MESO-Rx Exclusive Peter Bond on how steroids and other stressors influence the regulation of testosterone production


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@PeterBond: "Most anabolic steroid users are aware that anabolic steroids suppress the endogenous testosterone production. But how does this work? How is this regulated? That will be the topic of this article. Let’s take a deep dive into the hormonal axis that regulates testosterone production: the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA)."

This article settles the score on several important questions:
- PR and progesterone activity affecting hypothalamic regulation of T and gonadotropins via KNDy dendron (I did not know these existed, dumb) signalling/pulsatility versus serum prolactin.
- Efficaciousness of refeeds during dieting (read through the article)
- Real efficacy of oral only cycles in certain use cases (non-aromatizable 'androgens' can almost could be thought of as minimally suppressive supplements, pulsing comes to mind, etc.)
- Perhaps "don't crash your E2" (no AI) has gone too far?!

Really tied together my recent reading. All with a surgeon's precision.