10ius QSC ED

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Exogenous T4 is not needed with hgh. If has been discussed here before. Even compared lab work of taking t4, stopping, and getting lab work off of t4.

Unable to tell the difference on such a short run but I know if does increase lipolysis
What about t3? I'm taking t3 because apparently GH does lower it over time.
What about t3? I'm taking t3 because apparently GH does lower it over time.

I’m with @Cridi887 on this. If you come across the data I would love to see it but chances are it’s an old school ideology or has a negligible effect on real world application and should be disregarded.

You’re taking T3 because you’re (or were) doing a hard push for weight loss and this is what taxes our thyroid. When I’m in a caloric surplus and my diet is rich in micronutrients all the while keeping cardio to a minimum, 10iu of HgH doesn’t skew my numbers. When I’m deep in a deficit for months on end and my CNS stressors/ activity are high, my thyroid shows it. This is why it’s so important to start low with cytomel and strategically work dosage up accordingly based on biofeedback and pics. People abuse T3 bad these days and it can literally ruin a prep and have annoying downstream effects if not reeled in.
I’m with @Cridi887 on this. If you come across the data I would love to see it but chances are it’s an old school ideology or has a negligible effect on real world application and should be disregarded.

You’re taking T3 because you’re (or were) doing a hard push for weight loss and this is what taxes our thyroid. When I’m in a caloric surplus and my diet is rich in micronutrients all the while keeping cardio to a minimum, 10iu of HgH doesn’t skew my numbers. When I’m deep in a deficit for months on end and my CNS stressors/ activity are high, my thyroid shows it. This is why it’s so important to start low with cytomel and strategically work dosage up accordingly based on biofeedback and pics. People abuse T3 bad these days and it can literally ruin a prep and have annoying downstream effects if not reeled in.
Perhaps the t3 the entire cut at 50mcg did more damage than good? Idk...I lowered the t3 to 25mcg, but I should probably get off. Thing is, if I do get off, I'm assuming I may get fat as fuck; what should I do to get off without a fat rebound? I know the thyroid isn't shut down permanently, should I take a small dose of clen for a week or two to help my body keep the fat off while recovering the thyroid, or just go off cold turkey?
People make GH sound like magic in this thread. "Amazing 3d look, fat melts off etc". Would be good to actually see that 3d look.

Don't want to sound negative but when I look at the pics of that monstro guy who has been on a shitload of GH for years and promotes it like he makes it, he looks flatter than I look on 500mg test. Where is the fullness he speaks of? And how does he manage to look veiny and lean without a single striation on his delts or chest when his flexing his ass off. Wtf is going on there? Thick skin?

Perhaps the t3 the entire cut at 50mcg did more damage than good? Idk...I lowered the t3 to 25mcg, but I should probably get off. Thing is, if I do get off, I'm assuming I may get fat as fuck; what should I do to get off without a fat rebound? I know the thyroid isn't shut down permanently, should I take a small dose of clen for a week or two to help my body keep the fat off while recovering the thyroid, or just go off cold turkey?
Why would you get fat on GH when you quit t3 if it's melting it off right now?
People make GH sound like magic in this thread. "Amazing 3d look, fat melts off etc". Would be good to actually see that 3d look.

Don't want to sound negative but when I look at the pics of that monstro guy who has been on a shitload of GH for years and promotes it like he makes it, he looks flatter than I look on 500mg test. Where is the fullness he speaks of? And how does he manage to look veiny and lean without a single striation on his delts or chest when his flexing his ass off. Wtf is going on there? Thick skin?

Why would you get fat on GH when you quit t3 if it's melting it off right now?

Im also not overly impressed with the fat loss. Nothing compared to actually counting your calories, that shit moves mountains.

I really need to get a spinning bike tho and try the fasted HGH cardio thing that everyone talks about
People make GH sound like magic in this thread. "Amazing 3d look, fat melts off etc". Would be good to actually see that 3d look.

Don't want to sound negative but when I look at the pics of that monstro guy who has been on a shitload of GH for years and promotes it like he makes it, he looks flatter than I look on 500mg test. Where is the fullness he speaks of? And how does he manage to look veiny and lean without a single striation on his delts or chest when his flexing his ass off. Wtf is going on there? Thick skin?

Why would you get fat on GH when you quit t3 if it's melting it off right now?
Idk, I would assume there are consequences for getting off t3 in some way, but let's hope not.
People make GH sound like magic in this thread. "Amazing 3d look, fat melts off etc". Would be good to actually see that 3d look.

Don't want to sound negative but when I look at the pics of that monstro guy who has been on a shitload of GH for years and promotes it like he makes it, he looks flatter than I look on 500mg test. Where is the fullness he speaks of? And how does he manage to look veiny and lean without a single striation on his delts or chest when his flexing his ass off. Wtf is going on there? Thick skin?

Why would you get fat on GH when you quit t3 if it's melting it off right now?
I honestly love HGH. even the sleep effects.

I notice more fullness in person. especially on carbing up. I am going to take a month break after maybe 2 months after getting off of this next cycle. I will see how different it is. my body needs to rest from everything(But TRT)

This will give me a little more insight on how I truly felt on HGH
I honestly love HGH. even the sleep effects.

I notice more fullness in person. especially on carbing up. I am going to take a month break after a month of getting off of this next cycle. I will see how different it is. my body needs to rest from everything(But TRT)

This will give me a little more insight on how I truly felt on HGH

Skin, recovery, sleep, mental clarity, mood - hgh truly is amazing
Just finished my last vial of my first one out of 10 kits. I was running 5iu ED, and decided 10 days ago to blast 10iu for the final phase of my cut.

I take 10ius am, two hours before my workout; I did try 5iu am and 5iu pm, but I've noticed no difference in preventing lethargy in the am. I also wake up feeling like all my joints hurt—specifically my elbows, shoulders, and knees—and that I've been hit by a truck lol. This could be from the GH, or the fact I've been cutting since February 21st and my body has had enough. I did take two diet breaks during my cut—one for two weeks, after three months; another for one week, after two months—but perhaps they aren't enough? Either way, I'm quite sure it's the GH making me feel this way, like a run-down cold/flu but able to workout just fine. Once I warm up and get things moving, my workouts are great: I sweat a fuck-ton, which I never do otherwise; I have more endurance, feeling like I can just keep going set after set; the same is true for cardio—I feel like I can go on forever, but I don't notice any super-regenerative properties.

Anyway, not sure why I'm even doing this for my cut; this would probably be better suited for a bulk phase, but @Palifter said it's a huge difference from 5iu to 10iu, as he is currently running 10ius for his contest prep.

Also, @Type-IIx insinuated that more GH = more fat mobilization, which is why I take it prior to my workout, following his fat-loss protocol.

And finally, I like to experiment with things just for the sake of experimentation.

As for fullness and pumps seem no different than before—being in a deficit isn't the best time to measure those anyway. But I seem like I haven't lost an ounce of muscle, so perhaps that's why many people take it during prep?

Recovery seems the same; in fact, I don't feel recovered because of the truck thing.

Ultimately, I think 10ius, or anything that makes you feel this way, is not worth it, unless you pushing through a growing phase and think of it as growing pains. As for a cut, I see no point to do 10ius or whatever dose would make you feel this way, while already feeling beat up from the deficit. If GH made you feel wonderful at this dose, then I would understand, but it clearly doesn't for me. 5ius I feel like I'm on nothing, but I also have none of these experiences mentioned. Perhaps 5ius isn't "working" like it should for me? Maybe the entire time I should have been on 10ius, since I never feel anything on 5ius, even when I start? Lol.

I did make a post about "Is GH worth it" a while back, and I'm leaning back toward it isn't, at least for a non-competitor who just wants a beach body at 10-12%. Whatever "3D" affects occur, are purely cosmetic in nature (water retention in muscle); although it does increase fat mobilization, that doesn't mean you're increasing fat oxidation (need a deficit).

The one thing I did notice, regardless of cut or bulk, is that it seems to prevent lipogenesis, so you will remain leaner while bulking or if you do a diet break, none of those calories seem to turn into new fat storage. My two diet breaks, I gained 15 lbs, and lost it just as easy as gaining it, without any fat. So QSC's kits being so cheap, you could argue it is worth it for 5ius ED at 55-70 dollars, not to turn into a fat whale in the off-season, but certainly not any other price higher than that, in my opinion.

Eventually, I want to stop GH and t3 (been on both for almost a year) all together. After my final phase of my cut (two more months max), I want to take a break off all gear, meds, and peptides. After that break, and if I'm lean enough, I will bulk starting sometime in Nov, doing the Deca only cycle I did last year, which was great. Perhaps then, I will include 10ius ED again, if I have enough kits left, and really use it for what its meant to be used for. But in a deficit, I don't think GH shines other than cosmetically helping BBrs maintain their fullness for competition; and that my friends, is not worth hundreds or thousands (if you're using Pharm) to maintain, if you're just doing this for a hobby.

Anyway, I post this feed back to see what the community thinks: I can either stop the 10ius now and go back to 5iu ED, or push through the next two kits for 30 days to see what happens. That is what I must decide. But in the end, I don't think GH is worth it or necessary to reach your goals at all; the only reason why I'm autistic about stopping, is that I don't want to hinder any of my progress, if it is in fact helping at some level.
If you are not using insulin with that much GH you are not gonna see the magic brother I speak the truth...
If you are not using insulin with that much GH you are not gonna see the magic brother I speak the truth...
Apparently, but I'm not going to start messing with SLIN at this point, especially that I'm not lean enough to, and I've done it before with my bulk. I'm taking berberine now, so that should help a bit.
Apparently, but I'm not going to start messing with SLIN at this point, especially that I'm not lean enough to, and I've done it before with my bulk. I'm taking berberine now, so that should help a bit.
There is something that starts with sema And ends with glutide.

Double whammy for BG control and weight loss
Apparently, but I'm not going to start messing with SLIN at this point, especially that I'm not lean enough to, and I've done it before with my bulk. I'm taking berberine now, so that should help a bit.
Liver won't kick igf1 without insulin present (probably a safety catch because igf without nutrients present would be useless) and we know that as GH in the body goes up, insulin goes down and vice versa. So slin is a MUST when running gh whether you are bulking or dieting.

And when I say slin I mean humalog.
Liver won't kick igf1 without insulin present (probably a safety catch because igf without nutrients present would be useless) and we know that as GH in the body goes up, insulin goes down and vice versa. So slin is a MUST when running gh whether you are bulking or dieting.

And when I say slin I mean humalog.
Yea, but couldn't we just each high carb meal right when we inject? Exogenous GH isn't going to stop endogenous slin, is it? It shoudln't. Because endongeous slin, doesn't stop exogenous GH. There are plenty of BBrs that do not use slin, but use GH.
Yea, but couldn't we just each high carb meal right when we inject? Exogenous GH isn't going to stop endogenous slin, is it? It shoudln't. Because endongeous slin, doesn't stop exogenous GH. There are plenty of BBrs that do not use slin, but use GH.
You do not understand how the body works and what's going on here, I don't claim to know 100% either but I am sitting here it's 11:22pm and I have nothing to gain not even the slightest possible something and I'm just being honest from my 22 years in the sport insulin Is a must for a bodybuilder and this is only more true when using GH.

My .02$ get some log Kwik pens asap while running those huge gh numbers and try just 5-6 ius with every carb meal and see what happens. Thank me later.

On 10ius Ed of GH bro your body will fucking mutate if you use slin correctly. Doses of slin should be about 7 grams of carbs per iu of slin all meals containing carbs protein and fat, don't worry about getting fat if your macros are where they should be with no excess you won't get fat.

You also need to have a lot of androgens in your system for this to work.
You do not understand how the body works and what's going on here, I don't claim to know 100% either but I am sitting here it's 11:22pm and I have nothing to gain not even the slightest possible something and I'm just being honest from my 22 years in the sport insulin Is a must for a bodybuilder and this is only more true when using GH.

My .02$ get some log Kwik pens asap while running those huge gh numbers and try just 5-6 ius with every carb meal and see what happens. Thank me later.

On 10ius Ed of GH bro your body will fucking mutate if you use slin correctly. Doses of slin should be about 7 grams of carbs per iu of slin all meals containing carbs protein and fat, don't worry about getting fat if your macros are where they should be with no excess you won't get fat.

You also need to have a lot of androgens in your system for this to work.
I get what you're saying, but there are tons of people who don't take slin on this board, even pros who are against it: GH without slin hasn't hindered any of their cases.

And many are against slin becaues the gains are not permenant at all; Dorian hated slin; he said it gained low-quality size. Look at Milos' guys: they are all jacked up, but then come competition, they lose so much size, because that size is just glycogen.

I've watched enough podcasts of pros who are against slin. Derek Lundsford is one who recently came out is against slin: Hani Rambod is against it as well (he coaches him), and says it is not needed.

Does slin make thinks "work" better: Sure if you want to become a balloon. And it can make certain people fat; I'm one of those people.

So I disagree it is not needed and there are plenty of people who are walking examples of this fact.
I get what you're saying, but there are tons of people who don't take slin on this board, even pros who are against it: GH without slin hasn't hindered any of their cases.

And many are against slin becaues the gains are not permenant at all; Dorian hated slin; he said it gained low-quality size. Look at Milos' guys: they are all jacked up, but then come competition, they lose so much size, because that size is just glycogen.

I've watched enough podcasts of pros who are against slin. Derek Lundsford is one who recently came out is against slin: Hani Rambod is against it as well (he coaches him), and says it is not needed.

Does slin make thinks "work" better: Sure if you want to become a balloon. And it can make certain people fat; I'm one of those people.

So I disagree it is not needed and there are plenty of people who are walking examples of this fact.
Mate sorry but do you even trust any pro bb or coach? Lol they are a bunch of liars. Come on.... You can't be so naive.

Last thing, this guy @Canadia , advised you to run 5-6iu with every carb meal... As regular bb you should be having... 6 meals a day it's 30-36iu Humalog ed. It's a very low dose and won't make you look like shit.

I guess it's what most of the pros run.


@Canadia when you say "enough androgens" how much mgs are we talking about?


About the main topic.
I think that T3 here is the culprit of lots of your sides, i used that shit for so many times and did more hurt than good.
Then jumped on 100 T4 + 6-10iu HGH ed (full dose prewo or postwo or before bed) and felt great.
Another thing..... I personally would raise the Clen to 80-100mcg, which for me always been the sweet spot. Take some magnesium bisglicinate and you will be fine.

When cutting having good energy levels and be able to crush every workout did a lot of difference on my body and T3 was making it impossible. Was weak as fuck, and i noticed it once i stopped it.
Coming from someone who’s used insulin as high as 200iu a day combined fast slow 100iu slow 100iu fast it’s exactly that blow up glycogen you stop insulin 2 days yes 2 days you shrink like a balloon you go from extreme fullness to pancake even with gh anabolics orals the exact same

IMO insulin only pre post W if and that’s if you really need it imo metformin does the job and glp1 allowing you to process them carbs more efficiently and not needing insulin

It’s not the best thing to use and when some guys need upwards of 6000-7000 calories food isn’t clean insulin isn’t ideal.and like said not with every meal completely pointless did it and never again pre post only if needed but not needed tbh.
Not everyone uses insulin. Like I said with Dorian, he didn't touch insulin until he was already Mr O... Arnold's day, no one used that shit.