MESO-Rx Exclusive Everything you always wanted to know about Zyzz but were afraid to ask

@hudson98 @supremedonkey

Look bitches, how about you show yourselves?

@David44 you're the man, fuck these idiots they don't understand us and what is their purpose in life. They couldn't adapt, so they shall perish :)

@supremedonkey by the way you fucking nobody with a stupid name like this, why do you still exist? In Palifter's thread you got burned by a flamethrower already and you still show your stupid face? I mean you're just a waste of space in this forum, so how about you sign off already.

@Pineapples4Puss No man, come on, we all have our different goals okay? I think we can disagree and all, but if that's what we want why should we stop? I want to look damn good for the majority of people and good looking girls. Not for fitness enthusiasts or bodybuilders or impress powerlifters. I don't care about any of that. I don't live in the gym, I spend most of my time in public, so I have to appeal there more, I can't be too big, too bulky, I can't be too lean either, I need to strike a balance how men would wanna look and what higher level girls find attractive. It's vanity yes, but the world is spinning one direction and nothing we can do about it.
By the way last paragraph is not for you, but these two clowns I mentioned, so please don't get offended.

Last thing is you can call me gay, slut, assume I tan every day (which I don't...) and all that bs you want to think about and apply to me, it's okay, it's your opinion after all, why should I care? If it makes me happy I'll do what I want anyway, it's my life, so get yourself one and maybe then we can talk. I have my owns ideals, my standards, my dreams and my goals and I will live by it, you can't change that.

If Millard or Admin bans me, okay, at least I got to say how I feel about these nobodies with no pictures who try to bring down others. Sorry, I can't hold my emotions with "people" like that.
I agree with what you said.

I essentially said that exact thing. I do This for vanity and I enjoy it. No doubt about it. I tan. I oil up. I lift. And I like having my shirt off.

Nobody said stop if that’s all you want. More power too you. But there is a lot more to life than just looking good for vanity.

My only point is zyzz simply did not live a more fruitful life compared to 99% of people. He partied and lifted weights.

It’s cool yeah. But I’m a grown ass man now the immaturity of it is just oozing.

If you look at majority of his core fans it’s a bunch of skinny incels that think their bodies will change their status in life and copying this person. When I’m reality it doesn’t. Can it help? No doubt. But it’s a delusional dream.

Also cringe as fuck when you see grown men captioning shit on Instagram of “you mirin bruh? Furrrraaaaak” instead of being their own person. When I was younger I was the same way. But I rather be myself, no matter how much I hate myself.
He lives his life to the fullest with no regret and died at 20-22 or whatever LOL. This guy should not be mentioned in bodybuilding forums.
@hudson98 @supremedonkey

Look bitches, how about you show yourselves?

@David44 you're the man, fuck these idiots they don't understand us and what is their purpose in life. They couldn't adapt, so they shall perish :)

@supremedonkey by the way you fucking nobody with a stupid name like this, why do you still exist? In Palifter's thread you got burned by a flamethrower already and you still show your stupid face? I mean you're just a waste of space in this forum, so how about you sign off already.

@Pineapples4Puss No man, come on, we all have our different goals okay? I think we can disagree and all, but if that's what we want why should we stop? I want to look damn good for the majority of people and good looking girls. Not for fitness enthusiasts or bodybuilders or impress powerlifters. I don't care about any of that. I don't live in the gym, I spend most of my time in public, so I have to appeal there more, I can't be too big, too bulky, I can't be too lean either, I need to strike a balance how men would wanna look and what higher level girls find attractive. It's vanity yes, but the world is spinning one direction and nothing we can do about it.
By the way last paragraph is not for you, but these two clowns I mentioned, so please don't get offended.

Last thing is you can call me gay, slut, assume I tan every day (which I don't...) and all that bs you want to think about and apply to me, it's okay, it's your opinion after all, why should I care? If it makes me happy I'll do what I want anyway, it's my life, so get yourself one and maybe then we can talk. I have my owns ideals, my standards, my dreams and my goals and I will live by it, you can't change that.

If Millard or Admin bans me, okay, at least I got to say how I feel about these nobodies with no pictures who try to bring down others. Sorry, I can't hold my emotions with "people" like that.
Your only goal is to be a useless troll in this forum. You don't even look like you take gear and talk about aesthetics. Not that it even matter what your body looks like with a face like that. Now we know you are one of the zyzz idoling incels. And who burned me? I said what I had to say and didn't read that thread anymore. What I said about him was true. I can't keep reading your dear diary type of posts as I actually have a life outside of this forum which you clearly don't. You are one of those guys who comes on forums to feel in power while in real life you walk past us with your eyes on the floor like a little bitch. Now piss off pencil neck.
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He lives his life to the fullest with no regret and died at 20-22 or whatever LOL. This guy should not be mentioned in bodybuilding forums.

Your only goal is to be a useless troll in this forum. You don't even look like you take gear and talk about aesthetics. Now we know you are one of the zyzz idoling incels. And who burned me? I said what I had to say and didn't read that thread anymore. What I said about him was true. I can't keep reading your dear diary type of posts as I actually have a life outside of this forum which you clearly don't. You are one of those guys who comes on forums to feel in power while in real life you walk past us with your eyes on the floor like a little bitch. Now piss off pencil neck.
You do know how to provoke people you stupid donkey...

I'm not aggressive but I'd do you a special treatment and slap your donkey face maybe then your down syndrome affected brain would understand that you're fucking nothing.
Zyzz is not a person , he wasn’t zyzz his name was Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian , Zyzz was a mindset that took over and Everybody can be like zyzz if you want to.
Even tho he died with 22 he for sure had a more fruitful life then 99% of y’all who talk trash about someone dead which already says a lot about y’all.
He enjoyed his life to the fullest and had no regrets.

Everytime is see people talk shit about aziz it’s mostly old fucks with shit physiques.
Most of y’all don’t even come close to that physique so stfu.
Also don’t come at us with that „getting laid“ topic or Incel shit.

Anyways , y’all can keep talking shit , it’s the internet ,never met a hater In real life, most of y’all wouldn’t even survive long in real life if ya kept running your mouth like y’all do online.
you sound like you want to bring him back to life and cuck for him while he bangs your girl. he must have really been your idol.
Zyzz is not a person , he wasn’t zyzz his name was Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian , Zyzz was a mindset that took over and Everybody can be like zyzz if you want to.
Even tho he died with 22 he for sure had a more fruitful life then 99% of y’all who talk trash about someone dead which already says a lot about y’all.
He enjoyed his life to the fullest and had no regrets.

Everytime is see people talk shit about aziz it’s mostly old fucks with shit physiques.
Most of y’all don’t even come close to that physique so stfu.
Also don’t come at us with that „getting laid“ topic or Incel shit.

Anyways , y’all can keep talking shit , it’s the internet ,never met a hater In real life, most of y’all wouldn’t even survive long in real life if ya kept running your mouth like y’all do online.
This shit is hilarious and so typical of morons like Aziz… f@ucktard… Last years Darwin Award Winner… whatever you want to call him.

Men like me have lived lives you and these little self absorbed narcissistic social media morons can only imagine.

Piss off little boy. 6 years seal teams…. Working with Interpol 4 years taking down organized cartels. Promise you I would survive an encounter with you….

Throw your threats somewhere else.
@hudson98 @supremedonkey

Look bitches, how about you show yourselves?

@David44 you're the man, fuck these idiots they don't understand us and what is their purpose in life. They couldn't adapt, so they shall perish :)

@supremedonkey by the way you fucking nobody with a stupid name like this, why do you still exist? In Palifter's thread you got burned by a flamethrower already and you still show your stupid face? I mean you're just a waste of space in this forum, so how about you sign off already.

@Pineapples4Puss No man, come on, we all have our different goals okay? I think we can disagree and all, but if that's what we want why should we stop? I want to look damn good for the majority of people and good looking girls. Not for fitness enthusiasts or bodybuilders or impress powerlifters. I don't care about any of that. I don't live in the gym, I spend most of my time in public, so I have to appeal there more, I can't be too big, too bulky, I can't be too lean either, I need to strike a balance how men would wanna look and what higher level girls find attractive. It's vanity yes, but the world is spinning one direction and nothing we can do about it.
By the way last paragraph is not for you, but these two clowns I mentioned, so please don't get offended.

Last thing is you can call me gay, slut, assume I tan every day (which I don't...) and all that bs you want to think about and apply to me, it's okay, it's your opinion after all, why should I care? If it makes me happy I'll do what I want anyway, it's my life, so get yourself one and maybe then we can talk. I have my owns ideals, my standards, my dreams and my goals and I will live by it, you can't change that.

If Millard or Admin bans me, okay, at least I got to say how I feel about these nobodies with no pictures who try to bring down others. Sorry, I can't hold my emotions with "people" like that.
you seem triggered, u mad bro?
I’ll say this, He did motivate me to lift back in the day because I also was a very skinny kid growing up.

But he was a degenerate drug addict…I’m not talking about steroids obviously. But he snorted coke, smoked cigarettes, drank like a fish, took molly, ect.
@hudson98 @supremedonkey

Look bitches, how about you show yourselves?

@David44 you're the man, fuck these idiots they don't understand us and what is their purpose in life. They couldn't adapt, so they shall perish :)

@supremedonkey by the way you fucking nobody with a stupid name like this, why do you still exist? In Palifter's thread you got burned by a flamethrower already and you still show your stupid face? I mean you're just a waste of space in this forum, so how about you sign off already.

@Pineapples4Puss No man, come on, we all have our different goals okay? I think we can disagree and all, but if that's what we want why should we stop? I want to look damn good for the majority of people and good looking girls. Not for fitness enthusiasts or bodybuilders or impress powerlifters. I don't care about any of that. I don't live in the gym, I spend most of my time in public, so I have to appeal there more, I can't be too big, too bulky, I can't be too lean either, I need to strike a balance how men would wanna look and what higher level girls find attractive. It's vanity yes, but the world is spinning one direction and nothing we can do about it.
By the way last paragraph is not for you, but these two clowns I mentioned, so please don't get offended.

Last thing is you can call me gay, slut, assume I tan every day (which I don't...) and all that bs you want to think about and apply to me, it's okay, it's your opinion after all, why should I care? If it makes me happy I'll do what I want anyway, it's my life, so get yourself one and maybe then we can talk. I have my owns ideals, my standards, my dreams and my goals and I will live by it, you can't change that.

If Millard or Admin bans me, okay, at least I got to say how I feel about these nobodies with no pictures who try to bring down others. Sorry, I can't hold my emotions with "people" like that.

Its really vain, but I do tan almost daily:(....or take melanotan. I think I just look better darker.
Wishing, hoping, or calling for physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members; and self-harm are prohibited.
Why am I not surprised you are the one to respond like this while you are permablasting since you are 16?

Go ahead. Run dnp and plenty of other heavy stimulants like him.

He lived life to the fullest for 4 solid years max? Assuming they graduate HS at 18 in Australia. Idk.

Worked as a stripper, never bought a house, never worked a solid job. It's a terrible story and nobody should be looking up to him.

He was a reckless kid, his older brother should have looked out for him. He will now forever be a kid. It's sad that he died but it should be used as an example we are not invincible. Nobody should die that young.

Don't pull that congenital heart disease BS on us. I am pretty sure his cardiologist parents can come up with an actual diagnosis
Stfu your the definition of a bitch you let your bitch getting fucked by others ,so don’t come at me fag
Wishing, hoping, or calling for physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members; and self-harm are prohibited.
Lmao I checked the „who is the biggest and most shreddest“ thread and I know most of y’all look like a bag of potatoes, only 4-6 guys here look good and it’s non of y’all trash talkers . Y’all live in America and carrying a gun, cuz y’all little bitches and can’t use your knuckles . Remove the guns and watch how many of y’all would get the beating of your life
@David44 I hope you don't mean me lol, I was quite bulked up there near my max size...

Lmao I checked the „who is the biggest and most shreddest“ thread and I know most of y’all look like a bag of potatoes

Anyway, most here need to shut the fuck up and mind their own business. What the fuck ever happened here, I mean it should be about lifting weight, looking good and staying healthy. Nobody is saying Zyzz did live a right lifestyle, no, but we all know that similar results can be achieved with moderate steroid use, optimal diet and training.
I wanna say that there should be a damn rule that if you want to talk trash and call out or confront someone with pics then you must have pics yourself or be at least willing to post some!!!

Cuz now there are donkeys in this forum telling people bad things...

Since when meso is allowing donkeys in? :eek:
Stfu your the definition of a bitch you let your bitch getting fucked by others ,so don’t come at me fag

I personally love my swinger lifestyle and wouldn't change it.

You are a Child, nothing else.

Lol @ calling me a fag
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@David44 @Cridi887 please stop it okay, I like both of you.

Look, whatever this argument is all about, perhaps David is overreacting and he's like 24, I'm few years older but even those few years make a difference. I know when I was 23-24 I was dealing with anger management or rather it was dealing with me. Now it's different. Everyone experiences this age problem before they somewhat mature.

Also, Cridi, whatever your name is, you have been in your 20's too so you understand it perfectly I think. He is not that bad guy okay, he's just sensitive person, like me he doesn't like to be called dyel or some gay or bitch ok. It's not like we deserve the hate from some people here not willing to show their pics (I don't care it's personal choice) but to confront us and tell us we are dyel twinks or some bs is pretty triggering, don't you agree?

Let's stop this fighting already, none of us are saints anyway, we could smash each other all day long and say bad things about each other, but does it help any of us? We should help each other achieve our goals and be happy for ourselves and each other, have a drink and swing sometimes lol, yeah it makes me happy to see other cool people succeed I'm not jealous all about myself person, in fact I look for people like myself and I want to make friends with them so we can push each other and have a lot in common.

As for steroids and drugs we take, fuck it, I don't care what you take as long as it makes you happy! I like the person and I don't judge what he is taking and it doesn't make him any less or more valuable to me. Yes, in my threads I talk about abuse and all, but it's only to say, that sometimes more is not better and that drugs solely will not get you where you want to be and to rely on them is pretty damn stupid and reckless.
@David44 @Cridi887 please stop it okay, I like both of you.

Look, whatever this argument is all about, perhaps David is overreacting and he's like 24, I'm few years older but even those few years make a difference. I know when I was 23-24 I was dealing with anger management or rather it was dealing with me. Now it's different. Everyone experiences this age problem before they somewhat mature.

Also, Cridi, whatever your name is, you have been in your 20's too so you understand it perfectly I think. He is not that bad guy okay, he's just sensitive person, like me he doesn't like to be called dyel or some gay or bitch ok. It's not like we deserve the hate from some people here not willing to show their pics (I don't care it's personal choice) but to confront us and tell us we are dyel twinks or some bs is pretty triggering, don't you agree?
actually cleaned up my response quite a bit and decided to not act like I did in my early 20s.

David is overreacting. And you are right, it is annoying to put yourself out there with pics and have people insult your physique with 0 pictures.

While I do have pictures posted, the main progress that I show is Dexa scans because I have a legal liability attached to me that if I get caught, I am fucked professionally.

I think the thing that triggered people is
- This is a harm reduction forum
-Zyzz is the opposite of harm reduction
-he was a kid that made dumb decisions, but he DID NOT deserve to die
-instead of internet public glorifying Zyzz,. they should learn more about safety from AAS. Make an informed/safe decision.
-I dont think I his lifestyle or aesthetic decisions are gay at all. I always hated my body. I am glad he was happy about his. Most of us lift for image, its all vanity. I am ok with it.
-He couldn't live life to the fullest because he didn't live that much of a full life. Its like saying a 10 year old with cancer lived life to the fullest. They did not and its horrible. Its just a way to help with coping with death.
actually cleaned up my response quite a bit and decided to not act like I did in my early 20s.

David is overreacting. And you are right, it is annoying to put yourself out there with pics and have people insult your physique with 0 pictures.

While I do have pictures posted, the main progress that I show is Dexa scans because I have a legal liability attached to me that if I get caught, I am fucked professionally.

I think the thing that triggered people is
- This is a harm reduction forum
-Zyzz is the opposite of harm reduction
-he was a kid that made dumb decisions, but he DID NOT deserve to die
-instead of internet public glorifying Zyzz,. they should learn more about safety from AAS. Make an informed/safe decision.
-I dont think I his lifestyle or aesthetic decisions are gay at all. I always hated my body. I am glad he was happy about his. Most of us lift for image, its all vanity. I am ok with it.
-He couldn't live life to the fullest because he didn't live that much of a full life. Its like saying a 10 year old with cancer lived life to the fullest. They did not and its horrible. Its just a way to help with coping with death.
Yeah, don't get too defensive bro, I just put myself in the middle to really get both parties to an agreement :)

Good points and explanation, there is no need for you to prove anything, I never confront you and ask for images, pics and all that stuff. It's your life, but what I liked about you is that you're someone who is not loud mouth and you know the fine line between making it too personal or just making a joke. You don't cross that line and there is no point in confronting you and you also never say stupid things like some donkeys here.

Maybe donkey is really some 300 pounds monster that would rape me for all I know, but in my experience guys that are monsters here and in life are some of the most friendliest gorillas you will ever meet. So this doesn't add up when somebody is acting like that with no pics, I think you know what I'm saying.

As for Zyzz yeah, sad story and very unfortunate one. But we need to remember that we are just flesh and bones after all. Some are good looking some are bad looking, nature doesn't care, we all can die in a blink of an eye.

Just last week I crashed my car head on, for a moment I thought I'm gone when I saw white airbag in front of me. But I got out of my car and went to help other car, they were all okay. So it's luck, maybe it's god, I don't know.

Moral of the story, news could say this - young guy went too fast in his bmw and he crashed and killed himself. What the comments would be? Another idiot bmw driver that was young and reckless, what a waste of life, right? Don't buy fast bmw's because you will kill yourself and bmw is trash...

So as in Zyzz case no one really knows what was the true or real cause of his death. So let's not judge okay.

Where I'm from the saying goes, don't judge the dead or the death itself will judge you.
Lmao I checked the „who is the biggest and most shreddest“ thread and I know most of y’all look like a bag of potatoes, only 4-6 guys here look good and it’s non of y’all trash talkers . Y’all live in America and carrying a gun, cuz y’all little bitches and can’t use your knuckles . Remove the guns and watch how many of y’all would get the beating of your life
Is your highest level of education a GED?

You genuinely sound retarded.