0.2 µm too slow! Anyone safely use 0.45 µm?

What's your filtering setup?

I use a caulking gun, 50ml syringe and it comes out a steady stream even filtering castor oil. No infections whatsoever the last 20+ years, so it's working as intended (I use phatmakoepeia grade oils though, already filtered)
What's your filtering setup?

I use a caulking gun, 50ml syringe and it comes out a steady stream even filtering castor oil. No infections whatsoever the last 20+ years, so it's working as intended (I use phatmakoepeia grade oils though, already filtered)
I use a 10ml syringe, GSO oil and I do it by hand to make low quantities like 80ml but for higher quantities I use an automatic filtering system. The strange thing is that with the previous filters, when pressing, it was very difficult for the oil to come out even when it was hot and when the filter broke, a largo Stream came out and this is what has happened to me with this new batch of filters since the beginning of filtering
Candidly. It’s so cheap many of us prefilter with .45 and do second filtration with .22.
Not a bad idea but if i was going put the effort to do 2 filterings i would just use the .22 for both. Filtering doesn't take all that much time for me. It is just the lack of ambition that keeps me from doing it.
Hello, when filtering with PTFE 0.22 with new filters, the filtered oil comes out like when it breaks, I have tried all of them (12) and they do the same, I have filtered other times with PES and it comes out drop by drop and not like this one. If it were water, I imagine they would be defective, now I am going to order pvdf and try it, I have only made 7 vials of deca 250mg
PES usually has high flow rates form my reading. So you may have got a bad batch. But i have always used PVDF so i have no personnel experience.
Not a bad idea but if i was going put the effort to do 2 filterings i would just use the .22 for both. Filtering doesn't take all that much time for me. It is just the lack of ambition that keeps me from doing it.
.45 is quicker and filters out major microbes and non biological detritus. That is why I use .45 as prefiltration.
Anyone using 0.45 for years and still alive with no issues?
I've been using 0.45um's for 15+yrs bro, started out using them and still use them to this day. Never had an issue with anything and I've pinned a LOT of home brew!

Only time I've ever run 0.22um's is with water based products (so not often at all) and its a pain in the ass every single time!

You need to ask yourself, what are you trying to filter out with a 0.22um... Bacteria? Shouldn't be a major issue with the BA in the solution.

What about the vials? Are they going into a sterile clean room once sterilized.... Or are most people pulling them out of the oven, then sitting them on their kitchen bench with all the airborne bacteria floating around, filter the solution through a 0.22 and think its sterilized and not taking into account what got in to the vial while open/filling in a non-sterile room...

BA to the rescue!

End of the day though, its YOUR body, so YOU need to be comfortable with your decision! I'm just some random you will likely never meet but I can offer my anecdotal experience and you can do with it what you like.

I have often wondered over the years just how many people that use 0.22um's thinking its giving a cleaner end product have instead micro ruptured the filter membrane and in reality don't have any filtering going in.... Every time I've tried using 0.22's, its mind numbingly slow and I've always been tempted to up the pressure to speed up the process, but I know the likely result if I try. I suspect many people do go that route to try speed it up.

Here's a link to a decent explanation of filters, selecting the right one and applications.
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I know a lot of guys who were brewing around 2006-2011 that ONLY used .45 filters. All of them alive and well
I'm still kicking Brother! 2005 and still rocking the 0.45's :D

LOL, I still remember the boys breaking down those Tren cattle implants and using coffee filters! I swear 1/2 them never run a final filter on that shit!

Was a fun time to be a guineapig! Worst that got me was to much BA in a IP jug..... Still pinned that whole 100ml and walked around work every time with a single ass cheek blown so far up that my mate used to joke he could sit a coke can on the top of it while I was standing up.
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I'm still kicking Brother! 2005 and still rocking the 0.45's :D

LOL, I still remember the boys breaking down those Tren cattle implants and using coffee filters! I swear 1/2 them never run a final filter on that shit!

Was a fun time to be a guineapig! Worst that got me was to much BA in a IP jug..... Still pinned that whole 100ml and walked around work every time with a single ass cheek blown so far up that my mate used to joke he could sit a coke can on the top of it while I was standing up.
I remember years and years ago on bodybuilding forums a guy dressed like he was a cowboy and went to tractor supply to buy tren implants. Probably the funniest thing I've ever seen on the internet
PES usually has high flow rates form my reading. So you may have got a bad batch. But i have always used PVDF so i have no personnel experience.
Hello, I received PVDF filters today and they work as they should, the PTFE ones I bought and the oil came out too quickly were all 12 broken... I have already been able to filter the 250mg deca perfectly.
From now on I will only use PVDF