10ius QSC ED

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Coming from someone who’s used insulin as high as 200iu a day combined fast slow 100iu slow 100iu fast it’s exactly that blow up glycogen you stop insulin 2 days yes 2 days you shrink like a balloon you go from extreme fullness to pancake even with gh anabolics orals the exact same

IMO insulin only pre post W if and that’s if you really need it imo metformin does the job and glp1 allowing you to process them carbs more efficiently and not needing insulin

It’s not the best thing to use and when some guys need upwards of 6000-7000 calories food isn’t clean insulin isn’t ideal.and like said not with every meal completely pointless did it and never again pre post only if needed but not needed tbh.
For glp1 which drug you speak about?
I was told to use berberine 500mg 3x a day, and it gets my fasted blood sugars to ~84 or something, incredible when they were 101 before.
That's some solid numbers. I wonder why I have never achieved that with Berberine... It might have been bunk.
Without Berberine: 124 blood sugar 2 hours after eating.

With Berberine: 183.

WTF? I’m giving it 2 days and stopping HGH cold turkey until I can get insulin/Metformin.
Just buy some Semaglutide and you are fine.
Where can I get this domestic? I saw this on the QSC list and it’s basically $2095 minimum?

I’d love to “research” sources for this, but I don’t have a lot of time. Gonna ask my doc for metformin tomorrow.
Where can I get this domestic? I saw this on the QSC list and it’s basically $2095 minimum?

I’d love to “research” sources for this, but I don’t have a lot of time. Gonna ask my doc for metformin tomorrow.
Didn't you make a thread recently about non existent appetite and now you want to take semaglutide? Metformin costs almost nothing. I'm on 2g a day.
Where can I get this domestic? I saw this on the QSC list and it’s basically $2095 minimum?

I’d love to “research” sources for this, but I don’t have a lot of time. Gonna ask my doc for metformin tomorrow.
Semaglutide 10x2mg $118 and 10x4mg $228

But not the best idea, you just had some appetite problems, semaglutide will suppress your appetite.

For insulin sensitivity, you have berberine too that you can purchase it quickly from domestic supplements stores
Are you actually the Dutch Giant?
Nah I wish.
Didn't you make a thread recently about non existent appetite and now you want to take semaglutide? Metformin costs almost nothing. I'm on 2g a day.
Yeah, dude… it’s back and crazier than ever. I’m so hungry I could cry.
Semaglutide 10x2mg $118 and 10x4mg $228

But not the best idea, you just had some appetite problems, semaglutide will suppress your appetite.

For insulin sensitivity, you have berberine too that you can purchase it quickly from domestic supplements stores
I appreciate you looking out for me instead of trying to make a buck.
With all respect and no hard feeling. Half the guys in this thread look like complete shit, continue throwing random drugs at their body expecting it to look better. Have no patience and I’m 1000% possible they do not keep their diets pin point perfect. Fuck calories. Fuck macros. Neither Of them matter, eat the EXACT SAME meal plan and make adjustments from there. Ask someone as a competitor what it takes, I can almost guarantee @Palifter eats that same 42 meals a week, down to the exact gram of rice with maybe one or two slight deviations. Nothing agains OP false profit but the dude does not look very good and every thread I’ve read with him in it he’s talking about one drug or another. It takes and deserves a very strict and regimented type of person to run 10iu of gh, not some soft bodied ding bat that tiptoes around Internet forums think ooooo if I add this and addd that I’ll look way better, as a matter of fact hey wifey you wanna start taking random 3rd world pharmaceuticals with me to look better.

to original poster:

You are a soft bellies white boy not some genetic freak plow pusher, it’s gonna take ALOT ALOT ALOT more that just slamming as many drugs as you can get your hands on, to get the look you desire.

If you want to make progress myself and few others here as knowledgeable enough to start you on a program, but then my favorite quote comes into play which I could very much see applying to you.

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”

in the long run it’ll even be cheaper cause you wont be spending money on random drugs your talking that don’t ever belong in your current cycle.
With all respect and no hard feeling. Half the guys in this thread look like complete shit, continue throwing random drugs at their body expecting it to look better. Have no patience and I’m 1000% possible they do not keep their diets pin point perfect. Fuck calories. Fuck macros. Neither Of them matter, eat the EXACT SAME meal plan and make adjustments from there. Ask someone as a competitor what it takes, I can almost guarantee @Palifter eats that same 42 meals a week, down to the exact gram of rice with maybe one or two slight deviations. Nothing agains OP false profit but the dude does not look very good and every thread I’ve read with him in it he’s talking about one drug or another. It takes and deserves a very strict and regimented type of person to run 10iu of gh, not some soft bodied ding bat that tiptoes around Internet forums think ooooo if I add this and addd that I’ll look way better, as a matter of fact hey wifey you wanna start taking random 3rd world pharmaceuticals with me to look better.

to original poster:

You are a soft bellies white boy not some genetic freak plow pusher, it’s gonna take ALOT ALOT ALOT more that just slamming as many drugs as you can get your hands on, to get the look you desire.

If you want to make progress myself and few others here as knowledgeable enough to start you on a program, but then my favorite quote comes into play which I could very much see applying to you.

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”

Only commenting because I was tagged. Harsh or not, Frozen is right. To achieve a certain look, it requires borderline unhealthy OCD and you’ll sacrifice your social life to a degree. I don’t drink, I don’t party, I don’t stay up late. Everything I eat is weighed out, everything I do is calculated, everything I take is planned out and has reason. What I do is a strain on my relationship at times but having a partner that understands what it takes is paramount. People see me in public all the time and ask how they can get to that level, truth is they won’t.

I’m only 29 but I’ve been doing this consistently for a long time. I started in the gym at age 17 lifting for football and took off from there. I also have genetics on my side. Both my parents were high level collegiate athletes who put on muscle just staring at weights. You can’t change your genetics but you can be consistent in your approach and make the most of what you have. I’m not talking a year, do it for 5, then 10. I bet you’ll like the look in the mirror then.

I would take consistency in the gym and kitchen over 10iu HGH any day of the week.

All the drugs in the world won’t be able to negate a crappy diet and lifestyle.
With all respect and no hard feeling. Half the guys in this thread look like complete shit, continue throwing random drugs at their body expecting it to look better. Have no patience and I’m 1000% possible they do not keep their diets pin point perfect. Fuck calories. Fuck macros. Neither Of them matter, eat the EXACT SAME meal plan and make adjustments from there. Ask someone as a competitor what it takes, I can almost guarantee @Palifter eats that same 42 meals a week, down to the exact gram of rice with maybe one or two slight deviations. Nothing agains OP false profit but the dude does not look very good and every thread I’ve read with him in it he’s talking about one drug or another. It takes and deserves a very strict and regimented type of person to run 10iu of gh, not some soft bodied ding bat that tiptoes around Internet forums think ooooo if I add this and addd that I’ll look way better, as a matter of fact hey wifey you wanna start taking random 3rd world pharmaceuticals with me to look better.

to original poster:

You are a soft bellies white boy not some genetic freak plow pusher, it’s gonna take ALOT ALOT ALOT more that just slamming as many drugs as you can get your hands on, to get the look you desire.

If you want to make progress myself and few others here as knowledgeable enough to start you on a program, but then my favorite quote comes into play which I could very much see applying to you.

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”
Yea, everyone likes to talk shit because we all don't look like genetic freaks on here running around at 8%, but many don't even pay attention to where many of us started.

I started at literally 260lb whale and now I'm a lean 220; I guess losing 40lbs without a single ounce of muscle means I've completely failed; that I was never on point for my entire cut; and taking drugs was a bad idea. I should have only taken Turkesterone and creatine to follow the unspoken laws of BB forums with random strangers on it, especially at age 38, when everything gets harder to achieve.

I don't see many people on here as transparent as myself, sharing what I've done, and doing it transparently while admitting flaws. Of course it is easy for someone who is already in great shape, who did things right for years (I didn't) to come up on here and shit on everyone. What do you offer with your words other than you look like you're trying to be superior to everyone? Nothing of value if you ask me.

NO one believes slamming drugs is going to achieve anything; even with slamming drugs, you still have to eat right and workout. I ate right and I worked out right. If I wanted to push myself harder for another four months of dieting, I could; I chose not to, because I'm not a pro bodybuilder and I'm not going to rush to my results. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone on here. I share my experiences with people who want to see them.
