If you only had 8 exercises.

Glutes are the largest musclemin the body. The posterior chain is the largest group of muscles on the body. Failure to train them properly will lead to an awfully long list of problems and pains in the older version of you

I agree 100% once u get that saggy old man ass and loose quad size I think it’s a wrap for ur whole spine. The best trainers and weight lifting coaches ect I worked with in my football days and all emphasized legs hips and core over upper and back even.

Like us men all football coaches check out ur Lower body first specifically ur ass. 90% have a great lower body.

First exercises my kids got good at squats and lunges , that’s all u really need for lower. I think any beginner should start from the bottom and work up. Just like a good 5x5 u start with squats.IMG_2152.pngIMG_2151.jpeg