10ius QSC ED

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Only commenting because I was tagged. Harsh or not, Frozen is right. To achieve a certain look, it requires borderline unhealthy OCD and you’ll sacrifice your social life to a degree. I don’t drink, I don’t party, I don’t stay up late. Everything I eat is weighed out, everything I do is calculated, everything I take is planned out and has reason. What I do is a strain on my relationship at times but having a partner that understands what it takes is paramount. People see me in public all the time and ask how they can get to that level, truth is they won’t.

I’m only 29 but I’ve been doing this consistently for a long time. I started in the gym at age 17 lifting for football and took off from there. I also have genetics on my side. Both my parents were high level collegiate athletes who put on muscle just staring at weights. You can’t change your genetics but you can be consistent in your approach and make the most of what you have. I’m not talking a year, do it for 5, then 10. I bet you’ll like the look in the mirror then.

I would take consistency in the gym and kitchen over 10iu HGH any day of the week.

All the drugs in the world won’t be able to negate a crappy diet and lifestyle.
I don't drink or do anything either. However, I'm 38, a father of two, and I do this as a hobby. I don't need to kill myself to look like you or some competitor, yet I do this for myself and at my leisure. I dont need a coach, because you don't need to have someone repeat what you already know. In fact, most of my sticking points are me trying to compare myself to professionals, driving me autistic, when all I need to look like I want to is MORE TIME, which is the reason I ended my cut, as I was pushing TOO hard.

The lesson in my cut was not to use the t3 from the start, if at all. Many people warned me, but I tried it out anyway, as an experiment. Next time, I'll up the clen and stick to that. The only reason I'd need a coach is for contest prep; losing fat and getting into shape is literally ALL diet, and we all know CICO is what matters; I'm not going to pay a coach 200+ a month when I'm not a pro bodybuilding trying to make a living off a sport; there is no reason to invest that far into this if I do not intend to make money off it somehow.

Many of my posts here on the community are actually experiments; such as running Deca at one gram. I did that experiment to prove the retarded claim that testosterone MUST be a base, and if you don't run deca and test, your dick will fall off and you'll die...I proved that wrong; in fact, I proved Deca only has less sides than test only, with less bloat and no need of an AI at one gram, and I was actually horny as fuck the entire time.

As for GH, I was running 5iu ED, and you run 10iu. You said there was a huge difference, so I decided to up the dose to see for myself. What is wrong with that? Nothing, because I notice a difference, and I like 10iu better than 5iu. Do ANY of us have to run GH at all? No. Thus, one can argue against it's use all together, yet we have people nit picking what people can or cannot take for whatever reason.

Why is this? Because people want to be superior to others on here, when everyone's body is different, and people choose to take different approaches.

Some people use DNP, others don't.

Some will take grams of gear, others won't.

Some touch tren, others refuse.

When did we start moralizing about usage on here?

I could argue we should all be natty, and we are lazy fucks; that there are naturals who are not only stronger than us, but even look better than 99% of us.
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in the long run it’ll even be cheaper cause you wont be spending money on random drugs your talking that don’t ever belong in your current cycle.
The only "issue" with me is that I'm not ripped...even my "soft bellie ass" looks better than most men on the planet; if I got ripped, I'd look pretty damn good to those of us here, but to normal people, I already look pretty damn good. I plan to hit another diet phase after my body recovers from SEVEN MONTHS of dieting.

Right now I'm maintaining at 3500 calories, which is 500 calories more than when I began to cut. In other words, I'm eating MORE than I used to, while being at a less weight and leaner. I guess that is a failure as well?

Do you think I should have pushed my cut for an ENTIRE YEAR, coach?

I'd ask you to post a pic of yourself, but that doesn't mean anything, because whether you are at 6% or 20%, you're not wrong with what you said, but you're saying it to someone that it doesn't apply to, because I'm not pushing drugs to cut corners; no corners are being cut at all.
Brother, I think you’re doing great. Don’t let my post make you think anything otherwise. Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll look back on at this come next year and be happy with how far you’ve come.
I'm not letting it bother me at all, I'm just responding in general to the criticisms made by the other guy, and to anything that isn't congruent with any logic put forward in such arguments.

I know I've done great; but of course body dismorphia makes me feel otherwise lol. I also underestimated how fat I was and how much more time I need. I'm fortune I'm able to take more time, than have to push harder to achieve a look by a certain time, like yourself and other competitors. I also appreciate the advice given by those of you who are positive in critique, rather than negative and derogatory like this other person here, that offers no value whatsoever.

I'm also just pointing out not everyone can live the life you do, and even if they did, they wouldn't look identical to you or those who do have superior genetics, mainly, metabolism.

We are supposed to learn from each other on here, and I just don't like when people come on here shitting on people without actually teaching others something of value.
It’s not wrong what has been said here, but it’s certainly a douche bag way of saying it. Plenty of harsh words could be said for most people competing. Just bc you said no offense doesn’t make you less of a loser for saying it. For most of us, we don’t want to compete. We are looking for a healthy balance of family, friends, work and looking good enough. Not many people want to give what it takes to reach an elite level nor do most of us have the genetics to make it worth while. If my daughter wants ice cream, I’m eating ice cream with her. That doesn’t mean I’m not eating clean for the rest of my 3700 calories that day. Competing sounds miserable to me and it just wouldn’t work with my family life. Comments that were made here are certainly being said as if they are better than the next person when in reality, something in your life is being neglected just so you can stand on stage for 4 minutes and flex your muscles.
It’s not wrong what has been said here, but it’s certainly a douche bag way of saying it. Plenty of harsh words could be said for most people competing. Just bc you said no offense doesn’t make you less of a loser for saying it. For most of us, we don’t want to compete. We are looking for a healthy balance of family, friends, work and looking good enough. Not many people want to give what it takes to reach an elite level nor do most of us have the genetics to make it worth while. If my daughter wants ice cream, I’m eating ice cream with her. That doesn’t mean I’m not eating clean for the rest of my 3700 calories that day. Competing sounds miserable to me and it just wouldn’t work with my family life. Comments that were made here are certainly being said as if they are better than the next person when in reality, something in your life is being neglected just so you can stand on stage for 4 minutes and flex your muscles.
He posted toward me, however, as if I haven't been training, dieting, and just increasing drugs to cut corners, when I haven't. I've been training my ass off, while enjoying it actually; sure I eat a flexible diet, for the same reasons you stated, but my calories are counted, macros on all; I literally eat the same meals every day, save the weekend where I have normal food with my family for a meal or so...I posted on my both my bulk and cut logs. So he's attacking me, when it doesn't apply.

The only "mistake" I've made, is taking t3 the entire time, which in of itself was an experiment as well; that which I clearly stated in my logs lol.
He posted toward me, however, as if I haven't been training, dieting, and just increasing drugs to cut corners, when I haven't. I've been training my ass off, while enjoying it actually; sure I eat a flexible diet, for the same reasons you stated, but my calories are counted, macros on all; I literally eat the same meals every day, save the weekend where I have normal food with my family for a meal or so...I posted on my both my bulk and cut logs. So he's attacking me, when it doesn't apply.

The only "mistake" I've made, is taking t3 the entire time, which in of itself was an experiment as well; that which I clearly stated in my logs lol.
There's a lot of gatekeepers on Meso. People who think those who got dealt a bad hand in life shouldn't be using roids to make up for it.

Hell, my doctor literally fucking prescribed me roids and HGH to fix many of my problems that came from a TBI. There's lots of different reasons to use steroids (within reason, of course) which don't have anything to do with becoming a mass monster. Not all of us are trying to be professional body builders.

In my professional career, we deal with these kind of gatekeepers on a regular basis. They don't know what they're doing and attack others to deflect from getting caught not knowing shit/enough about their field. They're almost always failures.

Just ignore them.
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@falseprophet09 my intentions was not to put you down, more so constructive criticism. The result you wish to find are in the deep deep deepest details just like palifter said. Shit comes down to grams when you want those results. Your transformation has been incredible so I apologize if you think I thought or meant other wise. You say you care about health. What I’m trying to relay is you could’ve gotten those results with much less drug use if the other factor (diet) was more precise. 10iu is not needed neither was the clen.

Some advice as a friend if you’ll take it. Prep you meals to the exact gram, take them with you one your day, that means you have NO other choice but to eat what your suppose to.

Again my apologies for being harsh, but as palifter (a very good competitor) the devil is in the details.

I am no better than you or the fat guy at the movie theater eating pop corn. When I walk in public people yell steroids, no one ever yells, obsessive neurotic eating, or death bed intensity training.

@falseprophet09 youre doing very well, keep pushing, as a matter of fact push harder, even without the drugs. Age doesn’t mean shit either, the best physique I ever saw at a gym was a guy 52, training for 7 years only, who helped me a lot with good knowledge, low trt, 4 iu of pharma and high intensity time under tension training. I hope this constructive criticism is as less harsh as the last.
With all respect and no hard feeling. Half the guys in this thread look like complete shit, continue throwing random drugs at their body expecting it to look better. Have no patience and I’m 1000% possible they do not keep their diets pin point perfect. Fuck calories. Fuck macros. Neither Of them matter, eat the EXACT SAME meal plan and make adjustments from there. Ask someone as a competitor what it takes, I can almost guarantee @Palifter eats that same 42 meals a week, down to the exact gram of rice with maybe one or two slight deviations. Nothing agains OP false profit but the dude does not look very good and every thread I’ve read with him in it he’s talking about one drug or another. It takes and deserves a very strict and regimented type of person to run 10iu of gh, not some soft bodied ding bat that tiptoes around Internet forums think ooooo if I add this and addd that I’ll look way better, as a matter of fact hey wifey you wanna start taking random 3rd world pharmaceuticals with me to look better.

to original poster:

You are a soft bellies white boy not some genetic freak plow pusher, it’s gonna take ALOT ALOT ALOT more that just slamming as many drugs as you can get your hands on, to get the look you desire.

If you want to make progress myself and few others here as knowledgeable enough to start you on a program, but then my favorite quote comes into play which I could very much see applying to you.

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”
Eat enough protein then enough carbs then fat finish off with hitting overall calorie intake

One simple fact you can eat food that fits the plan following the same food plan doesn’t make you hardcore nor better so one day you eat chicken pasta vs chicken rice really you think there’s a difference lol.

It’s Fuking simple eat enough repeat that for a few years train intense no don’t chase weight lower rest period keep blood in the muscle progress training that way.
Eat enough protein then enough carbs then fat finish off with hitting overall calorie intake

One simple fact you can eat food that fits the plan following the same food plan doesn’t make you hardcore nor better so one day you eat chicken pasta vs chicken rice really you think there’s a difference lol.

It’s Fuking simple eat enough repeat that for a few years train intense no don’t chase weight lower rest period keep blood in the muscle progress training that way.
I disagree with changing the food up to much, but may work for some. In my own opinion keeping as little food groups as possible is the best. Let your body get completely used to its nutrients. Digestion is one of the MOST important parts of busy building.
I disagree with changing the food up to much, but may work for some. In my own opinion keeping as little food groups as possible is the best. Let your body get completely used to its nutrients. Digestion is one of the MOST important parts of busy building.
Yep. If you can’t digest, you can’t eat more and grow more… I learned that the hard way this week. Digestive enzymes really help though.

Also, inability to properly digest can lead to higher blood glucose and diabetes over time because your body is still processing it.
There's a lot of gatekeepers on Meso. People who think those who got dealt a bad hand in life shouldn't be using roids to make up for it.

Hell, my doctor literally fucking prescribed me roids and HGH to fix many of my problems that came from a TBI. There's lots of different reasons to use steroids (within reason, of course) which don't have anything to do with becoming a mass monster. Not all of us are trying to be professional body builders.

In my professional career, we deal with these kind of gatekeepers on a regular basis. They don't know what they're doing and attack others to deflect from getting caught not knowing shit/enough about their field. They're almost always failures.

Just ignore them.
Yes I’m a failure. Dropped out in 7th grade, 2 rides in max yard prisons. But hey I wrote a diet/ lifestyle program for a dear friend who suffers from 1.5 diabetes, he took it to a heart specialist at San Fran university, and I was coontacted by him along with another specialist endocrinologist and they ask where I gained this information and what school I went to/ where I got my credentials.
My response was “I’m a 7th grader, I just use google and mesoRX” ;)
Yep. If you can’t digest, you can’t eat more and grow more… I learned that the hard way this week. Digestive enzymes really help though.

Also, inability to properly digest can lead to higher blood glucose and diabetes over time because your body is still processing it.
Working with bostin loyd (lots don’t like him) Rest In Peace, he was a great coach and really really really put and emphasis on digestion. You can take 10grams of gear but if you can poop your food out ain’t nothing happening.

Again my bad guys don’t want to be a dick or rude. I want everyone to be jacked and healthy. Pushing drugs when there a healthy alternative route is not king.
Yea, everyone likes to talk shit because we all don't look like genetic freaks on here running around at 8%, but many don't even pay attention to where many of us started.

I started at literally 260lb whale and now I'm a lean 220; I guess losing 40lbs without a single ounce of muscle means I've completely failed; that I was never on point for my entire cut; and taking drugs was a bad idea. I should have only taken Turkesterone and creatine to follow the unspoken laws of BB forums with random strangers on it, especially at age 38, when everything gets harder to achieve.

I don't see many people on here as transparent as myself, sharing what I've done, and doing it transparently while admitting flaws. Of course it is easy for someone who is already in great shape, who did things right for years (I didn't) to come up on here and shit on everyone. What do you offer with your words other than you look like you're trying to be superior to everyone? Nothing of value if you ask me.

NO one believes slamming drugs is going to achieve anything; even with slamming drugs, you still have to eat right and workout. I ate right and I worked out right. If I wanted to push myself harder for another four months of dieting, I could; I chose not to, because I'm not a pro bodybuilder and I'm not going to rush to my results. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone on here. I share my experiences with people who want to see them.

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Trim that lower gut in a little more and really emphasize mid delt training and your gonna look pretty sick, but then it gets annoying cause people don’t stop bantering you with questions in the gymXD
@falseprophet09 my intentions was not to put you down, more so constructive criticism. The result you wish to find are in the deep deep deepest details just like palifter said. Shit comes down to grams when you want those results. Your transformation has been incredible so I apologize if you think I thought or meant other wise. You say you care about health. What I’m trying to relay is you could’ve gotten those results with much less drug use if the other factor (diet) was more precise. 10iu is not needed neither was the clen.

Some advice as a friend if you’ll take it. Prep you meals to the exact gram, take them with you one your day, that means you have NO other choice but to eat what your suppose to.

Again my apologies for being harsh, but as palifter (a very good competitor) the devil is in the details.

I am no better than you or the fat guy at the movie theater eating pop corn. When I walk in public people yell steroids, no one ever yells, obsessive neurotic eating, or death bed intensity training.

@falseprophet09 youre doing very well, keep pushing, as a matter of fact push harder, even without the drugs. Age doesn’t mean shit either, the best physique I ever saw at a gym was a guy 52, training for 7 years only, who helped me a lot with good knowledge, low trt, 4 iu of pharma and high intensity time under tension training. I hope this constructive criticism is as less harsh as the last.
I get what you're saying, and I appreciate your advice, but you do realize coming off as soft bellie white boy isn't a good start lol.

Also the 10iu thing is an experiment lol; it is only temporary for the next three months, then I'm taking off literally everything, going to TRT then I'll reassess the next cut, which I will not be touching t3. All I know is my body needs a break right now, that's for sure, eating at maintenance and feeling good in the gym again.
I disagree with changing the food up to much, but may work for some. In my own opinion keeping as little food groups as possible is the best. Let your body get completely used to its nutrients. Digestion is one of the MOST important parts of busy building.
Agreed digestion being key for sure
Balance ph levels with baking soda
Apple cider for digestion
L glutamine for gut
oxbile for more bile production
proton pump inhibitor if needed acid production.

Can add fermented foods probiotic too

Cardio for increased gastric emptying
ghrps also.

Gluten free products
Lower fat diet as fat will slow gastric emptying and food absorption
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Agreed digestion being key for sure
Balance ph levels with baking soda
Apple cider for digestion
L glutamine for gut
oxbile for more bile production
proton pump inhibitor if needed acid production.

Can add fermented foods probiotic too

Cardio for increased gastric emptying
ghrps also.

Gluten free products
Lower fat diet as fat will slow gastric emptying and food absorption
Proton pump inhibitors are terrible for you. Better to stick with h2 blockers long term
Great point bud going to drop mine for a bit shown to increase insulin sensitivity but the other issues are worrying.
This shit was pushed by big pharma years ago in medical schools. Nowit seems like most medical schools are teaching new prescribers to go against it. Or it should be prescribed by a gastroenterologist.