Peptide GHRP-6

Its mainly sold as a research chemical. I'm pretty sure its not fda approved but there is growth hormone releasing agents that are.
How does one obtain GHRP-6?

Sigma sells it. Search CAS No: 87616-84-0E
[D-Lys3]-GHRP-6 synthetic, lyophilized powder | Sigma-Aldrich
[D-Trp7, Ala8, D-Phe10]-

I'm sure it can be ordered internationally in the same manner as other raw materials.

End users get it from UGLs.

Is it by prescription?


Is GHRP-6 an FDA Approved drug?


"Other drugs which the defendants allegedly offered for sale were “GHRP-6" or “Growth Hormone Releasing Agent Protein,” and “IGF” or “Insulin Growth Factor,” both of which were peptide or protein-based drugs popular with body builders for increasing strength and muscle mass but which were never approved by the FDA for any indication."

"The drugs that Manansingh sold through Purepeptides included Melanotan II, Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (“CJC-1295”), Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-6 (“GHRP-6”), myostatin propeptide, and mechano growth factor (“MGF”). These drugs were not approved by the FDA for use in humans."
I've never heard of it being prescribed. I believe some version of it was sold OTC for a time. Now it seems to be readily available from any merchant dealing in peptides, so it doesn't seem to be out-and-out illegal.

Wow, Manansingh is an idiot. Interesting read on that indictment.

Anyone ever benefit from using peptides? Why not just buy HGH rather than using a peptide that allegedly promotes HGH secretion? Never used them myself due to being leery of bullshit supplements.
Peptides are a waste of time and money imo! Even if you have tons of knowledge on timing to achieve a GH pulse the results are going to be arbitrary.
I disagree strongly, it will depend on wether or not your HPA is functioning, if it is, it will certainly stimulate more secretion.

Sworder have you ever used them?

Everyone says they don't work but I know a lot of guys that they do work for. Granted I have seen some report they could not tell a difference, but they def help me shed fat.

The stimulation of Ghrelin also produces GH secretion from the anterior pituitary, anyone who says they do not work either :

1. Too old to benefit

2. did not dose properly

3. did not fast
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Yes, been using GHRP-6 now for about 4-6 months can't remember precisely. Have 4 more vials to go through. I have used MGF & IGF-1 which are not hGH peptides but those were a waste too. Also have used CJC 1293 for 2 months. Didn't notice much difference at all. GHRP-6 I do like for the hunger stim, it does seem to stimulate ghrelin and for that purpose I recommend it. I am member on Datbtrue as well and have done a lot of research on how to use these things properly. Consensus seems to be they don't work very well for hGH pulsation compared to what you are spending rather than just buying hGH. It's a gamble, these peptides stay active for a very short time and you are not guaranteed to get a GH pulse. It's a waste of time/money in my opinion & experience.
If you have had success with peptides that is great. I haven't been that lucky nor have I heard many who has gotten their money worth using them. What protocol did you use? Timing?
I used Mod, ghrp-6, ghrp2 combo. 300 units 3x day on workout days. if you don't combine them they are useless IMO

Morning, pre or post gym, and couple hours before bed.

I had one guy put on 16lbs with just Mod, and he was already in good shape and low BF, even though I wouldnt do it that way.

Have you ever done rhGH? I know a lot of people just expect too much out of the peptides, rhGH is great, but the effect is much more subtle than most people think, and ive used Phizer too.
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Nope, haven't used hGH!

300units of each three times / day? I thought 100iu is saturation dose.

For the price/benefit I should have spent my money on hGH. The market being sketchy has me not wanting to roll the dice on hGH. Plus, I don't feel like I am plateauing just yet :)
I used Mod, ghrp-6, ghrp2 combo. 300 units 3x day on workout days. if you don't combine them they are useless IMO

Morning, pre or post gym, and couple hours before bed.

I had one guy put on 16lbs with just Mod, and he was already in good shape and low BF, even though I wouldnt do it that way.

Have you ever done rhGH? I know a lot of people just expect too much out of the peptides, rhGH is great, but the effect is much more subtle than most people think, and ive used Phizer too.
I agree this is true for hGH and peptides, over time with new tissue THATS where the real gold is!
new people expect too much, I see it with AAS also.
I have used and love IGF-1 and the ghrp6 also.
I dont think its a waste thats for sure.
IGF-1 peptide is not the same as produced by the liver. The peptide IGF-1 is garbage. If you had any success with IGF-1 or MGF I would surely be surprised, localized growth my ass.

If you had some more posts I might not mistake you for a promoter.

Juced Blergs stop the shit please
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Peptides are a waste of time and money imo! Even if you have tons of knowledge on timing to achieve a GH pulse the results are going to be arbitrary.
So you havent used hGH before? have you used peptides? if so what and how?

I’m sorry but I do not agree with you and MANY others also would not that i know and have used them (at least real/good quality peptides)
Also explain to me how if HGH's main growth effect is from IGF-1 (made in liver) that by taking igf-1 or better yet IGF-1 Des would not produce results?
Sort of what you are saying by saying peptides are not worth it, shit IGF is more worth it $ to result (growth) then HGH.

I have seen great results with peptides and my fave is the IGF-1, though I have found the CJC and GHRP combo very nice as well.

I have seen better results in a shorter time with IGF-1 then HGH and if used both more than once. For fat loss HGH was a bit better, but I’m about gains, fat loss is diet to me.

I highly rec the CJC + GHRP combo if you can use it for no less than 3-4mo per run at 100mcg 2-4X a day.
Or IGF-1 Des 10-20mcg 1-2X a day for 6-10 weeks

Both of these I have found very effective.

Hope you give them a better chance some time and hopefully it changes your mind.
I do agree with you on the HGH market being messed up, just another reason I rather get igf-1.
I got this email 10 minutes ago before your post Juced. It would seem like you copied the original post when you were logged on Blergs and then edited cut the message out and reposted on Juced. It would seem like you are Blergs and Juced and many others.. You can continue the "..." if you want I will always recognize you Mister

Dear Sworder,

Blergs has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Peptide GHRP-6 - in the Steroid Forum forum of MESO-Rx Think Steroids.

This thread is located at:
Peptide GHRP-6 - Page 2

Here is the message that has just been posted:

---Quote (Originally by Sworder)---
Peptides are a waste of time and money imo! Even if you have tons of knowledge on timing to achieve a GH pulse the results are going to be arbitrary.
---End Quote---
Im sorry but I do not agree and MANY others also would not that have used them (atleast real/good quality peptides)
Also explain to me how if HGH's main growth effect is from IGF-1 (made in liver) that by taking igf-1 or better yet IGF-1 Des would not produce results?
Sort of what you are saying by saying peptides ar enot worth it, shit IGF is more worth it $ to result (growth) then HGH.

I have seen great results with peptides and my fave is the IGF-1, though I have found the CJC and GHRP combo very nice as well.

I have seen better results in a shorter time with IGF-1 then HGH and if used both more then once. for fatloss HGH wa sa bit better, but im about gains, fatloss is diet to me.

I highly recy the CJC + GHRP combo if you can use it for no less then 3-4mo per run at 100mcg 2-4X a day.
or IGF-1 Des 10-20mcg 1-2X a day for 6-10 weeks

both of these i have found very effective.

Hope you give them a better chance some time and hopfully it changes your mind.
I do agree with you on the HGH market being messed up, just another reason i rather get igf-1.
Anyone ever benefit from using peptides? Why not just buy HGH rather than using a peptide that allegedly promotes HGH secretion? Never used them myself due to being leery of bullshit supplements.

I've never used them either. Although I'm considering using gh locally to attempt to heal some ongoing lateral epicondylitis. The problem with peptides is determining their purity. They are too often counterfeited, under dosed, or bunk. The only indicator of purity your average end user has is serum tests from other users. A source can give a few guys in his employ great product then pay for them to get serum tests and scam everyone else. I've found it's generally difficult to trust the majority of gh vendors because most of them have had issues selling inactive product in the past.
Nope, haven't used hGH!

300units of each three times / day? I thought 100iu is saturation dose.

For the price/benefit I should have spent my money on hGH. The market being sketchy has me not wanting to roll the dice on hGH. Plus, I don't feel like I am plateauing just yet :)

well it would be 100mcg's of each, and I think ghrp-2 has a saturation of 500mcg, I can't remember.

Even if its saturation, you can actually still take more, you just lose some of it basically, in short.

as crazy as it sounds, I know one doctor who specializes in bariatrics that gives very high doses to women for a medical weight loss program, while i know its kind of scary there are no studies on boom dosing, I have seen the before and after's and patients lost weight. I guess it could be attributed to other things, but there were many cases in which he did this with success.

Just my 2 cents

and most HRT clinics these days offer semorelin or a combo.
Interesting the timing of this thread. Im actually starting a run of ghrp-6 / and cjc1293 ( or 1295 no dac or modified blah blah)
Ill be injecting 100mcg of each- 3x/day ..empty stomach. Ill also be running slin with them at 15ius. My protocol will be:
1-Upon rising: pin peps / 30 mins later pin slin (im starting slin at 5iu's and working up to 15) carb /pro shake during workout / pwo meal. Non workout days still do essentailly the same.
2-Midday peps on empty stomach.
3-Before bed peps on empty stomach.
Im also cruising on 225mgs test and 150 mgs deca e5d.

Ive heard so much conflicting data I decided I need to try for myself. I have a 12+ weeks supply and if i see anything i will go another 12.
I was considering a 5 on 2 off protocol as I like that with slin and thought perhaps it may aid in prevention of so called "desensitization".
Any thoughts ?