Update on statins

Don’t think it has anything to do with the statin
Also with hgh I personally noticed at certain dosages it raises cholesterol and in some lowers it
Would recommend upping your statin dose to 5mg and adding 5mg ezitimbe and redoing bloods.
Already started Ezitimbe at 10mg! Will do Rusova at 5mg as well.

I am just spit balling here but the oral bioavailability of Rosuvastatin is only 20%. You started at a lower than recommended dose while also cutting your Citrus Bergamot. I looked at some studies on Citrus Bergamot and it’s pretty effective in reducing total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides. “The bergamot polyphenol fraction decreased total cholesterol from 262 to 196, LDL cholesterol from 175 to 116, and triglycerides from 252 to 170”. Maybe you were benefitting more from Citrus Bergamot than you thought and you aren’t taking a high enough dose of Rosuvastatin to offset dropping it. I’d either add it back and retest in 4 weeks or increase Rosuvastatin to 5 or 10mg and retest in 4 weeks.
As stated in my post the CB was removed because it wasn't really doing anything; my LDL is the same with or without it. The first month I took it it reduced my LDL from 155 to 98, but then it bounced back to base line after another 4 weeks. It also seemed to reduce my HDL, which is naturally high.
In your situation I would start going more aggressive 5mg rosu and 10mg ezetimibe as a minimum. Then retest in a month and see how it goes if it's not enough add bempoic acid
I started Ezitimbe at 10mg yesterday, I might add 5mg Rusova to it today. Fingers crossed I don't get any sides; 2.5mg was perfect and I was excited because I wasn't getting sides on it.
Already started Ezitimbe at 10mg! Will do Rusova at 5mg as well.

As stated in my post the CB was removed because it wasn't really doing anything; my LDL is the same with or without it. The first month I took it it reduced my LDL from 155 to 98, but then it bounced back to base line after another 4 weeks. It also seemed to reduce my HDL, which is naturally high.

I started Ezitimbe at 10mg yesterday, I might add 5mg Rusova to it today. Fingers crossed I don't get any sides; 2.5mg was perfect and I was excited because I wasn't getting sides on it.
5mg rosu Is a very low dose, you shouldn't be getting any sides. Less you think about it the better, placebo effect is strong xD
Man I was more scared of that first 2.5mg pill than I was of anything else I have taken in my life, and I have taken some crazy stuff, haha. The fear mongering had gotten to me bad, unfortunately.
Don’t listen to them. Over the years I’ve taken Zocor, Lipitor and Rosuvastatin. The first two did cause muscle pain and weakness, Zocor being the worst. But on Rosuvastatin I have had no issues at all on 20mg a day.
Man I was more scared of that first 2.5mg pill than I was of anything else I have taken in my life, and I have taken some crazy stuff, haha. The fear mongering had gotten to me bad, unfortunately.
There are plenty of other alternative for statins in case you get sides from rosu, I have searched intensively and there is one especially (need to check my notes) that is less strong then rosu but has almost no muscle ache reported side effect. Plus you can always go on bempoic acid + ezetimibe in case.

But rosu is super cheap and very effective so first try that and see, I mean the worse is you stop it and it goes away, no big deal
for us most of the statin sides don’t apply it’s either you are allergic to it or get temp sides like stuffy nose etc..
We give our body hormones therefore whatever sides come with lowering the building block for hormones which is cholesterol doesn’t apply to us.
I'd like some insight into my situation as it's pretty confusing.

Age? Cardio? How much? Family history of ASCVD?

@BamaCrazy is correct. Citrus bergamot is quite effective for some.

Trigs are fine and will vary. LDL is concerning. I’d like to see ApoB regularly and Lp(a) at least once. I use the Quest “CardioIQ Advanced Lipid Panel” which I order through walk-in labs which is the cheapest I’ve seen it.

Given the elevated LDL and the lack of response to 2.5mg Rosuvastatin. If you’re being aggressive, and I would be, aim for 10mg Rosuvastatin daily along with ezetimibe and bempedoic acid at the standard doses, 10mg and 180mg respectively. That should get your LDL and ApoB into an acceptable range.

This presumes you want to continue AAS and not die of ASCVD. If you opt for a less aggressive intervention then get a CT-CAC. A zero result would make me feel more comfortable with a less aggressive lipid madmen protocol.

The caveat being that I’m a lay person and the ACC would recommend a high intensity statin mono therapy rather than a poly pharma approach.
There are plenty of other alternative for statins in case you get sides from rosu, I have searched intensively and there is one especially (need to check my notes) that is less strong then rosu but has almost no muscle ache reported side effect. Plus you can always go on bempoic acid + ezetimibe in case.

But rosu is super cheap and very effective so first try that and see, I mean the worse is you stop it and it goes away, no big deal
You're right; I'm going to do just that and hope for the best, lol.

Age? Cardio? How much? Family history of ASCVD?

@BamaCrazy is correct. Citrus bergamot is quite effective for some.

Trigs are fine and will vary. LDL is concerning. I’d like to see ApoB regularly and Lp(a) at least once. I use the Quest “CardioIQ Advanced Lipid Panel” which I order through walk-in labs which is the cheapest I’ve seen it.

Given the elevated LDL and the lack of response to 2.5mg Rosuvastatin. If you’re being aggressive, and I would be, aim for 10mg Rosuvastatin daily along with ezetimibe and bempedoic acid at the standard doses, 10mg and 180mg respectively. That should get your LDL and ApoB into an acceptable range.

This presumes you want to continue AAS and not die of ASCVD. If you opt for a less aggressive intervention then get a CT-CAC. A zero result would make me feel more comfortable with a less aggressive lipid madmen protocol.

The caveat being that I’m a lay person and the ACC would recommend a high intensity statin mono therapy rather than a poly pharma approach.
36, I do 1 HIIT session a week (30 minutes), 3 30-minute Z2s, and 2 45 minute Z2s (5 Z2, 1 HIIT). No family history of ASCVD (that I know of).

My trigs are usually much lower than this, actually (as low as 40). I do not have access to some of these tests here in my country (middle east), but I have access to LDL, V-LDL, HDL, Trigs. Also, no bempedoic acid here at the moment, just statins and ezitimbe (which I have began to take yesterday, at 10mg). I will start Crestor today at 5mg (half a 10mg pill) and test in 4 more weeks, if I'm not where I want to be I'll further increase the dosage.

I'm also planning to get a CT-CAC by the end of the year this year. I've had similar numbers since 2012 (trigs under 50, HDL 60-70, LDL 145-55) and nothing I do seems to alter theml not AAS, not healthy (or unhealthy) foods, etc.

Your posts are actually what finally pushed me to make the decision to seek pharma intervention for my lipids. You're much appreciated, man.

Thank you
You're right; I'm going to do just that and hope for the best, lol.

36, I do 1 HIIT session a week (30 minutes), 3 30-minute Z2s, and 2 45 minute Z2s (5 Z2, 1 HIIT). No family history of ASCVD (that I know of).

My trigs are usually much lower than this, actually (as low as 40). I do not have access to some of these tests here in my country (middle east), but I have access to LDL, V-LDL, HDL, Trigs. Also, no bempedoic acid here at the moment, just statins and ezitimbe (which I have began to take yesterday, at 10mg). I will start Crestor today at 5mg (half a 10mg pill) and test in 4 more weeks, if I'm not where I want to be I'll further increase the dosage.

I'm also planning to get a CT-CAC by the end of the year this year. I've had similar numbers since 2012 (trigs under 50, HDL 60-70, LDL 145-55) and nothing I do seems to alter theml not AAS, not healthy (or unhealthy) foods, etc.

Your posts are actually what finally pushed me to make the decision to seek pharma intervention for my lipids. You're much appreciated, man.

Thank you
Middle East where?
If you can source Evolocumab Give it a try one day. I’ve managed to get it but won’t be using it any time soon as I will have to start a fresh testing protocol for it.

Looks like only after I share my results with it you’ll know
We have it here, but I'm not paying 500$ a month for this, lol.
We have it here, but I'm not paying 500$ a month for this, lol.
Here it’s 830usd without insurance but with insurance around 150usd I’ve managed to get only 1 pen through my granny my doc laughed at me when I requested prescription for it.
I hope my testing with it won’t be that stunning otherwise I’ll have to find a way to get a proper prescription for it. Yeah unfortunately everything comes to money at some point.
Also, no bempedoic acid here at the moment,

It’s available through some of the Indian pharma vendors here on meso. In some cases cheaper than ezetimibe.

Good news on the cardio and the family history. A CT-CAC later in the year will be informative. At your age it should very much be zero or within the margin of error (~10).

If you can’t get ApoB then LDL-C is a sufficient stand in. It doesn’t account for particle size and such, but that’s only going to make a marginal difference in risk.

As for evolocumab (Repatha) it’s the king of lipid management compounds. Great for high risk individuals and good for folks that can mage to get it cheaply. At around $1k a month and lacking substantial risk factors, there are other ways to achieve one’s goals.

There are other PCSK9 inhibitors coming to market including Inclisiran which just hit. It’ll be interesting to see. I’ve also seen trials in a gene editing thing for PCSK9.

We’re living in the future.
It’s available through some of the Indian pharma vendors here on meso. In some cases cheaper than ezetimibe.

Good news on the cardio and the family history. A CT-CAC later in the year will be informative. At your age it should very much be zero or within the margin of error (~10).

If you can’t get ApoB then LDL-C is a sufficient stand in. It doesn’t account for particle size and such, but that’s only going to make a marginal difference in risk.

As for evolocumab (Repatha) it’s the king of lipid management compounds. Great for high risk individuals and good for folks that can mage to get it cheaply. At around $1k a month and lacking substantial risk factors, there are other ways to achieve one’s goals.

There are other PCSK9 inhibitors coming to market including Inclisiran which just hit. It’ll be interesting to see. I’ve also seen trials in a gene editing thing for PCSK9.

We’re living in the future.
Fingers crossed! I'll update here in about 4 weeks (5mg Rusova/10mg Ezetimibe)