MESO-Rx Exclusive MESO-Rx exclusive: "Memoirs of a Steroid Kingpin" - Leave your feedback and reviews

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MESO-Rx is pleased to announce the serialized publication of the "Memoirs of a Steroid Kingpin" autobiography by @bdsupplements over the next few months! Read the Prologue now, share your feedback, comments, and questions for the author here.

Ryan’s Root’s real-life autobiographical story is a must-read account of his rise and fall as one of the largest anabolic steroid dealers on the Internet.

Memoirs of a Steroid Kingpin by Ryan Root

Hello, my name is Ryan Root. I have a very interesting memoir regarding testosterone, its derivatives, and other hormones. I am a biochemist, who tailored his degree, and the last 20 years of his life, to understanding and studying these compounds. I have a true rags to riches story in the vein of “Wolf Of Wall Street”, or “War Dogs”.

I had always been small, underdeveloped and immature. At 13, I began being picked on for being so small and skinny. At that point, I commenced hitting the weights and never looked back. I put in twice the work for half the results of my peers. Everyone around me, with half the effort, could be bigger and stronger than me. I always tried to please everyone, I lacked confidence. I ended up getting walked on and taken advantage of; I had a hard time maintaining respect. I commenced using testosterone at 23. I hyper responded. The results were dramatic and astounding. I put on 32 pounds of muscle and 100 pounds on my bench in 5 weeks. I felt amazing! Suddenly, everyone wanted to be my friend, no one disrespected me anymore, everywhere I went people noticed me. I would walk into a bar, and the crowd would part out of my way. I would accidentally bump into someone, they would turn to look at me, and after seeing my impressive stature, they would apologize to me. I worked as a plumber during the summer when I was in college. I was terrible at my job, but my boss suddenly gave me a raise for no better reason than I stood before him looking stout. I have lived two different lives, in two different worlds, one before testosterone and one after. After commencing a regimen of testosterone and its derivatives, I suddenly lived a dramatically better life in a dramatically better world.

I have experienced life altering improvements from using testosterone, its derivatives, and some other hormones, which is why I developed such a passion for them, and why I developed a passion for helping others with them. After years of dabbling in the black market, in 2011, I started my own UGL making my own products, which turned into a massive multi-million-dollar empire. At one point, I was rated by various forums as the 3rd largest and most popular anabolic steroid source in the world. My story includes a journey from living destitute in a small city, building a seven figure multi-million-dollar black market anabolic steroid empire, to living in opulent dominion residing in a penthouse overlooking Manhattan, and finally suffering an indictment and the fall of my legacy. This epic is complete with drama, intrigue, conflict, and an inside look at the complex business strategy of the underground e-commerce steroid market. Furthermore, this memoir will use articulate language and advanced concepts to philosophically address the transformation from parsimony to affluence; including the concomitant psychological aspects, personality changes, social struggles, and perquisites that accompany such a transition.

In 2015 I was indicted by Operation Cyber Juice, spent some time in Federal Prison, and have recently been released to start my life over.
@bdsupplements thank you sir for putting this together. It is a very intriguing read.

Sometime back I got a source to open up to me a little behind the scenes about how his empire came to be. Being that I’m a guy that falls a sleep every night to a good documentary and that this topic hits close to home being that I’ve been a member of these boards a decade, this is a truly fascinating topic to me. I’ve often let my mind wander off and picture a night sitting around a camp fire with big sources of the past and present and just sitting back and listening to their stories. Although there is no camp fire, thank you very much for sharing and opening up. Much respect for over coming everything and turning this into a legal business. I look forward to the next installments.
Thank you very much for your support B Ware. I really appreciate you. Interestingly enough, the movies and stories I enjoy the most are documentaries as well, especially tales of rags to riches. I was so captivated by movies such as Wolf of Wallstreet and War Dogs, that I began framing my own story in this fashion in my head, and thought about it the whole time I was in prison. When I was finally released from prison, and I began opening up on some of these boards, Millard asked me if I would be interested in writing my story. I had been writing it in my head for years. It was a no brainer. Putting it on paper, it just flowed. When I commenced delving back into the intricate details, I began remembering aspects that were forgotten. I have had fun recounting everything, and candidly, this story has come out better than I expected. Thanks again for reading.
When I was finally released from prison, and I began opening up on some of these boards, Millard asked me if I would be interested in writing my story. I had been writing it in my head for years. It was a no brainer. Putting it on paper, it just flowed.
I'm really glad you agreed to do this. There hasn't been any other former source who has been so open and prolific in describing their experience, success, downfall, and rebirth. Thank you.
I'm really glad you agreed to do this. There hasn't been any other former source who has been so open and prolific in describing their experience, success, downfall, and rebirth. Thank you.
Thank YOU Millard. I had a client today, whom I was helping design a treatment protocol, tell me that he has been reading the story on MESO. He said it was fantastic, and he couldn't wait to read the rest of it. Thanks again for helping tell this epic story.
What’s happened to the rest of it? I was really enjoying the read.
I’ve been waiting for Ep 20 since March.
Same here, I thought the rest got deleted or something and I was missing out on the rest
I’m hoping somebody in Hollywood has picked up on the story, and wants to make the movie - and don’t want it fully publishing before they get their hands on it!!
It’s a awesome story, if I was a producer I’d be jumping right on it with him.
I’m just listening/watching to some podcasts with him, he look the part too - he’s like a cross between the ‘rock’ & what Vin Diesel always wanted to be!! Seems like a top guy, I hope he makes a (another) fortune from it - and he deserves every penny!
I’m hoping somebody in Hollywood has picked up on the story, and wants to make the movie - and don’t want it fully publishing before they get their hands on it!!
It’s a awesome story, if I was a producer I’d be jumping right on it with him.
I’m just listening/watching to some podcasts with him, he look the part too - he’s like a cross between the ‘rock’ & what Vin Diesel always wanted to be!! Seems like a top guy, I hope he makes a (another) fortune from it - and he deserves every penny!
Thank you very much for your kind words GMC! I really appreciate you. I am not sure what happened to the rest of the chapters, there is a lot more left. I am guessing that Millard became busy, and hasn't had the time to release more chapters. Perhaps I can speak with him.
I quit reading the top original post after “I put on 32lbs of muscle in 5 weeks”
In our community, we have been plagued with the cynicism that reportrs of people putting on 30lbs of muslce or more lack veracity. Another concept that I have noticed plagues our community is people's inabilty to see outside their own self centricity. Prople believe that whatever reactions happen to them or a couple of their gym buddies, is exactly how everyone else reacts; whether it be exercise regimens or hormones. This narrative fallacy that no one can put on 30lbs of muslce or more stems from a subset of cynicists who aren't able to put on that kind of muslce mass themselves, so, not only do they claim that no one else can put on 30lbs of muslce or more, but they make fun of those who make this claim. Of course, others who cannot put on that type of muscle mass jump on this band wagon. The cynics have also convinced people who do gain more than 30lbs that it is not muscle, but they are given a facile explaination that weight gain is due to water weight and/or glycogen.

When we talk about not being able to see outside your self-centricity; I am a biochemist who has guided approximately 20,000 people through the use of hormones. A thousand of those were professionals I helped put on stage. I have aggregated as much, if not more, empirical and anecdotal data than almost anyone in the county. I only say that to illuminate my credentials and vast experience.

Certainly, anabolic steroids can cause edema in the form of water retention in the dermis. For some, very little water is retained in the dermis, for others, significant water is retained in the dermis. For some, water retention is not a significant source of weight gain. Muscle gain is a function of fluids enlarging the muscle cell. A significant portion of that fluid is water. But, that is a part of muslce gain. The increased size from fluid in the muscle cells allows for myosin to have a stronger dipole action on actin, increasing the strength of the contraction.

Glycogen is a back up instant energy source to glucose. Glycogen is located in the liver and in muscles. One of the reasons muscles increase in size is to accomodate more glycogen for more energy and more strength. Gaining glycogen weight in the muscles is a function of gaining muscle weight, and is one of the reasons you get stronger. Even so, muslce glycogen doesn't weigh much. On average, about 500g of glycogen exists in the human muscles. Even if you double the size of your muscles, you only gain about a quarter pound of glycogen weight.

For those who believe it is impossible to gain 30lbs of muscle or more; bullshit. Granted, it is a small subset of hyper responders than can gain that much muscle mass. I am a hyper responser. I have seen some genetically gifted guys take a moderate dose of testosterone and dbol, lose fat and gain 30, 40, even 50lbs and still be so lean they could immediately step on stage. One thing you realize when you accrue a vast array of data in this field of study, is that you cannot put everyone in a box. You cannot indicate certain limits and certain ranges for everyone. There is a massive disparity in the way each individual reacts to certain hormones, certain compounds, and certain protocols. Admittedly, I have been a victim of disbelief in the past. But I have seen, with my own eyes, bodybuilders go on drug benders, get fat, lose muslce to atrophy, clean up and put on 50 pounds of muslce, and look ready to step on stage in two months. It is not common, but some people are genetically gifted, and to deny that is to deny some pretty incredible stories and some pretty incredible truths.
In our community, we have been plagued with the cynicism that reportrs of people putting on 30lbs of muslce or more lack veracity. Another concept that I have noticed plagues our community is people's inabilty to see outside their own self centricity. Prople believe that whatever reactions happen to them or a couple of their gym buddies, is exactly how everyone else reacts; whether it be exercise regimens or hormones. This narrative fallacy that no one can put on 30lbs of muslce or more stems from a subset of cynicists who aren't able to put on that kind of muslce mass themselves, so, not only do they claim that no one else can put on 30lbs of muslce or more, but they make fun of those who make this claim. Of course, others who cannot put on that type of muscle mass jump on this band wagon. The cynics have also convinced people who do gain more than 30lbs that it is not muscle, but they are given a facile explaination that weight gain is due to water weight and/or glycogen.

When we talk about not being able to see outside your self-centricity; I am a biochemist who has guided approximately 20,000 people through the use of hormones. A thousand of those were professionals I helped put on stage. I have aggregated as much, if not more, empirical and anecdotal data than almost anyone in the county. I only say that to illuminate my credentials and vast experience.

Certainly, anabolic steroids can cause edema in the form of water retention in the dermis. For some, very little water is retained in the dermis, for others, significant water is retained in the dermis. For some, water retention is not a significant source of weight gain. Muscle gain is a function of fluids enlarging the muscle cell. A significant portion of that fluid is water. But, that is a part of muslce gain. The increased size from fluid in the muscle cells allows for myosin to have a stronger dipole action on actin, increasing the strength of the contraction.

Glycogen is a back up instant energy source to glucose. Glycogen is located in the liver and in muscles. One of the reasons muscles increase in size is to accomodate more glycogen for more energy and more strength. Gaining glycogen weight in the muscles is a function of gaining muscle weight, and is one of the reasons you get stronger. Even so, muslce glycogen doesn't weigh much. On average, about 500g of glycogen exists in the human muscles. Even if you double the size of your muscles, you only gain about a quarter pound of glycogen weight.

For those who believe it is impossible to gain 30lbs of muscle or more; bullshit. Granted, it is a small subset of hyper responders than can gain that much muscle mass. I am a hyper responser. I have seen some genetically gifted guys take a moderate dose of testosterone and dbol, lose fat and gain 30, 40, even 50lbs and still be so lean they could immediately step on stage. One thing you realize when you accrue a vast array of data in this field of study, is that you cannot put everyone in a box. You cannot indicate certain limits and certain ranges for everyone. There is a massive disparity in the way each individual reacts to certain hormones, certain compounds, and certain protocols. Admittedly, I have been a victim of disbelief in the past. But I have seen, with my own eyes, bodybuilders go on drug benders, get fat, lose muslce to atrophy, clean up and put on 50 pounds of muslce, and look ready to step on stage in two months. It is not common, but some people are genetically gifted, and to deny that is to deny some pretty incredible stories and some pretty incredible truths.
You can cherp these long ass paragraphs all you want, no one is putting on 30 lbs of muscle in 5 weeks, 35 days. Cool story tho lol