10ius QSC ED

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Deleted member 123722

Just finished my last vial of my first one out of 10 kits. I was running 5iu ED, and decided 10 days ago to blast 10iu for the final phase of my cut.

I take 10ius am, two hours before my workout; I did try 5iu am and 5iu pm, but I've noticed no difference in preventing lethargy in the am. I also wake up feeling like all my joints hurt—specifically my elbows, shoulders, and knees—and that I've been hit by a truck lol. This could be from the GH, or the fact I've been cutting since February 21st and my body has had enough. I did take two diet breaks during my cut—one for two weeks, after three months; another for one week, after two months—but perhaps they aren't enough? Either way, I'm quite sure it's the GH making me feel this way, like a run-down cold/flu but able to workout just fine. Once I warm up and get things moving, my workouts are great: I sweat a fuck-ton, which I never do otherwise; I have more endurance, feeling like I can just keep going set after set; the same is true for cardio—I feel like I can go on forever, but I don't notice any super-regenerative properties.

Anyway, not sure why I'm even doing this for my cut; this would probably be better suited for a bulk phase, but @Palifter said it's a huge difference from 5iu to 10iu, as he is currently running 10ius for his contest prep.

Also, @Type-IIx insinuated that more GH = more fat mobilization, which is why I take it prior to my workout, following his fat-loss protocol.

And finally, I like to experiment with things just for the sake of experimentation.

As for fullness and pumps seem no different than before—being in a deficit isn't the best time to measure those anyway. But I seem like I haven't lost an ounce of muscle, so perhaps that's why many people take it during prep?

Recovery seems the same; in fact, I don't feel recovered because of the truck thing.

Ultimately, I think 10ius, or anything that makes you feel this way, is not worth it, unless you pushing through a growing phase and think of it as growing pains. As for a cut, I see no point to do 10ius or whatever dose would make you feel this way, while already feeling beat up from the deficit. If GH made you feel wonderful at this dose, then I would understand, but it clearly doesn't for me. 5ius I feel like I'm on nothing, but I also have none of these experiences mentioned. Perhaps 5ius isn't "working" like it should for me? Maybe the entire time I should have been on 10ius, since I never feel anything on 5ius, even when I start? Lol.

I did make a post about "Is GH worth it" a while back, and I'm leaning back toward it isn't, at least for a non-competitor who just wants a beach body at 10-12%. Whatever "3D" affects occur, are purely cosmetic in nature (water retention in muscle); although it does increase fat mobilization, that doesn't mean you're increasing fat oxidation (need a deficit).

The one thing I did notice, regardless of cut or bulk, is that it seems to prevent lipogenesis, so you will remain leaner while bulking or if you do a diet break, none of those calories seem to turn into new fat storage. My two diet breaks, I gained 15 lbs, and lost it just as easy as gaining it, without any fat. So QSC's kits being so cheap, you could argue it is worth it for 5ius ED at 55-70 dollars, not to turn into a fat whale in the off-season, but certainly not any other price higher than that, in my opinion.

Eventually, I want to stop GH and t3 (been on both for almost a year) all together. After my final phase of my cut (two more months max), I want to take a break off all gear, meds, and peptides. After that break, and if I'm lean enough, I will bulk starting sometime in Nov, doing the Deca only cycle I did last year, which was great. Perhaps then, I will include 10ius ED again, if I have enough kits left, and really use it for what its meant to be used for. But in a deficit, I don't think GH shines other than cosmetically helping BBrs maintain their fullness for competition; and that my friends, is not worth hundreds or thousands (if you're using Pharm) to maintain, if you're just doing this for a hobby.

Anyway, I post this feed back to see what the community thinks: I can either stop the 10ius now and go back to 5iu ED, or push through the next two kits for 30 days to see what happens. That is what I must decide. But in the end, I don't think GH is worth it or necessary to reach your goals at all; the only reason why I'm autistic about stopping, is that I don't want to hinder any of my progress, if it is in fact helping at some level.
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So you've been cutting for a year in GH and t3? If you can't get lean with diet alone you will not get lean no matter the drugs you are on. Personally I did not notice any fat burning effects from GH and ice tried several high quality brands. I was way leaner when I was counting calories and staying in a deficit.
So you've been cutting for a year in GH and t3? If you can't get lean with diet alone you will not get lean no matter the drugs you are on. Personally I did not notice any fat burning effects from GH and ice tried several high quality brands. I was way leaner when I was counting calories and staying in a deficit.
I've only been cutting since Feb 21; I've gone from 240 to 216.

I took GH with my bulk, and I took t3 for some time during my bulk to see what would happen, but I stopped it.
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I take 5iu a day and its the only way ive been able to get as lean as I am right now. I mean the main mechanism for fat burning is that it burns fat for energy for growth. Natural hgh pulsing happens when your fasted glucose drops and hgh is secreted to burn fat for glucose production for cellular function and then obviously at night. I will always use it from now on no matter what unless I absolutely just cannot afford it. Which I dont see happening cause i would drop the dose to 1-2iu a day and thats cheap.
I was taking 3ui for general recovery and bumped it up to 6 for a cut. For some reason that made the numb hands go away.
Also fat is just melting off doing fasted cardio 1-2 hours after injection, but I'm in a steep deficit too.
(also taking 150 test and 50mg anavar. The anavar is part of a desperate to attempt to help heal tendonitis via its supposed collagen synthesis.) Also 100mcg T4 which is supposed to help with fat loss while in HGH.
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Thing is, I haven't noticed any sides in years, until I jumped up to 10ius.

When I took 5iu ED of @GoodLyfe kits last year for a few months, I did wake up with numb hands, but that was only in the morning for a few seconds. It didn't always happen, and then it totally stopped happening. I never got lethargic or anything, from GL or QSC.

I may be the kind of person where I can tolerate higher amounts of drugs than most people? For example, I get like no sides on Tren, whereas others are dying lol. I did 1 gram of deca only, and I got no sides from that either. And no, it wasn't fake; I brewed it with raw from PPL.

What I'm saying is, all the sides others are getting at lower dosages, may be I'd need higher dosages to experience the same sides.
At 10iu of quality GH and cutting you should have fat melting off you, and staying full, round the whole time. Going from 5iu to 10iu should be a drastic difference in results. Why are you so concerned about feeling side effects? Side effects are not an indicator of having quality GH, who in the hell wants side effects? Going from 4iu to 8iu of Serostim was a huge difference in results for me, with no side effects at either dose, other than maybe some lethargy at 8iu. With even a remotely clean diet and that much GH, you should be shredded in a matter of a couple months.
At 10iu of quality GH and cutting you should have fat melting off you, and staying full, round the whole time. Going from 5iu to 10iu should be a drastic difference in results. Why are you so concerned about feeling side effects? Side effects are not an indicator of having quality GH, who in the hell wants side effects? Going from 4iu to 8iu of Serostim was a huge difference in results for me, with no side effects at either dose, other than maybe some lethargy at 8iu. With even a remotely clean diet and that much GH, you should be shredded in a matter of a couple months.
I am leaning out, but I'm beat the fuck out at the same time. It could just be I'm training too hard and need to shift more on cardio-driven fat loss than working out like I'm in the off season.

If you good look at my test/primo/tren cutting log, you'll see my body transform throughout the whole process, while only on 5iu GH, along with the other shit I'm on.

It's just the 10ius maybe overkill.
I’m on 24 UI of gh since 6 weeks now
Those side effets at this dosage are fucking strong. Then I have a strong body, I can run 200mg tren A Ed with no side effects.

But at 24 ui of gh, my body gets an amazing 3d looks, i’m at 100kg (1m75) on cruise.

But the lethargy is strong, too much variation of glycemia, and the carpal tunel syndrome hit hard. I can't tighten anything with my hands
At 10iu of quality GH and cutting you should have fat melting off you, and staying full, round the whole time. Going from 5iu to 10iu should be a drastic difference in results. Why are you so concerned about feeling side effects? Side effects are not an indicator of having quality GH, who in the hell wants side effects? Going from 4iu to 8iu of Serostim was a huge difference in results for me, with no side effects at either dose, other than maybe some lethargy at 8iu. With even a remotely clean diet and that much GH, you should be shredded in a matter of a couple months.
Literally daily changes since doing 10iu, which I started 10 days ago.Capture.PNG
I’m on 24 UI of gh since 6 weeks now
Those side effets at this dosage are fucking strong. Then I have a strong body, I can run 200mg tren A Ed with no side effects.

But at 24 ui of gh, my body gets an amazing 3d looks, i’m at 100kg (1m75) on cruise.

But the lethargy is strong, too much variation of glycemia, and the carpal tunel syndrome hit hard. I can't tighten anything with my hands
lol, goddamn man, why 24iu? I'm assuming generics, unless you're doing gay-4-pay for pharm grade lolAttach files
Never lmao
From QSC not so expansive
Why 24 ? It’s for the hyperplasia

But maybe I think I will decrease to 18 ui in few days or weeks
i sell some of my vials so I can buy some gh with it
Ah, ok.
I hear 15ui is when the magic happens
How I see HGH is that the more you take the better. It’s not like AAS.

Like 2-3iu would be similar to 2-300mg Test if that makes sense.

The magic or when it really changes the way you look is 6iu and up.
It melts fat and just gives your physique a totally different look than when on AAS alone. You also don’t need to use huge dosages of AAS as well when on HGH.

For example

250mg Test
400mg Tren
6iu HGH

Is way better than

350mg Test
600mg Tren
600mg Masteron

My own personal experience

You also feel a lot better. No achy joints. Clear mind. Good sleep. HGH is the best there is.