MESO-Rx Exclusive Everything you always wanted to know about Zyzz but were afraid to ask

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@MairUnderwood(Researcher) explains why Zyzz is such a popular and influential figure in some circles but detested in others plus why his popularity persists over a decade following his untimely death:

I'm too lazy to read it now tbh. So I don't know if it mentions what I'm about to say. I remember looking more into him. He was a skinny unpopular kid that turned into this. It was too much too fast. Had trouble keeping his zyzz persona. Held emotions down that made him sad. With probably nobody to share with.

He died at 22 years old. A fucking kid. It's a shame. He did inspire many people. And he would do even better today if he was still alive.
Zyzz was a shit poster over at misc board, I remember those days. More popular in death than life because kids prop him up.
I was in around the same time. I didn't start running gear then though. My experience was in the past year.

Good for people looking up to him I guess but I think he was a poor influence. Alot of consequences for running gear and some of these kids jump on the tren train just to get that physique.

Eat clen
tren hard
anavar give up

I was in around the same time. I didn't start running gear then though. My experience was in the past year.

Good for people looking up to him I guess but I think he was a poor influence. Alot of consequences for running gear and some of these kids jump on the tren train just to get that physique.

Eat clen
tren hard
anavar give up

This. It's bad enough that teens look up to a junkie like him and Boston Lloyd, but even crazier that grown ass men do.

People that say he inspired them, were they just randomly browsing online and saw about this guy who used juice and rec drugs and then started to lift, use rec drugs, and AAS themselves? Id assume anyone that heard of him was already on Internet forums and doing lifting.
This. It's bad enough that teens look up to a junkie like him and Boston Lloyd, but even crazier that grown ass men do.

People that say he inspired them, were they just randomly browsing online and saw about this guy who used juice and rec drugs and then started to lift, use rec drugs, and AAS themselves? Id assume anyone that heard of him was already on Internet forums and doing lifting.
I want to add that I think the congenital heart defect is a bullshit statement his family said to protect their reputation.

Could have even given the actual diagnosis but they gave a BS response. I don't blame the family though.

DNP, rec drugs, heavy AAS use, diuretics, and immaturity is what killed him.
I enjoyed the days of misc shit posting. Learned alot on that forum. Thought the dude was funny, but reckless.

Guys love to hate him. I'm impartial.
I’ve always wondered what Zyzz was like, but was simply too afraid to ask. Thanks Mair for dedicating your career to researching for us.
@MairUnderwood(Researcher) explains why Zyzz is such a popular and influential figure in some circles but detested in others plus why his popularity persists over a decade following his untimely death:

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I don’t get the appeal. I was bigger natty by far at 25-27 years old and I graduated high school at 6’ and 142 lbs. First in family to ever really weight lift.

Zyzz fandom. Stupid like so many things in generation f@cktard
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I thought zyzz fans were trolling when I saw it on non body building forums. I had no idea any of this was serious, that he used so much gear or died up until recently and just thought folks were Meming for shits & giggles.

year round at sub 8% body fat can’t be healthy for naturals much less people already using/abusing PEDs solely for image related reasons. I can appreciate the positive message regarding lifting yourself up with hard work, but if your self worth is primarily based on low body fat/image and how you are perceived by others/treating women like shit, that’s really toxic as hell. it really reminds me of eating disorders among teenage girls + just additional drug abuse and positive manosphere vibes brah.
I thought zyzz fans were trolling when I saw it on non body building forums. I had no idea any of this was serious, that he used so much gear or died up until recently and just thought folks were Meming for shits & giggles.

year round at sub 8% body fat can’t be healthy for naturals much less people already using/abusing PEDs solely for image related reasons. I can appreciate the positive message regarding lifting yourself up with hard work, but if your self worth is primarily based on low body fat/image and how you are perceived by others/treating women like shit, that’s really toxic as hell. it really reminds me of eating disorders among teenage girls + just additional drug abuse and positive manosphere vibes brah.
I feel like most of us do it for image to be fair. I feel like it is vanity a bit. I'm ok with it.

I just don't think doing it recklessly and being. Idolized on it is a good thing
Zyzz is not a person , he wasn’t zyzz his name was Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian , Zyzz was a mindset that took over and Everybody can be like zyzz if you want to.
Even tho he died with 22 he for sure had a more fruitful life then 99% of y’all who talk trash about someone dead which already says a lot about y’all.
He enjoyed his life to the fullest and had no regrets.

Everytime is see people talk shit about aziz it’s mostly old fucks with shit physiques.
Most of y’all don’t even come close to that physique so stfu.
Also don’t come at us with that „getting laid“ topic or Incel shit.

Anyways , y’all can keep talking shit , it’s the internet ,never met a hater In real life, most of y’all wouldn’t even survive long in real life if ya kept running your mouth like y’all do online.
I feel like most of us do it for image to be fair. I feel like it is vanity a bit. I'm ok with it.

I just don't think doing it recklessly and being. Idolized on it is a good thing
I am not trying to criticise just the image part, wanting to look your best and feel your best is one thing, but I think when you mix it with the maintaining the low body fat year round this is a recipe for disaster, and it’s not a good ideal to try to maintain.
He didn’t just talk about looking good but very specifically about the low body fat as a key point.
Imo this has become a trend in fitness industry/ culture generally and it’s probably the unhealthiest thing to come out the manipulation of photos/image enhancement. It’s tragic anyone dies because of a side effect of what pretty much came out of consumer culture/adverts.
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Zyzz is not a person , he wasn’t zyzz his name was Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian , Zyzz was a mindset that took over and Everybody can be like zyzz if you want to.
Even tho he died with 22 he for sure had a more fruitful life then 99% of y’all who talk trash about someone dead which already says a lot about y’all.
He enjoyed his life to the fullest and had no regrets.

Everytime is see people talk shit about aziz it’s mostly old fucks with shit physiques.
Most of y’all don’t even come close to that physique so stfu.
Also don’t come at us with that „getting laid“ topic or Incel shit.

Anyways , y’all can keep talking shit , it’s the internet ,never met a hater In real life, most of y’all wouldn’t even survive long in real life if ya kept running your mouth like y’all do online.
Why am I not surprised you are the one to respond like this while you are permablasting since you are 16?

Go ahead. Run dnp and plenty of other heavy stimulants like him.

He lived life to the fullest for 4 solid years max? Assuming they graduate HS at 18 in Australia. Idk.

Worked as a stripper, never bought a house, never worked a solid job. It's a terrible story and nobody should be looking up to him.

He was a reckless kid, his older brother should have looked out for him. He will now forever be a kid. It's sad that he died but it should be used as an example we are not invincible. Nobody should die that young.

Don't pull that congenital heart disease BS on us. I am pretty sure his cardiologist parents can come up with an actual diagnosis
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Zyzz is not a person , he wasn’t zyzz his name was Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian , Zyzz was a mindset that took over and Everybody can be like zyzz if you want to.
Even tho he died with 22 he for sure had a more fruitful life then 99% of y’all who talk trash about someone dead which already says a lot about y’all.
He enjoyed his life to the fullest and had no regrets.

Everytime is see people talk shit about aziz it’s mostly old fucks with shit physiques.
Most of y’all don’t even come close to that physique so stfu.
Also don’t come at us with that „getting laid“ topic or Incel shit.

Anyways , y’all can keep talking shit , it’s the internet ,never met a hater In real life, most of y’all wouldn’t even survive long in real life if ya kept running your mouth like y’all do online.
I can’t disagree more.

You really think he had a more fruitful life than 99% of people here? is your life that bad you think his was fruitful? You have got to rethink some things and set some goals.

He had rich parents and had the ability to fuck off. He had little to no achievements other than his body and SLIGHT fame in a micro niche.

Now he’s dead.

I can argue I’ve achieved more notable accolades and I haven’t done much yet, let alone the business owners and hard working guys here with awesome families, the ones who enjoy life and their jobs? The ones who over cane addiction and got their lives back?

What was so fruitful I genuinely want to know what you find so impressive about him.

You’re calling people out for talking shit online while you are talking shit online. Pretty laughable.

I say the same things in person to idiots if I’m tempted enough. Here it’s just too easy and part of the fun on meso. Most of the time I laugh in their faces then walk away and guess what? I haven’t gotten my ass beat in years. Respect to the ones who actually put a fight up though…


Maybe because, like many others. I am an adult? What are we in high school?

Im a fan of zyzz along with Jon sky walker. Loved their shit. Support them. Doesn’t mean they both are not dumb as all living fuck. It’s entertaining and fun to see guys living their lives being a little reckless. Wish them the best but I wouldn’t put myself in that situation…

I have better aspirations and goals… like providing something useful outside of being a circus performer.
@hudson98 @supremedonkey

Look bitches, how about you show yourselves?

@David44 you're the man, fuck these idiots they don't understand us and what is their purpose in life. They couldn't adapt, so they shall perish :)

@supremedonkey by the way you fucking nobody with a stupid name like this, why do you still exist? In Palifter's thread you got burned by a flamethrower already and you still show your stupid face? I mean you're just a waste of space in this forum, so how about you sign off already.

@Pineapples4Puss No man, come on, we all have our different goals okay? I think we can disagree and all, but if that's what we want why should we stop? I want to look damn good for the majority of people and good looking girls. Not for fitness enthusiasts or bodybuilders or impress powerlifters. I don't care about any of that. I don't live in the gym, I spend most of my time in public, so I have to appeal there more, I can't be too big, too bulky, I can't be too lean either, I need to strike a balance how men would wanna look and what higher level girls find attractive. It's vanity yes, but the world is spinning one direction and nothing we can do about it.
By the way last paragraph is not for you, but these two clowns I mentioned, so please don't get offended.

Last thing is you can call me gay, slut, assume I tan every day (which I don't...) and all that bs you want to think about and apply to me, it's okay, it's your opinion after all, why should I care? If it makes me happy I'll do what I want anyway, it's my life, so get yourself one and maybe then we can talk. I have my owns ideals, my standards, my dreams and my goals and I will live by it, you can't change that.

If Millard or Admin bans me, okay, at least I got to say how I feel about these nobodies with no pictures who try to bring down others. Sorry, I can't hold my emotions with "people" like that.
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