Is World Pharma Legit?

Oh, and Millard, I apologize, but I think that when someone makes disparaging remarks about someone else, then they should back them up.

If this guy whoops me ( unlikely, but you never know....I was training w/ a 260lb powerlifter lifter before, I had a front guillotine sunk in and the guy literally just stood up and I was airborn.....caught him w/ a rear naked, however) I will shake his hand.
I was 202 in that pic. I qualified for nationals, beating a guy who placed 7th at NPC nationals. I deadlifted 600 4 weeks out, and squated 315 lbs rock bottom for 20 reps. I was also doing lat pulldowns w/ 300 lbs for 12 reps.

What I don't understand is how a fat, stupid fuck like you is in any position to criticize anyone.

So now I see you are a tough guy. Tell you what, why don't we arrange a meeting and I can show you just how "small" I am. After I beat your face in and choke you out till you shit your pants I promise not to kill you.

I live in Houston Texas, btw. There are several dojos I train at that will allow the fight.

Like I said I've had this conversation enough times to do it in my sleep. This alway turns into a dick measuring contest, I win by not even unzipping my pants. You want to kick my ass because of how I spend my money? Yup you are short , huh cowboy. I bet you have a big ass truck and beat the ol' lady's ass whenever the Cowboys lose too.
OK now focus here, h a v e y o u e v e r t r i e d W P g e a r ? Slow enough for you hick? Because if the answer is no then you are talking out of your ass and if the answer is yes then you are a liar.

The tough guy shit works on the kids here, not me. Fucking dojo, give me a break.
Could you possibly be any smaller? Is that you in that avi? What are you like 5'5'' 165 soaking wet? Yeah $ 45 is doing you well.
Fuck you. WP and the fucking shills pushing them are garbage people. I can do this shit in my sleep too motherfucker.
I don't have a truck, I have a luxury sedan and a sports car. Never laid a hand on my wife, and the SF 49rs are my team (lived there for 10 years....also lived in NY where I earned my PhD). I am anything but a hick. And Houston is a major city w/ more than 4 million residents.

Seriously, the more you post the more idiotic you become. And don't PM me anymore, although in the last one you sent you admitted that WP sent you here.
I've had this discussion so many times I can do it in my sleep. Have you ever tried their products?

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Thanks for stopping by but clearly you came here with an objective. World Pharma is a scammer just google it. Its time for somebody to start a world pharma scammer website and drive it up the search engines Im tired of dealing with the WP pimps that they send free gear and ask them to go from board to board. Its time to get rid of this scammer.
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You won't answer the question about trying the gear so I'm going to take that as a no. How can you even comment on something you haven't tried? All you want to do is be the tough guy. I was not sent here, like I told you it was an invitation, there are lots of members here, try putting that Phd to use.
Thread title is "Is World Pharma Legit" and the answer is yes. No one can deny that. I have had dozens of orders from his shop, on time, accurate and always good products. Every time I order I try working a deal with him and he does me right. What everyone here forgets is he is an online pharmacy not just an ugl cooking up Chinese powder in some kitchen. If you don't like what the prices are then don't buy, sounds pretty simple to me.
Fuck you. WP and the fucking shills pushing them are garbage people. I can do this shit in my sleep too motherfucker.

I'm not pushing anything, I don't care what you or any one else buys. I simply said they are legit. Please tell us of your experience in reference to this pharmacy.
I'm not pushing anything, I don't care what you or any one else buys. I simply said they are legit. Please tell us of your experience in reference to this pharmacy.

Our experience is years and years of then scamming, making false claims about HG gear, threatening to send hot packs into US customs to silence critics. I don't care what's in the vial at that point. Plenty of sources that won't pull that kind of shit.
Our experience is years and years of then scamming, making false claims about HG gear, threatening to send hot packs into US customs to silence critics. I don't care what's in the vial at that point. Plenty of sources that won't pull that kind of shit.

I know that there are two sides to every coin. I can only speak of my experience and it has been good. Honestly that is the reason I'm posting here. We all know that there aren't HG grades of some compounds as they aren't even approved for human use, it seems like that arguement isn't worth having IMO. I have both criticized and supported this source at many times over the years and never been threatened in any way, just my experience with them speaking. I have had customs issues (who hasn't) and been reshipped until TD happens, no questions asked. I always recieve good customer service even though there is a language barrier and they are half way around the world. Again my just my experience here.
I have seen this company make improvements over the years and I have to admit at first they had a ton of hiccups with delivery, I don't see this as much. I would like to see them work on their prices, but I don't think we can force any business to do this. Every source has it's good points and bad points it's the nature of the beast, Naps is a perfect example.
I think sharing information on these boards, good or bad, is a good thing for all bros in the end. We all have a common interest in the lifestyle we love. Thank you for being respectful with me in regards to this. And to those I've argued with here in the past 24hrs, please accept my apology. I am no different than you all and I am no less passionate about my knowledge. I am here to learn and share as well and I think that the OP has gotten a great amount of info to digest. Because in the end it really is his choice. Much respect to all here-TG
I'm a newbie and have spent a great deal of time researching various boards over the past couple of months. The universal opinion seems to be that World Pharma is NOT legit based on the boards.
Why don't you two post those results....

Actually don't bother photoshop is too easy

Here are my labs while on AP cyp and labs of other gear I've tested.. I ordered these from him w/o him knowing I was going to get blood work.
I will not argue about what others say about him, all I know is the gear I've received from him has all been stellar. I'm a mod at ironmag and there are plenty of complaints about price, but I've never seen any complaints about bad gear or scamming.
I have no stake in this, just sharing my experience and my blood work, which you can see was posted a long time ago and not created for this thread.
I don't post here often as I know most don't like WP, but I have ran quite a bit of gear and have always had great results with WP prods. Never have I ran into bunk or improperly doses prods. Yeah the prices are steep, but from my dealings with him have always provided me with a deal that is maybe $70-80 from the total I would pay for a ugl stack. Everyone has their opinions, we all just need to respect instead of head hunt. IMHO.
Thread dated 5/6/12, I remember this and still follow your forum to this day.
You are a well respected veteran on many boards, I even saw OrDawg's name in that thread as well. He is the leading authority on gear in my book and has tested more on mass spec then most will ever run in their life time.

You are 100% correct the complaints are only about price as far as I've seen. WP has been in busines for too long to be a scammer. No scammers last any where, we out them very fast. Thanks for the post.
I can easily verify that WP prods are gtg.I see complaints about the price but never about the quality or service.I have tested many of his oils and orals and use them on a regualr basis.I am anything but a noob on these boards-but do not post on this board.I am quite sure many of you know me from other boards.When you order from WP you are receiving top notch properly dosed products PERIOD.The OP asked for honest opinions and there you have it.Not here for a pissing contest as I am too damn old for that.Hope this helps the OP and others in making a wise decision-Thanks-ordawg1 ( MC-IM-ASF boards plus others)
Here are my labs while on AP cyp and labs of other gear I've tested.. I ordered these from him w/o him knowing I was going to get blood work.
I will not argue about what others say about him, all I know is the gear I've received from him has all been stellar. I'm a mod at ironmag and there are plenty of complaints about price, but I've never seen any complaints about bad gear or scamming. I have no stake in this, just sharing my experience and my blood work, which you can see was posted a long time ago and not created for this thread.

Really well let me give you just a few links.

World Pharma is Well known for Selling Fake Steroids

fake British Dragon!... World Pharma IS A RAT

Scammed by
Thread dated 5/6/12, I remember this and still follow your forum to this day.
You are a well respected veteran on many boards, I even saw OrDawg's name in that thread as well. He is the leading authority on gear in my book and has tested more on mass spec then most will ever run in their life time.

You are 100% correct the complaints are only about price as far as I've seen. WP has been in busines for too long to be a scammer. No scammers last any where, we out them very fast. Thanks for the post.

You are incorrect I posted 4 links below in those 4 links there are hundreds of posts complaining about WP being a scammer. Now I will tell you my only reason for posting in this thread...... World Pharma scammed me also!

Now I see all of these guys coming over came from IMF and you are all WP pushers over there hence Im sure heavyiron ran over and asked you to support WP.... of course you know the truth. heavyiron used to be a knowlegable and helpful moderator who has been reduced to a source pushing pupet with no credibilty.
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Hello all. I want to apologize for calling Tommy out. He has PMed me and, quite frankly he was mature and respectful, while I have been acting like a 12 year old.

I was wrong to want to fight just because he said I was small. I come from a tradition where disputes are settled on the mat/in the ring, however that sort of behavior is wrong just because someone said something I did not like on a BB forum. The last challenge fight I took (10 years ago) was a guy who said that Japanese arts were better than any other,. He was a Black B in Judo and Karate....he was also 240 lbs. While I hold a Black Belt in Japanese JJ, my training is mostly in Western arts, BJJ, wrestling, and boxing although I did do Kyokushin Karate and Muay Thai. We settled things on the mat. Having said that, it is pretty weak sauce of me to call out someone who probably does not have years of MA training.

So Tommy, I appreciate that you were man enough to be the adult here. I apologize for my behavior and welcome you on the board. We may disagree about WP. but I like you as a person.
I have no reason to argue against those, nor do I want to. I'm merely sharing my experience w his prods.

Yes however you said in your post and I quote "I've never seen any complaints about bad gear or scamming."

Now you have.......
You are incorrect I posted 4 links below in those 4 links there are hundreds of posts complaining about WP being a scammer. Now I will tell you my only reason for posting in this thread...... World Pharma scammed me also!

Now I see all of these guys coming over came from IMF and you are all WP pushers over there hence Im sure heavyiron ran over and asked you to support WP.... of course you know the truth. heavyiron used to be a knowlegable and helpful moderator who has been reduced to a source pushing pupet with no credibilty.

Heavy iron has never once asked me to support a particular sponsor. I don't push WP, in fact I've made plenty of complaints about him. But in fairness my blood work indicates his gear is legit.