
  1. M

    Eq vs primo for cutting

    This is probably been talked about but I always like to hear other people opinions
  2. Wrangel7

    What are acceptable serum concentration of Deca and EQ for PCT?

    I'm coming off a major blast of nandrolone decanoate and boldenone undecylenate and sustanon. Sustanon is simpler as you can simply plot out the serum concentration of the longest ester of exogenous testosterone and when it reaches below about 100 ng/dl of exogenous testosterone then PCT is...
  3. J

    PIP in GSO vs MCT combining

    I get some PIP from MCT oil. It’s not terrible, but I get like a little ball or bump at the injection site and it hurts a little bit. This doesn’t happen with GSO. And in fact, when I combine my MCT Test with just half a mL of GSO EQ, it gets rid of the PIP. Anyone else have this experience? At...
  4. S

    Bulk and Relatively Hair safe Cycle

    Stats: 5’ 10” 190lbs 13-15% body fat 20 week cycle [Axel Labs] Test E 600mg [1-20 weeks] [Axel Labs] EQ 600mg [1-20 weeks] [Cat Cafe / Axel Labs] NPP 150mg [1-20 weeks] [Cat Cafe / Axel Labs] HGH 3ius daily 5on 2off [6 months] [Axel Labs] Humalog 2-4ius [1-5 weeks] [11-15 weeks] [Amino Asylum]...
  5. M

    Test Eq blend, no BA or BB to work with

    Got a bit of a situation, I have a good amount of Test E oil brewed at 250 mg/mL, 2% BA, 20% BB. and I also got some raw EQ but no Benzyl Benzoate or Benzyl Alcohol to brew the EQ right now. Thinking of an "emergency" blend using the Test E oil I've got. Math-wise, if I were to take 10 mL of...
  6. C

    Test/deca/eq Ratios

    Any suggestions for the best ratio between test/deca/eq I'm planning something along the lines of 500/250/500 test/deca/eq 20-24 weeks was thinking of kickstarting with 200mg Npp for 5 weeks. Anyone got experience with this combination.
  7. musclesiege

    Clean Bulk Cycle Log Test, EQ, Var

    Meso, Just keeping a log of my next clean bulk blast. For this one I decided to run 450 Test cyp, 400 EQ, and later in the cycle 50-75mg of Var for last 6-8 weeks. Last blast was 14 weeks from Feb-May where I did 500mg test for the blast and added 25-50mg of var the last 8 weeks. That was my...
  8. devin1218

    Hgh for trade

    Hey guys, I recently placed an order of 5 kits of the qsc hgh. I've only had it for about 1 week but i know it isn't for me! I had tried mk677 and all the different secretagogues and they all seem to make me retain too much water and give me Hella numb tingly hands, so I went ahead and ordered...
  9. AndKratos

    2nd Cycle Log

    I am prescribed testosterone. , but I loved my first cycle, so I am running my second cycle, the goal is just pretty much some size and strength, and some density. I'm not hoping for anything amazing on the doses I've chosen. I'm still learning and researching as much as I can, and I think I'd...
  10. FortyFiveLbs

    Test/EQ/NPP Cycle

    Gearing up for my next massing cycle, aiming for 16 weeks running the following (per week): 650 Test E 300 Bold Cyp 300 NPP 2 iu GH/day (carrying this over from my cruise atm - running it alongside 150 Test E/week) Starting the Bold Cyp low as it's my first time running it, NPP is mint for...
  11. H

    Evidence of Renal Toxicity and Ineffectiveness of EQ: Boldenone Undecylenate

    Vigorous Steve recently mentioned this article in his podcast, but I had deleted the article already on original website. I am posting it here for this community instead, thank you and be safe - HL View: https://youtu.be/Voth80ASIG8?t=2688 Shout out to Vigorous Steve for mentioning this...
  12. Coop94

    New cycle? Test / NPP / EQ

    Hey guys, Planning out my upcoming cycle with some new compounds in looking to try this off season. Ran test, dbol, tbol in the past however I’m looking to stray away from the orals this round about and add some milder compounds. So I currently mapped out 500 test 300 NPP and 600 EQ. Does...
  13. Coop94

    Test / NPP / EQ

  14. B

    EQ - the way to go vascular?

    Greetings Meso brothers, So I’d like to pick your brains about a complementary compound to add to my next cycle to start off 2022 with style and transform my physique nicely in time for summer. Stats: -207 lbs (94 kg) -bf% relatively lean (see pic) -6’1” -23 y/o -number of cycles: something...
  15. Zro5696

    Cut cycle help

    So I’m an intermediate to advanced gear user and I’m wondering about if I need to take any kind of AI at all I got just about every one you can think of. But my cycle so far looks like this Test E 500mg EW 2X 250mg Monday/Thursday Mast E 400mg EW 2X 200mg Monday/Thursday Anavar 50mg ED Weeks...
  16. CooSee

    deca versus equipoise

    Hey folks, does anyone have some educated thoughts on Deca vs. Equipoise as a substance to compliment testosterone during a cycle? Goal is to build mass. I'd like to keep T no higher than around 600mg/week (where I have it now). I've added 200mg per week of Deca because I'd like to get to...
  17. J

    Winter Dry(ish) Bulk

    Hey guys, I'm a new member hoping to get some advice on the bulk I'm planning to run starting in December (I will be posting a cycle log). For context, I'm 6'3" 240lbs at about 12% BF. I trained naturally until I turned 30, then I started TRT (200mg/week). I trained on TRT for a few months...
  18. AnabolicLab.com

    ParaPharma Boldo 300 - HPLC/TAMC/TYMC - 2019-10 - SIMEC via AnabolicLab.com

    ParaPharma Boldo 300 was determined to have an actual content of 270 mg/ml boldenone undecylenate compared to a label claim of 300 mg/ml. No microbiological contamination was detected. Steroid analytics courtesy of AnabolicLab.com: ParaPharma Boldo 300 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab...
  19. AnabolicLab.com

    Hilma Biocare Boldenone Undecylenate - HPLC/TAMC/TYMC - 2019-03 - SIMEC via AnabolicLab.com

    Hilma Biocare Boldenone Undecylenate was determined to have an actual content of 232 mg/ml boldenone undecylenate compared to a label claim of 250 mg/ml. No microbiological contamination was detected. No yeast or mold contamination was detected. Steroid analytics courtesy of AnabolicLab.com...
  20. Storm

    “TEST, EQ - 16 week cycle. Experienced EQ users please?

    Cruising for past 13 weeks after a 12 week test, mast cycle. Also on low dose HGH and Frag. Starting a new cycle. Never used EQ. I know some people swear by Deca but after a lot of research I want to give this compound a try. 49 years old, 5’6” 165lbs 14% Bf Nutrition on point for me. (...
  21. AnabolicLab.com

    Valkyrie Pharmaceutical Mix B 400 - HPLC/TAMC/TYMC - 2018-07 - SIMEC via AnabolicLab.com

    Valkyrie Pharmaceutical Mix B 400 was determined to have an actual content of 186.8 mg/ml testosterone cypionate and 174.4 mg/ml boldenone undecylenate compared to a label claim of 200mg/ml and 200 mg/ml, respectively. No microbiological contamination was detected. Steroid analytics courtesy...
  22. K

    EQ blend?

    I don’t know if this is even possible but has anybody tried making a blend with equipoise undec, cyp, and ace? Like maybe a 150,100,50 blend? I’ve seen undec and cyp mixed. Just wondering cause I know bold ace is crazy painful
  23. AnabolicLab.com

    SIS Labs EqTest 400 - HPLC/TAMC/TYMC - 2018-03 - SIMEC via AnabolicLab.com

    SIS Laboratories EqTest 400 was determined to have an actual content of 156.4 mg/ml boldenone undecylenate and 192.4 mg/ml testosterone enanthate compared to a label claim of 200 mg/ml boldenone undecylenate and 200 mg/ml testosterone enanthate. No microbiological contamination was detected...
  24. T-Diddy

    Upcoming Cycle Thoughts/Input

    My coach has me on the following plan for the next 8 weeks. Wondering all your opinions/input and/or potential tweaking of it of what you have learned with the compounds (notably all new compounds for myself minus the Winny): sust 250 250mg m/w/f winny 50 50 mg daily anadrol 50 50 mg...
  25. D

    Running sustanon 250 once a week + eq 250 mg

    so they guy that im buying from told me the cycle i was planning on doing was wrong and it was too much which was: Week 1-12 Test e 500mg a week (250mg shots) Sunday morning Wednesday night (250mg each day) week 1-14 aromasin 12.5g EOD I start pct two weeks after last test shot week 14...