MESO-Rx Exclusive Peter Bond on what causes gynecomastia

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@PeterBond writes about gynecomastia or "gyno". First of all, do you have gyno? Many people fear they have it but really don't. Peter helps clarify the confusion.

He also explains what causes the development of gyno (gynecomastia) and, equally important, what does not cause gyno. He cites the published research on the topic as a guide. High androgens? High estrogens? Prolactin? Progesterone? Test/E2 ratio? This article does an excellent job of making the science easy to understand.

Please read and let us know if you have any questions or need clarification.

Interestingly enough I am currently running 1730mgs weekly (approx) aromatising compounds with zero AIs and having no issues with gyno (which is really mind blowing i am usually highly estro sensitive. In fact I have small gyno lumps dating back years that i never treated) and the only thing thats really possibly making a difference is I take .5mg cabergoline every 3rd day or so. I started taking it a little while back with tren e and just kinda stayed on it. I had a substance abuse problem which unexpectedly the caber was the perfect solution to.

Now I have a couple months clean and sober on top of my body is making me real real happy and I think strongly controlling prolactin with caber and possibly some synergy with HGH has made the difference. Im at the mo running 750mgs test (sustanon) 900mgs eq and 300mgs tren ace. B4 workouts I pop a anadrol and 20 mgs dbol. Hgh right now 2.5ius am 2.5 post workout. No insulin. No blood pressure issues no gyno and no need for AIs. If ever there was a perfect stack of anabolic steroids this is it!

Millard should be proud of this forum right here. Its done wonders for me and I have to assume I am not the only one.
Great article, good read, answered some questions I didn’t know I had.
Your exact reaction here is what pushed us older members to keep learning experimenting and most importantly sharing over the years. Nobody was going to do it for us so we did it ourselves. Now you younger guys keep the torch lit and keep pushing the knowledge you acquire. Its priceless.
Interestingly enough I am currently running 1730mgs weekly (approx) aromatising compounds with zero AIs and having no issues with gyno (which is really mind blowing i am usually highly estro sensitive. In fact I have small gyno lumps dating back years that i never treated) and the only thing thats really possibly making a difference is I take .5mg cabergoline every 3rd day or so. I started taking it a little while back with tren e and just kinda stayed on it. I had a substance abuse problem which unexpectedly the caber was the perfect solution to.

Now I have a couple months clean and sober on top of my body is making me real real happy and I think strongly controlling prolactin with caber and possibly some synergy with HGH has made the difference. Im at the mo running 750mgs test (sustanon) 900mgs eq and 300mgs tren ace. B4 workouts I pop a anadrol and 20 mgs dbol. Hgh right now 2.5ius am 2.5 post workout. No insulin. No blood pressure issues no gyno and no need for AIs. If ever there was a perfect stack of anabolic steroids this is it!

Millard Baker should be proud of this forum right here. Its done wonders for me and I have to assume I am not the only one.
Doesn't EQ act like an AI? I keep hearing different things about it from it'll convert less to it'll crush your e2.
Doesn’t it convert to esterone?
That's what I've seen, yeah. Some people claim to still need an AI even with EQ higher than test though. I think it must depend highly on the individual, because the notion that there's an entire demographic of people using AI's needlessly with no idea where their E2 really is (and thus perpetuating misinformation) seems unlikely.
That's what I've seen, yeah. Some people claim to still need an AI even with EQ higher than test though. I think it must depend highly on the individual, because the notion that there's an entire demographic of people using AI's needlessly with no idea where their E2 really is (and thus perpetuating misinformation) seems unlikely.
I think you’re right and it would be individual, some dudes need an AI on trt dose cuz they aromatize to such a degree, or don’t handle estrogen well, so a high-moderate dose of test + Eq; a compound with AI effect to a questionable degree, I could some people still needing an AI on such a cycle.
Doesn't EQ act like an AI? I keep hearing different things about it from it'll convert less to it'll crush your e2.
I dont know. This is my first time running it. I have no sex drive and pretty tired all the time. I think my estrogen is out of whack. Need to do bloods and see whats up. Gyno is not flaring. Prolactin should be under control. I will report back.
That's what I've seen, yeah. Some people claim to still need an AI even with EQ higher than test though. I think it must depend highly on the individual, because the notion that there's an entire demographic of people using AI's needlessly with no idea where their E2 really is (and thus perpetuating misinformation) seems unlikely.
I think you are wrong and that there are a LOT of guys running AIs that dont need to. I mean a LOT. I was one of them till recently. Now i see the value of bloodwork. Its not all about kidney and liver function theres a lot more going on to think about
I dont know. This is my first time running it. I have no sex drive and pretty tired all the time. I think my estrogen is out of whack. Need to do bloods and see whats up. Gyno is not flaring. Prolactin should be under control. I will report back.

No sex drive and tired all the time but yet it’s the perfect cycle [emoji848]
I think you are wrong and that there are a LOT of guys running AIs that dont need to. I mean a LOT. I was one of them till recently. Now i see the value of bloodwork. Its not all about kidney and liver function theres a lot more going on to think about
When I ran EQ I had to run it at 1:2 ratio, 400EQ/800test. Never came close to needing an AI. It's insane how people just do shit that they heard someone did when it comes to E2. Good for you for getting bloodwork, and if you're fucking with EQ I would include the sensitive E2 panel. The basic serum panel can cross detect E1 which is why I think some guys think their E2 is higher than it is on EQ.

Edit: Apologies for stating the obvious if you already knew all this.