Flu shot, yes or no?

I have not had the flu shot in over 15 years, and guess what? I have not had the flu in 15 years!! Every damn year I got that stupid shot I ended up catching the flu, I quit getting the stupid thing and Walah!! No flu!! I think the flu shot is a nothing but a scare tactic by the medical industry to capitalize every year. I think in all reality the flu shot is bullshit!!
I'm also not getting the shot anymore. These people can take their mercury and whatever they put in there and inject it into their eyeballs.
So many posters here are also supplementing with Vitamin D - in some cases at levels that would stop the Bubonic Plague! - that the shot may not be necessary anyway. IMHO, of course.
So many posters here are also supplementing with Vitamin D - in some cases at levels that would stop the Bubonic Plague! - that the shot may not be necessary anyway. IMHO, of course.

I don't know if taking D makes getting a flu impossible. But I'll also take more D during the winter.
If you are healthy and in the prime of your life a case of the flu isnt gonna do more than lay you up for a week or so unless it is a very virulant strain. BUT, if you arent, you could fare much worse. Smokers and older people have a MUCH greater chance of developing complications such as pnemonia. The worst that the shot will do is give you mild flu like Sx for a day or two as your body builds antibodies the the virus strain.
Flu viruses mutate very rapidly. The WHO makes an educated guess at which virus will predominate in the world population and aims the vaccine at this strain. Not possible to protect against all the possibilities as it isnt possible vaccinate against the common cold virus.
You dont have to look back in history very far to find flu epidemics that have killed millions.
So you eat the poision that the food industry pushes down your throats without complaint but something which has enormous potential benefit you pick apart with senseless arguments.
Go figger.
I heard that the flu vaccines contain monkey DNA or something like that. Or that they also have tumor viruses. Imagine if this is true. :eek:
I'm 45 year old ex-smoker and have been sidelined in my training due to injuries and surgeries over the past three years. I'm not going to be sidelined by a stupid and preventable case of the flu. I'll get the flu shot just like I have the past two years. I doubt that any miniscule amounts of aluminum are going to cause me more harm than a) 29 years of pack a day or more smoking, and b) living in a city with car, coal burning and ship pollution all around me.
I'm 45 year old ex-smoker and have been sidelined in my training due to injuries and surgeries over the past three years. I'm not going to be sidelined by a stupid and preventable case of the flu. I'll get the flu shot just like I have the past two years. I doubt that any miniscule amounts of aluminum are going to cause me more harm than a) 29 years of pack a day or more smoking, and b) living in a city with car, coal burning and ship pollution all around me.

The amount of mercury and aluminum is a lot higher that most people believe it is and has terrible effects on the neurons of the brain. Combine that with the heavy metals from chemtrails, heavy factory pollutants, everything that you eat and drink, smoking, sodium fluoride in toothpaste and mouthwashes and all the other factors you have mentioned and then think about it again! ;)