MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid Importation Illegal in Britain Beginning Today


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20+ Year Member
British bodybuilders who import steroids will be considered criminals beginning April 23, 2012 under a new amendment to the British steroid law. The possession of anabolic steroids for self-administration remains perfectly legal. But the new amendment makes the importation of steroids illegal. British UGLs are celebrating the new law because it will lead to major boom in business.

UK Bodybuilders Who Import Steroids Considered Criminals Beginning Today
Holy shit, they are really going hard on steroids these days. Meanwhile I can get an Oxy80 for 40 bucks down at my local bar. Hmmm.......
You can't spit and not hit someone addicted to opiates around here and the main concern of global police is steroids.
What! I just placed an order from on eof the big online sellers before receiving this email. My package isn't due until 12-16 days... I haven't sent the cash yet. Do you think I should cancel the order as it will be seized/I'll be charged?

I can get UGL within the UK just prefer the online stuff...

I think this is ridiculous.
What! I just placed an order from on eof the big online sellers before receiving this email. My package isn't due until 12-16 days... I haven't sent the cash yet. Do you think I should cancel the order as it will be seized/I'll be charged?

I can get UGL within the UK just prefer the online stuff...

I think this is ridiculous.

Steroid users in the United States have been dealing with a ban on steroid importation for two decades. Judging by the anecdotal reports on the forums, the practice of importing AAS is widespread and usually successful under normal conditions.

If UK Customs is ever going to make a significant effort to crackdown on steroid importations, it will most definitely be within the next three months prior to the London Olympics. (I mean even China cracked down on their own steroid trade when the Olympics came to Beijing.) So, these most definitely will not be normal conditions.

UK is not accustomed to prosecuting steroid user, so I don't know how this will change during this period. They will most likely just confiscate the shipments. But who knows what they'll do to "prove" to the world that they are committed to the Olympic anti-doping ideal?
join the rest of the world uk - i thought steriods were illegal in most parts of the world? R they legal in ireland!!? I mean thailand yea ok ...but its thailand, anything goes in thailand as long as your not doing anything hardcore
HOGAN-- hit the nail on the head imho.

I mean, when you hear a strange noise outside your house at night, do you think: "damn gym rat, roid-heads!! get a job losers!!"


Because anabolics don't turn people into degenerate thieves. (Don't get me wrong, im not saying if you pop a vicodin a few times a year before u drill the old lady, that ur a degenerate)

I don't know if the UK has the same problems with drug abuse that the u.s. has. But if they have a few extra million dollars to enforce a ban on the importation of anabolics, certainly that money could have been put to better use in schools, or by better enforcing the laws which have been previously established.
UPDATE: A helpful reader contacted HRMC and reported being told that mail arriving from the EU is NOT considered an "import". This would mean UK residents could continue ordering AAS from EU-based pharmacies and remailers if confirmed.
join the rest of the world uk - i thought steriods were illegal in most parts of the world? R they legal in ireland!!? I mean thailand yea ok ...but its thailand, anything goes in thailand as long as your not doing anything hardcore
yep, although a class c controlled its only illegal to supply in Ireland, but Ireland have a habit of copying UK law. 99% of AAS in Ireland comes from the UK so there could be a knock on effect
That what millard is checking, its ok frim EU country but not from Pakistan or anywer else
As we all know, HGH is not an anabolic steroid.
So, specifically, does anyone think there will be any problems involved with ordering HGH over the internet from a company in China, and having it shipped to London?
Thanks in advance.
No! no more than shipping to the USA or anywhere else..

The new UK laws regarding importation of steroids simply puts it on an even keel with the USA or any other EU country. (compared to the way it was before)

Your timing could be a lot better with the London Olympics though...

But you still should get your gear