MESO-Rx has just published a new original article by April Henning and Jesper Andreasson entitled '“Oh my, the bigger and more fuller clit is amazing”: Reclaiming the female body through a women-only forum':

Online forums are one place where we can gain a view into women’s IPED use and the variety of ways they discuss and experience these substances. One such forum includes the women-only forum on this website. This forum is of particular relevance as it constitutes a rare case of a phenomenon that has been primarily investigated through the lens of men, muscles, and masculinity. We are interested in what happens when we move those factors to the side and women can put themselves and their own views, experiences, and bodies at the center of the discussion.

“Oh my, the bigger and more fuller clit is amazing”: Reclaiming the female body through a women-only forum
Introduction Historically, muscles and muscular bodies have been connected to men and masculinity. As a consequence, women´s engagement in muscle building