
  1. Training till failure

    Ventolin (Salbutamol) inhaler to combat tren cough?

    Asking out of pure curiosity and just to learn more. Couldn't you use ventolin (salbutamol) inhaler if you started to get tren cough at 100mcg to be able to breath properly? Only ever saw one person mention this and think it makes for a good conversation to learn more.
  2. BuildABro

    My experience with Tren-Hex (Parabolan)

    I have never taken Ace or E, so I have no basis for comparison here, but I came off 12 weeks of Hex in the not so distant past so I can reflect on what this was like from my singular perspective. As always your mileage may vary. I did a metric ton of reading before tipping my toe in the water...
  3. Metribolone

    Tren forever

    Viewing another thread where someone was running tren for years; I was wondering how feasible is running tren at low doses forever? I’m talking like trt+. If someone were to do their normal trt and add 25-50mg a tren a week, what do you think would happen? What would happen to health? What...
  4. Pizza_Biceps

    Tren Colors & Carrier oils

    Hello everyone, Looking to have a discussion on the difference, if any, from Tren that is light in color, and Tren that is dark in color. I've read online that darker Tren means it's been "heated longer" and can be a bad thing? Yet, at the same time, anecdotally many people say the darker Tren...
  5. B

    Summer Recomp

    I'm in the process of putting together a summer recomp cycle and wanted to see what you guys thoughts were. I'm 46 years old, 5'11" and 205 lbs. I've dropped 30 lbs since December and plan to be at 195 - 200 by the time I go back on gear. My idea is for a 12 week cycle. My idea was to run...
  6. Driada Medical

    MESO-Rx Sponsor Driada Medical

    Welcome, dear friends. Today is a big day for us. We’ve been preparing for this for a long time. And before we begin, we would like to thank the entire Meso community for the opportunity to express our ideas as well as to present our project. The months of building and preparing the laboratory...
  7. BestRoidShop

    Hello guys, Here is a new source. It's a Friday, the last day of a "magnificent" year. A new year's eve. We have the best prices for domestic, and we are running a great promo at the moment, check the site out. Payment with Bitcoin. Email: Wickrme: chemicalmuscle...
  8. Hadron

    First cycle for injury?

    So I’m fresh off of TRT because the clinic I went to doubled their rates. It was flat out too expensive so I’ll be doing it myself for 1/4 or less the cost. Pretty sure they water down their stuff anyway. I’m looking to add something to it for a bit to help with a back injury. It isn’t skeletal...
  9. RoidmeDangerfield

    Anyone Use Creatine While on Tren and Have Annoying Muscle Cramps?

    After I started adding tren as of two months ago I noticed I was getting this really annoying cramps or short term spasms - almost everywhere. I thought it was the tren. At first I got worried because bad constant cramps could be an indication of kidney damage. And since it didn't start until...
  10. M

    Thinking of trying Tren...

    So, as we all know, it is just so damn tempting when you see all these people talking about how amazing a compound is for body comp, strength, etc. Obviously Tren is the "golden nectar" that is fabled to be the most potent and all-around best anabolic substance known to man at this time. I have...
  11. MWKiller

    Trenbolone Reaction?

    Has anyone heard of Them causing a reaction that feels somewhat like a tightening/burning of muscles in the center of the chest and going up through the neck and under the chin...lasting about 10 minutes, accompanied with light headedness....about 30 seconds after the shot of Pharm 3 (esthers)...
  12. G

    Trenbolone Dark Color , How?

    Hello am new on this forum this is my second year brewing and i moved my country, now i live in area where people think that dark tren is most powerfull than light color, i know it dosnt matter but that what people thinks here i mean by dark like the color of the red tea, or more dark such as...

    Andromedica Tren-AQ 50 - HPLC/TAMC/TYMC - 2018-04 - SIMEC via

    Andromedica Tren-AQ 50 was determined to have an actual content of 90.5 mg/ml trenbolone compared to a label claim of 50 mg/ml. No microbiological contamination was detected. Steroid analytics courtesy of Andromedica Tren-AQ 50 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab Andromedica...
  14. W

    Steroid Induced histamine intolerance

    Hello all, I am new here, but I am not new to the steroids and bodybuilding. I was training for years and was preparing for the competition. I had from my birth some allergies including food allergy to some food but my allergologist told me after years that it is cured. I was juicing for several...
  15. J

    Cycle dieting and support

    Hi, This is my second cycle, i am 25yo, 13bf, 195bw. I’m looking for a good diet to get lean muscles. I used to do Crossfit, now just conventional gym. My first cycle was like a year ago, it consisted in 250EQ every 2 days aand 250sust every 2 days and winstrol 50 daily, this was for 6...
  16. RoidyNoob

    What 100/150mgs and 250Test weekly can do Transformation.

    Just wanted to show what you can do with as little as 100 mgs of tren a week, since everybody is on tren and most of us dont know the dangers of this compound. You can still look good and be safe at the same time. Note; towards the 150mgs of tren I wasnt dieting well. I was doing IIFYM.
  17. Mind-Muscle

    Pharmacom [Test-Deca-Tren-Dbol] 13 weeks

    I'm 24 years old, training since 16. I will try to keep a detailed log of this cycle, updating often and taking before and after pictures. My plan is to bulk as much as possible keeping fat at bay. I'm using Pharma Mix 3 from Pharmacom (200 Test E, 200 Deca, 100 Tren E per ml) Before cycle...
  18. colin56561

    Caber dose on Test/Tren

    Hey guys im brand new here, wanted to do a Test/Tren cycle but I have no experience with caber or prami, my prolactin levels have been as high as 20 points which is very high i know. What do you reccomend I take dosage wise for Caber? Test 500mg a week and Tren A 200mg a week
  19. Mind-Muscle

    4th cycle (Test+Deca+Tren+Dbol)

    Hi there! Is my first post here, I was looking at this forum for a long time before and now I need your opinion. I'm 24 years old, training since 16. My stats are 5' 11" (180 cm) and 196 pounds (88-89kg) at a 12% bf. I'm planning to do this cycle in the winter for a strong quality bulker: Week...
  20. T

    Dostinex while on tren

    do i have to run Dostinex while using Tren? why?? .. is there any other solution???, that shiet is so expensive. Thanks, yeah im a newbie.
  21. Thesauceboss

    Tren and test ratio

    Just womdering what your guys's thoughts are on a dosing tren enanthate at 600mg ew and test enanthate at 400mg ew? Considering switching it up this time.
  22. Football

    New to everything!

    I'll be starting my first cycle once I find a decent source, Thinking of 40mg Dbol 40mg Tren A 0.5mg of Arimidex I'm an athlete, so I'm lot trying to look any bigger, just need the strength and athletic gains! Any input would be very appreciated guys, :D
  23. Mister Loco

    Tren E + Test E

    Hello guys, So last year I ran; Test E - 500mg/week Dbol - 60mg/Daily (4 weeks) PCT - Clomid & Nova Enjoyed it when I was on but lost a lot of gains. Thinking for my next cycle to run Test E with Tren E, is this a good idea? I want to use HCG as well, and also wondering if I should use it...
  24. RoidyNoob

    Only 100 mg of tren a week?

    What up everybody!! So I ran Test-E and 100mg of AlphaPharma´s Tren,Androxine last summer and I had good results. And now I have the same stack. My first question is that I dont know what kind of tren it is, since it doesnt specify on the box. Im guessing its Hex or Ace. If I knew for sure it...
  25. Thesauceboss

    Mild sides from tren

    Hey guys, I just started running tren ace (first time using this compound) at 400mg every week, along side t400 at 500mg every week. So far 400 mg's is working some magic and haven't yet experienced the main sides besides a couple sleepless nights. From what I have heard of people's sides on...