What orals affect the liver the least?

TBol, Var, DBol are less hepatixic than others, but are far from “safe.”

My clinic had injectable Winny. That still metabolizes in the liver somehow. Someone smarter than me can explain.
All 17aa AAS are metabolized by the liver (yes some research suggests oxandrolone metabolized by kidney). Hence you will notice elevation in LFTs with 17aa AAS. Extent of damage is a function of AUC (area under curve) for chronic dosing.

Injecting 17aa AAS IM and or administering them buccally may offer a slight advantage via dilution (not sending the 17 aa AAS exclusively through the portal vein on first pass).

This is probably a negligible advantage based on total blood flow to the liver vs that fed from portal.
Proviron safest oral (since its not 17α-Alkylated)

but using tabs sublingually is a way to reduce some hepatoxicity since it avoids first pass metabolism by the liver. As bonus on top you get more bioavailability.
What orals affect the liver the least?

And do inj orals affect the liver less than oral versions?
As far as hepatotoxicity due solely to drug metabolism, var is probably your best bet since it's metabolized mostly by kidneys. Drugs administered intramuscular bypass first-pass liver metabolism, as well as having a better bioavailability typically, and usually offer some relief from digestion/GI tract issues stemming from oral use.
They deliver this to you at the clinic or they actually have a pharmacy send it to you?

I can't imagine any reputable compounder making this since there was never an FDA approved injectable stanozolol available.

2 mg tabs by Lundbeck.
Mounjaro was not approved by the FDA for a long time, but it was still being prescribed and manufactured by a reputable pharmaceutical company Lilly. Only difference is insurance doesn't cover drugs not approved by the FDA. Which is also common at vitality or health clinics. Most don't accept insurance period.
Mounjaro was not approved by the FDA for a long time, but it was still being prescribed and manufactured by a reputable pharmaceutical company Lilly. Only difference is insurance doesn't cover drugs not approved by the FDA. Which is also common at vitality or health clinics. Most don't accept insurance period.
Some of your points here are true....

Let us see what OP comes back with on my question.

My guess: the "clinic" in question is a "fam" affiliate (as @BigTomJ suggests). My recollection of anecdotes shared indicate they offer "pharma" products out of their office which is a huge red flag if you are going the legal route and looking for legitimate pharmaceutical products. Of course to me the line between ugl and some compounders gets blurrier by the day.

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Proviron safest oral (since its not 17α-Alkylated)

but using tabs sublingually is a way to reduce some hepatoxicity since it avoids first pass metabolism by the liver. As bonus on top you get more bioavailability.
Proviron is a shit anabolic, it doesn't count.

TBol, Var, DBol are less hepatixic than others, but are far from “safe.”

My clinic had injectable Winny. That still metabolizes in the liver somehow. Someone smarter than me can explain.
Anadrol is not as toxic as people think it is

Nice overview. So much for oxandrolone being extensively metabolized in the kidney and all that other BS you read.

50 mg/day of oxandrolone for 4 weeks put my ALT twice the upper reference limit. Very repeatable. End of the world? No. But you don't want to stay there long. Just like lipids.

Swallowing the oxandrolone vs buccal troche makes no difference based on my bloodwork in contrast to the theoretical small advantage of buccal admin presented above in the thread.
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Mounjaro was not approved by the FDA for a long time, but it was still being prescribed and manufactured by a reputable pharmaceutical company Lilly. Only difference is insurance doesn't cover drugs not approved by the FDA. Which is also common at vitality or health clinics. Most don't accept insurance period.
What? Mounjaro was approved in mid 2022. Are you thinking of the weight loss approval?