NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

So all RobertBrownEye posts are fake reviews about speed of delivery, look of vials, but nothing about quality, purity, sterility...

Hmmm wonder why????
If this doesn't change your mind I don't know what to tell you then. Naps will store your address and send you a hot pack to send you to prison if they don't like what you git to say.
@Millard...I haven't been on the board in a bit and I know members vet the sources but how on earth is this source possibly allowed to remain here? I don't care about the gear one way or another. Nor could I comprehend why anyone would use Naps at this point in the game as I have been at this 20 plus years and they were scamming as far back as I remember hearing their name. Whatever. But here u have a source who openly threatens to send law enforcement after ur members. Is this shit for real? If this isn't enough sir..what exactly does it take? Honest question.
@Millard...I haven't been on the board in a bit and I know members vet the sources but how on earth is this source possibly allowed to remain here? I don't care about the gear one way or another. Nor could I comprehend why anyone would use Naps at this point in the game as I have been at this 20 plus years and they were scamming as far back as I remember hearing their name. Whatever. But here u have a source who openly threatens to send law enforcement after ur members. Is this shit for real? If this isn't enough sir..what exactly does it take? Honest question.
Good job bumping this thread after finally fucking off from the first page.

Go over to the Naps sucks thread.
@Millard...I haven't been on the board in a bit and I know members vet the sources but how on earth is this source possibly allowed to remain here? I don't care about the gear one way or another. Nor could I comprehend why anyone would use Naps at this point in the game as I have been at this 20 plus years and they were scamming as far back as I remember hearing their name. Whatever. But here u have a source who openly threatens to send law enforcement after ur members. Is this shit for real? If this isn't enough sir..what exactly does it take? Honest question.

Because Millard isn't a babysitter to a group of grown men (and a few women) that should be reading (this is a forum after all) and making thier own decisions.

Buyer beware is the name of the game.
No one should have to protect stupid people from themselves.
Because Millard isn't a babysitter to a group of grown men (and a few women) that should be reading (this is a forum after all) and making thier own decisions.

Buyer beware is the name of the game.
No one should have to protect stupid people from themselves.
Um..I don't think I insinuated he "babysit" anyone and not sure where the attitude came from.. People have been banned from this forum for speaking against Naps as I recently found out on another forum. If they can..then ANYONE who fucking threatens LE for Christ's sake should be as well. It's not about making an informed decision for a bunch of noobs about a source. I could care less about that. Maybe ur just ok with that kind of shit. I'm not. ..u clearly think it's OK. I don't agree I couldn't possibly care less than I do at this moment that u do or dont. He is a security risk. And thank u so much for letting me know what isn't Millards job as he profits. Sounds like ur kissing a little ass to me. I won't check the thread again. It's all yours big boy.
Because Millard isn't a babysitter to a group of grown men (and a few women) that should be reading (this is a forum after all) and making thier own decisions.

Buyer beware is the name of the game.
No one should have to protect stupid people from themselves.
What a big hypocrite..... and if you don't like what someone says, you are the first person to go crying to get them banned!

You gotta be a politician, your word always changes!
But here u have a source who openly threatens to send law enforcement after ur members. Is this shit for real? If this isn't enough sir..what exactly does it take? Honest question.
A permanent ban has generally been reserved for members who blatantly, repeatedly, and/or intentionally violating the forum rules, personally attack mods/admins, or otherwise seek to undermine the website.

So basically members are temporarily banned for most rules violations and told not to do it again. If they keep doing it again and again, then they're gone.

I don't disagree that MESO has been too tolerant of way too many behaviors. Some things may very well deserve a permanent ban for the first violation.

Actions that we've tolerated with temporary bans involve the category of violence - threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members, direct/indirect/hypothetical, as promotion/encouragement of self-harm. Notifying law enforcement after send contraband to an unsuspecting recipient should be in the same category. Any other behaviors?

Of course, the issuing of permanent bans across these categories would apply to everyone. Apparently some people feel overly entitled for whatever reason and don't think the rules should apply to them. But they would.
People have been banned from this forum for speaking against Naps as I recently found out on another forum.
No. No one has been banned for speaking out against, criticizing, insulting, posting negative reviews, etc. regarding a source. This has not only been going on for years, and explicitly allowed, it continues to this day without consequence..

Do you know what will get you banned?

Violating the forum rules and guidelines, blatantly and repeatedly, even after numerous explanations of the rules, personally attacking and/or undermining the enforcement of those rules, and/or maliciously undermining the website.
Um..I don't think I insinuated he "babysit" anyone and not sure where the attitude came from.. People have been banned from this forum for speaking against Naps as I recently found out on another forum. If they can..then ANYONE who fucking threatens LE for Christ's sake should be as well. It's not about making an informed decision for a bunch of noobs about a source. I could care less about that. Maybe ur just ok with that kind of shit. I'm not. ..u clearly think it's OK. I don't agree I couldn't possibly care less than I do at this moment that u do or dont. He is a security risk. And thank u so much for letting me know what isn't Millards job as he profits. Sounds like ur kissing a little ass to me. I won't check the thread again. It's all yours big boy.

Trying to interpret mood through written text is a tough one. i assure you there was no attitude. i was telling you like it is.

Millard doesn't police sources. If you want to take that thankless roll, have at it. This is an internet forum comprised of written text. It's up to each and every individual to put in the time to read and look out for themselves. Again, buyer beware.

If you've read the last 10 pages of this thread and still think that members were banned for shitting on Naps then you aren't very bright.

The rest of your rant isn't worth responding to. Trust me, junior. i've been called way worse by way better.
A permanent ban has generally been reserved for members who blatantly, repeatedly, and/or intentionally violating the forum rules, personally attack mods/admins, or otherwise seek to undermine the website.

So basically members are temporarily banned for most rules violations and told not to do it again. If they keep doing it again and again, then they're gone.

I don't disagree that MESO has been too tolerant of way too many behaviors. Some things may very well deserve a permanent ban for the first violation.

Actions that we've tolerated with temporary bans involve the category of violence - threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members, direct/indirect/hypothetical, as promotion/encouragement of self-harm. Notifying law enforcement after send contraband to an unsuspecting recipient should be in the same category. Any other behaviors?

Of course, the issuing of permanent bans across these categories would apply to everyone. Apparently some people feel overly entitled for whatever reason and don't think the rules should apply to them. But they would.
I always wanted to throw the idea out there that any member constantly attacks and stalks another member, completely unprovoked, should be warned and temp banned if it continues. I stood up to one long term member 2.5 years ago once, and up until he was banned for something else he would follow me around in other threads and continually stalk me. It made me take a break from here as it wasn't right it was allowed to continue and I was tired of it. I shouldn't have to put someone like that on ignore, especially one who told someone to suck the end of a shotgun and nothing happened.

Back to hopefully letting this thread die again.
I always wanted to throw the idea out there that any member constantly attacks and stalks another member, completely unprovoked, should be warned and temp
It's text. Come on. Were you in fear for you life? Just stand up for yourself, and the cowards usually buzz off after a few attempts.

banned if it continues. I stood up to one long term member 2.5 years ago once, and up until he was banned for something else he would follow me around in other threads and continually stalk me. It made me take a break from here as it wasn't right it was allowed to continue and I was tired of it. I shouldn't have to put someone like that on ignore, especially one who told someone to suck the end of a shotgun and nothing happened.

Back to hopefully letting this thread die again.
The only thing I found annoying about Napster was/is, he posted useless ad's every 5 hours. I put him on ignore, but then everyone still responds.

It would be nice if you could ignore whole threads, along with members.
Trying to interpret mood through written text is a tough one. i assure you there was no attitude. i was telling you like it is.

Millard doesn't police sources. If you want to take that thankless roll, have at it. This is an internet forum comprised of written text. It's up to each and every individual to put in the time to read and look out for themselves. Again, buyer beware.

If you've read the last 10 pages of this thread and still think that members were banned for shitting on Naps then you aren't very bright.

The rest of your rant isn't worth responding to. Trust me, junior. i've been called way worse by way better.
Junior lol...I am gonna go out on a limb here and assume u haven't been doing this since 1991 lol. I have son.
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A permanent ban has generally been reserved for members who blatantly, repeatedly, and/or intentionally violating the forum rules, personally attack mods/admins, or otherwise seek to undermine the website.

So basically members are temporarily banned for most rules violations and told not to do it again. If they keep doing it again and again, then they're gone.

I don't disagree that MESO has been too tolerant of way too many behaviors. Some things may very well deserve a permanent ban for the first violation.

Actions that we've tolerated with temporary bans involve the category of violence - threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members, direct/indirect/hypothetical, as promotion/encouragement of self-harm. Notifying law enforcement after send contraband to an unsuspecting recipient should be in the same category. Any other behaviors?

Of course, the issuing of permanent bans across these categories would apply to everyone. Apparently some people feel overly entitled for whatever reason and don't think the rules should apply to them. But they would.
Thanks for the reply..and I totally agree with what u said....he threatened to send hot packs. Not enough for permanent ban?
No. No one has been banned for speaking out against, criticizing, insulting, posting negative reviews, etc. regarding a source. This has not only been going on for years, and explicitly allowed, it continues to this day without consequence..

Do you know what will get you banned?

Violating the forum rules and guidelines, blatantly and repeatedly, even after numerous explanations of the rules, personally attacking and/or undermining the enforcement of those rules, and/or maliciously undermining the website.
That's interesting because a few of ur banned members are on another forum after being banned here for discussion in this thread, accordingto them. I went back to look at their posts. Guess they are deleted because they didn't violate anything u have as banning criteria from what's available to read. Maybe their posts are gone to be fair which if they violated ur rules they should be. Just not visible to me. I do appreciate the response.
That's interesting because a few of ur banned members are on another forum after being banned here for discussion in this thread, accordingto them. I went back to look at their posts. Guess they are deleted because they didn't violate anything u have as banning criteria from what's available to read. Maybe their posts are gone to be fair which if they violated ur rules they should be. Just not visible to me. I do appreciate the response.
Their posts have not been deleted. And yes, they did violate the rules. I should know.

Their claims are obviously and demonstrably false. Anyone who is capable of reading any thread about the source in question knows that members have always been free to share their opinion and experience.
Their posts have not been deleted. And yes, they did violate the rules. I should know.

Their claims are obviously and demonstrably false. Anyone who is capable of reading any thread about the source in question knows that members have always been free to share their opinion and experience.
Fair enough, thanks for replying.