NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Junior lol...I am gonna go out on a limb here and assume u haven't been doing this since 1991 lol. I have son.

This? Forums or steroids? Mid 90's on the former, late 90's on the latter with time off in between then and now for both.

Thanks for the reply..and I totally agree with what u said....he threatened to send hot packs. Not enough for permanent ban?

i said the same thing and feel the same way.

Yeah I was kinda thinking the same thing.

Don't feed the troll please. He'll start stalking you next.
This? Forums or steroids? Mid 90's on the former, late 90's on the latter with time off in between then and now for both.

i said the same thing and feel the same way.

Don't feed the troll please. He'll start stalking you next.
Steroids..not forums. Besides..they were " message" boards back then. Why all the time off?
Steroids..not forums. Besides..they were " message" boards back then. Why all the time off?

Ahh, true. i remember the very first one i ever found. What a clusterfuck that was. It had a chatroom type look to it. Couldn't remember the name if you paid me. Found my first source there. You've been around a long time, so the name RBB is probably familiar to you.

i took time off to fuck up my life with drugs and alcohol, then more time to rebuild it and move on to better things.

Despite all that i'm pushing 43 and have the drive and energy of people half my age, so i must be finally doing something right.
Ahh, true. i remember the very first one i ever found. What a clusterfuck that was. It had a chatroom type look to it. Couldn't remember the name if you paid me. Found my first source there. You've been around a long time, so the name RBB is probably familiar to you.

i took time off to fuck up my life with drugs and alcohol, then more time to rebuild it and move on to better things.

Despite all that i'm pushing 43 and have the drive and energy of people half my age, so i must be finally doing something right.
Russian Bodybuilder..yep. Been there with the drugs too.
I ordered 1 bottle from naps a year ago because I was I’ll-informed about their service by a buddy. After I found out the harsh truth about NAPS it was already to late.

My order was already placed and now I was forced to wait 6-8 weeks for my Dragon Pharma Dildo. I thought what will I do, how will i go on not knowing where order was at. Was it caught it in limbo? Was it on its way? Would I ever penetrate myself with their product? I came to the conclusion that I would never see my prize so I moved on to the next one. (Thanks Dave!)

7 weeks later…

I got an email. “Your order has shipped”!!

At last! My prize was on its way and I was on my road to self discovery and exploration. A few days later my pack landed. It was love at first site. It was so smooth and warm going in. No pip whatsoever

For what it’s worth their communication was okay. Their delivery time is terrible. 6-8 weeks. The product was actually decent though even though it looked like it was gonna be fake.

I purchased Dragon Pharma Test E 350

I did put in some gains but I’ll never order from them again. They said it would be 3-4 weeks and it ended up being about 8 but the product was legit. I honestly didnt think I was ever going to see it…

I give Dragon Pharana a g2g but not NAPS
Sounds like people who I’d trust with my personal information…. You’d honestly have to have an acquired brain injury or else be full-on retarded to even consider ordering from these scumbags.

Edit: to be clear, that quote is from Naps. It’s not me saying that. Please don’t ban me.

JFC! The fact that you felt that disclaimer was even necessary speaks volumes about where Meso currently stands.

For those that still don't get it, just look at the number of banned members in this thread.

And for the record, I've never had any issues with Naps or the quality of his products. I've always felt most of his haters were bandwagon jumpers. YMMV. But ffs, either let his haters post or stop pretending Meso is some bastion of free speech when it's obviously become just another source board.

And yes, @Millard, I saw your nag screen about this being an older thread and chose to reply anyway. If my "malicious compliance" results in more severe penalties, so be it! At least I'll go down standing by my convictions.

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JFC! The fact that you felt that disclaimer was even necessary speaks volumes about where Meso currently stands.

For those that still don't get it, just look at the number of banned members in this thread.

And for the record, I've never had any issues with Naps or the quality of his products. I've always felt most of his haters were bandwagon jumpers. YMMV. But ffs, either let his haters post or stop pretending Meso is some bastion of free speech when it's obviously become just another source board.
I just replied to your previous post in another thread. The same bears repeating here:

Member are actively encouraged to share their opinions, experiences, feedback, reviews, and criticism of sources and otherwise hold them accountable.

There are few restrictions when it comes to this e.g. no threats, no doxxing, no spam with cut/paste or porn. Even when members violate these restrictions, they are usually warned sometimes multiple times.

If members repeatedly and blatantly violate these restrictions even after warning them in detail about such restrictions, their continued participation can not be tolerated because it undermines the operation of the forum as whole.

Haters can post, as can anyone else, but within the guidelines set forth for their participation.

The banned members you referred to were banned for repeatedly and blatantly violating these restrictions, nothing more and nothing less. And yes, there were quite a few bandwagon jumpers who intentionally and repeatedly violating the restrictions too.
For those that still don't get it, just look at the number of banned members in this thread.

The unfortunately absent @MisterSuperGod is friends with most of the prominent banned members in this thread & here’s his take on their banning:

Millard doesn't police sources. If you want to take that thankless roll, have at it. This is an internet forum comprised of written text. It's up to each and every individual to put in the time to read and look out for themselves. Again, buyer beware.

If you've read the last 10 pages of this thread and still think that members were banned for shitting on Naps then you aren't very bright.
The banned members you referred to were banned for repeatedly and blatantly violating these restrictions, nothing more and nothing less. And yes, there were quite a few bandwagon jumpers who intentionally and repeatedly violating the restrictions too.
Exactly. They’ve openly boasted on other forums of deliberately violating Meso rules & pretty much wear their Meso bans as badges of honour.
The unfortunately absent @MisterSuperGod is friends with most of the prominent banned members in this thread & here’s his take on their banning:

Exactly. They’ve openly boasted on other forums of deliberately violating Meso rules & pretty much wear their Meso bans as badges of honour.
Hopefully MSG will be back...wondered where he went.
Exactly. They’ve openly boasted on other forums of deliberately violating Meso rules & pretty much wear their Meso bans as badges of honour.

This is untrue. I think those members share the same sentiments as @CensoredBoardsSuck

there were quite a few bandwagon jumpers who intentionally and repeatedly violating the restrictions too.

Absolutely there were. Maybe the perception was that if Naps can literally hire people to post fake reviews that maybe more than a few should jump on his ass. No casting judgement, just an objective read of the situation.

I'm addressing this to all the meso sources. The meso fuckguard has to be stopped. The names exposed. Addresses found and 10kg boxes of the cheapest gear sent to these fuck faced idiots to make them shut up forever.

This is why people thought it was unfair that members got permanent bans and Naps was able to continue on.
This is untrue.
No it isn’t. The clique even gave themselves the nickname “the Meso rejects” over in another forum & still revel in it today.

FWIW I totally agree that Naps should have been permabanned for the doxx threat against BBBG & was very disappointed that @Millard didn’t do so. No argument from me there.

But that doesn’t change or excuse their behaviour though. Alt accounts, trolling, bullying other members, repeatedly & blatantly breaking the rules & very publicly challenging Millard’s position of authority as owner-admin. You can’t continually insult, belittle, attack & bait the owner & then cry because he bans you - life just doesn’t work like that. You wouldn’t expect the owner of a bar, restaurant or retail shop to tolerate that, so why should it be any different on a forum?
[I brought some quotes over from the other thread]

Member are actively encouraged to share their opinions, experiences, feedback, reviews, and criticism of sources and otherwise hold them accountable.

There are few restrictions when it comes to this e.g. no threats, no doxxing, no spam with cut/paste or porn. Even when members violate these restrictions, they are usually warned sometimes multiple times.

If members repeatedly and blatantly violate these restrictions even after warning them in detail about such restrictions, their continued participation can not be tolerated because it undermines the operation of the forum as whole.

We've spoken quite a bit privately about the underground forum in the past and you had always stated that you were happy with how the forum was going. I've been absent from the forum for a long time so perhaps a change in member behavior has led to these changes. I don't know but I'm sure you can appreciate my concern with what appears to be a very heavy handed approach to the implementation of permanent bans.

You and I have always shared similar philosophies/positions on censorship so for now, at least, I'm inclined to defer to your judgement and take a wait and see approach.

Haters can post, as can anyone else, but within the guidelines set forth for their participation.
There are still limits. For example, these limits include real or imagined threats of violence, flooding the thread with unrelated or duplicate or pornographic content, etc, in order to make the thread unreadable i.e. "bury the thread". And now, racial/ethnic slurs, etc.

Is there a thread containing a list of what isn't permissible? If so, perhaps it would be helpful to pin it here. Simply stating in the header that the forum is uncensored isn't entirely accurate and the rules appear somewhat ambiguous and arbitrarily enforced/implemented, particularly when you announce the addition of new ones in other forums as shown below:

There are still limits. For example, these limits include real or imagined threats of violence, flooding the thread with unrelated or duplicate or pornographic content, etc, in order to make the thread unreadable i.e. "bury the thread". And now, racial/ethnic slurs, etc.

The unfortunately absent @MisterSuperGod is friends with most of the prominent banned members in this thread & here’s his take on their banning:

I get that but you have to understand that prior to you joining the forum in 2019, bans were exceedingly rare. Perhaps fewer than 6 per year, and only then for the most egregious offences.

With regard to this thread in particular, it is obvious that Naps' intent was to troll. He baited those banned members into reacting emotionally and they did. It was a garbage thread thread that provided nothing beneficial to Meso, and certainly not worthy of throwing away members who have contributed to Meso for years. I'd rather have seen the thread deleted than bans handed out.

At least, I am happy to hear you are not supportive of all free speech on MESO. We are in agreement that some speech should not be tolerated.

I wouldn't exactly agree with you there but that's a discussion for another time and place.

MESO has always exerted its independence in moderating the forum without external pressure, influence, or interference from sponsors who contribute financially to its operation .

MESO has never endorsed any of its sponsors. They receive absolutely no protections from member criticism, feedback, opinions, reviews, etc.

I don't question your integrity, Millard. You're as honest as they come, so I don't believe this unsightly mess (pinned source threads) was done for financial gain (although it certainly gives that impression) as much as it was due to a lack of aesthetic planning. The pinned section is so large, it interferes with how one views the forum. Bad feng shui.
We've spoken quite a bit privately about the underground forum in the past and you had always stated that you were happy with how the forum was going. I've been absent from the forum for a long time so perhaps a change in member behavior has led to these changes.
There was a time when most members used certain tactics in a very targeted manner to expose problematic sources. The issues were inevitably explicitly identified in order to hold the sources accountable. These tactics were largely limited to sources, reps, and shameless shills in the underground subforum.

Over time, it seemed the forum attracted more and more new members for who saw an opportunity to indiscriminately, both publicly and privately, attack, insult, harass, disparage, stalk, etc anyone who disagreed with them. This was not limited to sources and their sycophants. The overriding objective of harm minimization by holding sources accountable was lost to many. The goal of suppressing dissenting speech in every subforum via harassment and intimidation seemed to take priority.
I don't know but I'm sure you can appreciate my concern with what appears to be a very heavy handed approach to the implementation of permanent bans.
Of course. Unfortunately, it is very difficult if not impossible run a forum without compliance to the basic rules of conduct. There are few options other than permanent bans to deal with intentional, repeated, and blatant violations of the guidelines. If repeated warnings and explanations are unheeded, then such action is necessary.
Is there a thread containing a list of what isn't permissible? If so, perhaps it would be helpful to pin it here. Simply stating in the header that the forum is uncensored isn't entirely accurate and the rules appear somewhat ambiguous and arbitrarily enforced/implemented, particularly when you announce the addition of new ones in other forums as shown below:
Right now, there is just the boilerplate, e.g. no spam, no violence, no hateful conduct, etc. You may recall we had a list of about 7 or 8 simple rules that provided a little more specific guidance. But even that was insufficient since members/sources creatively try to violate the spirit of rules. I am working on a document with more specific guidance while avoiding the oppressive, legal-like policies of twitter, etc.

With regard to this thread in particular, it is obvious that Naps' intent was to troll. He baited those banned members into reacting emotionally and they did. It was a garbage thread thread that provided nothing beneficial to Meso, and certainly not worthy of throwing away members who have contributed to Meso for years. I'd rather have seen the thread deleted than bans handed out.

Agreed. Regarding this thread in particular, I had always encouraged ALL feedback regarding sources, both positive and negative. Additionally, photos of products have always been encouraged. I had even expressed support for the posting of 3rd party reviews - mainly to allow members to share bad reviews that briefly appeared on well-known source forums before they were deleted as well as reviews from websites like trustpilot, scamalert, etc. So, there were no violations at the time.

While this guidance was well-intended, it was clearly being exploited and abused.

In this thread, the third-party reviews posted by the source were all taken from the source's website (which hosted over 20k reviews collected over numerous years) where customers were incentivized with promises of up to $25 or even up to 40% discounts depending on the quality and thoroughness of the reviews.

Some members expressed their concern and respectfully worked with me to stop this. Other members took a different approach.

Ultimately, we decided to prohibit all sources from reposting any third-party reviews. There were some that suggested just banning fake reviews by sources but this would place the burden of proof on MESO. Others thought the ban should be only on reposting incentivized third-party reviews. But the easiest and probably best was just to stop sources from reposting any reviews at all.