If you only had 8 exercises.

I would rebrand it a little for us mere mortals, probably upping the reps/sets for some of the things, so it's more feasible.
But if you tend to superset this that and the other because otherwise you feel like a lazy potato (like I do) and then it all drags on forever, this makes for a nice, efficient change.
If one goes for high intensity its more than enough. My point of reference is my juiced up ass can only withstand a proper trained body part 4x each 3 week micro cycle. I am older though and with a relative hectic work so someone with a little more wiggle room -either due to younger age or total capacity for work, may get away with a bit more.

I wouldn't opt to up the rep ranges because it will put more strain in the ligaments if it's properly executed with 0 RIR
Yes you should...

someone erection GIF

OK, nutty boy.
I will, just to make sure you know I am being facetious about the state of your balls.
Well, you gave me some ammo there, so it was what it was.

May you and your illustriously libidinous testicles have an exciting evening.
No testicles and exciting evening for me, but here I am practicing what I preach (edit: What you preach):
Look: lol.
Last edited:
Yes you should...

someone erection GIF

in any case, and let's end this thing today:
I can't believe you are picking on me for discussing your testicles in public.
As da boss on Meso, it's res publica. You know that.
If not, get your secretary to read you the forum etiquette and it's written right there.
Jesus, sometimes....
I can't believe you are picking on me for discussing your testicles in public.
As da boss on Meso, it's res publica.
When the actual ƒ did my balls became our balls?

Too much communism these days...

Anyhow. I rest my balls case.
well, well, little birdie told me you are actually quite fit.
And by little birdie, I mean I know for a fact.
Stop the melodrama

Those cats of yours are really wearing you out.
Cats are hard work.
How is my homonymous doing?
Please say meow, if you see her.

It ain't Netflix and chill. Or is it?
Netflix and chill? Nahh….How about paramount + and thrust lol
Chris Williamson asks this question to his guests and he gets a wide range of answers every single time.

The essential eight that I'd go for are:
DB Incline press
DB lateral raises
Bent over rows
Close grip bench press
Stiff legged deadlift
Close grip pulldowns
front squat
reverse hyper

oh press
inc db press

pull up+weight
db row

Not as well rounded as I would like,but some sport specific movements and old injuries dictate some choices.
For me it's:

1- Dumbbell Incline press
2- Dumbbell lateral raises
3- Dumbbell Row
4- Dumbbell Overhead Press
5- Dumbbell Bicep Curl
6- Barbell Squat
7- Barbell Deadlift
8- Weighted Pull ups

I've been feeling that weighted pull ups could be more effective than lat pull downs, anyone has an opinion on this?
For me it's:

1- Dumbbell Incline press
2- Dumbbell lateral raises
3- Dumbbell Row
4- Dumbbell Overhead Press
5- Dumbbell Bicep Curl
6- Barbell Squat
7- Barbell Deadlift
8- Weighted Pull ups

I've been feeling that weighted pull ups could be more effective than lat pull downs, anyone has an opinion on this?
i like lat pull down with that medium neutral grip attachment, IYKYK which attachment,,IMG_0448.webp
T rows

bench press
military press

smith machine squat
bulgarian split squat

bar biceps curl
Z bar french press
I always try to work in split squats to my leg days because they are excellent but then I cry while performing them and swear I'll stick to bilateral leg movements from that moment forward. A few months later I forget the true pain of split squats and the cycle repeats again
Bent DB Row
Underhand pullups
DB lateral
Incline DB Press
Hanging leg raises

I think for bodybuilding thats about as complete as you can do in 8 exercises. They say judges dont score calves so guess we can leave those out lol