISSUES WITH MORE DRUGS. Stop complaining about the size of your nuts unless you plan on not EVER cycling again. It’s not just about what dosage your using and how long your shut down for. That idealogy is what has gotten you in the position your in now!! There is no difference if you shut yourself down with seven 3 week Superdrol cycles or seven 12 week Test cycles at only 400mg wk or even by running seven Sarm cycles. SUPPRESSION IS SUPPRESSION no matter what caused it. Your endocrine system has been repeatedly shut down! What does the truth hurt? Now your acting surprised as if you didn’t know this was possible. What I gave you is solid advice and you want me to stfu because your not getting the answer you want? Lol, that’s the trend around here lately. Why are you complaining about this problem when you have no intention to stop running cycle’s?
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