10iu GH Log

Took a little hiatus, now I'm back in the swing of things. Just bumped my gear up from trt+ ...looking to step back on stage sometime next year.

Here's what I just started this week and I attached pics from todays posing. I'm 35, 5'10 , 265 lbs. thanks

900mg test e 1cc mon-wed-fri
375mg deca 0.5cc mon-wed-fri
40mg anavar ed for 4 weeks
10iu gh ed 5 am / 5 pm
Humalog 5iu pre / 5iu post (legs/back/chest)
0.5mg adex tuesday/saturday

TOTAL: 1,555MGIMG_1756 (1).webpIMG_1757 (1).webpIMG_1773.webp
from professional muscle to Meso RX

you were already supposed to compete in a few weeks and you ended up in the hospital

do things with your head, you don't have to prove anything to anyone, I don't think you have the answer you had when you were young, and going back on stage would only be a disappointment
from professional muscle to Meso RX

you were already supposed to compete in a few weeks and you ended up in the hospital

do things with your head, you don't have to prove anything to anyone, I don't think you have the answer you had when you were young, and going back on stage would only be a disappointment
much respect man but don't believe everything you read on the internet. maybe I'm being watched closely by docs..maybe I wasn't even in the hospital? ..you don't know my personal life.. I appreciate your concern with my health though. and I agree, I'm mainly posing and taking pics for accountability to make sure I don't blow up in weight like I normally do.
Dude much respect to you. I am recovering from basically the same thing but I also tore my patellar tendons too. Our legs will never be the same but its what we got now. I plan on making a pretty long run to see if I can fix em up. Just starting to up more TRT as the gym is regular again.

How long out of surgery has it been for you?
Your pictures look very promising
What does your nutrition or supplements around training look like because of the insulin pre and post workout?