15 week test e 500 mg

I'm taking the hcg as a preventive measure just to keep my balls going but should I be feeling anything or how will I know it works?

At 500ius per week they might not grow much and it's hard to tell but they will stay alive while not increasing your estrogen much.

If you worried about it single shot of 1500ius will sure bump them a size :-) but will increase your estrogen. Just don't forget to run your 12.5mg aromasin next day upon rising to control it and Nolva
At 500ius per week they might not grow much and it's hard to tell but they will stay alive while not increasing your estrogen much.

If you worried about it single shot of 1500ius will sure bump them a size :) but will increase your estrogen. Just don't forget to run your 12.5mg aromasin next day upon rising to control it and Nolva
Stop giving advice moron. Get back on your corner
11th October: pin 6. injection into left quad. Went well.

Workout went well. Once again raising the weights substantially from last week. Godly forearm pump once again.

13th of October:

Each session I add more weight and expect to stall. I don't. Noticed today when feeling my chest that it feels physically thicker then it used too.

14th of October: pin 7 left quad.

I have really cleaned up my diet so I am leaning out really nicely but have still gained only around 3kg in 3 weeks. Think I may need to eat more. More vascularity everywhere and abs coming in very well. Also don't seem to be puffy anywhere.

Also noticed my skin is gone really clear, I used to get a spot or 2 on my forehead but it's all cleared up nicely. Don't seem to have an oily forehead but shower close to twice a day so may contribute haha.
16th of october: spoke too soon. Have a small breakout on forehead. Saddening.

17th october: pin 8; left ventro glute.

So fucking horny. Wanking like 18 times a day.

Workout was good. Upping weights. Forearm pump is getting very very painful.
19th of October:

Felt extremely irritable today but also woke up with a crick in my neck so could be due to that. even my sister is saying I'm getting annoyed too easily lately.

20th of October: pin 9 right ventro glute.

Crick in neck is feeling better so hopefully will be able to push hard today.
22nd October: sounds like bullshit but my dick is definitely bigger.

23rd October: pin 10 left ventro glute.

Acne on face has cleared up but now on chest. At the moment it seems controllable with some acne scrub (containing salycylic acid)

I still believe my dick has gotten bigger, it's crazy.

Tried injecting hcg in sub q of knee but left a bulge immediately after and even though it dissipated it's still scared me enough to go back to stomach.

Finally my weight is at 78 kg now from 73 and my waist has gone from 32 at the start of cycle to 30.
25th of October:

10.2-11.2 percent body fat according to calipers. Weight at around 78-79kg

26th of October

Pin 11. Outer thigh right.

Both the Acne and pumps has seemed to slowly calmed down. Also not progressing as fast as before. Possibly hit my peak early as this is only week 4.

Definite trap and shoulder gains.

28th of October

Wore a very nice fitting tshirt to party last night and received a few compliments. These are all close friends so would see me regularly and wouldn't usually mention it. One, who has always been suspicious of my steroid use even asked to see my shoulders to check for injection marks lol.

We then went to the club where I got more compliments. I haven't noticed much change other then I look a little thicker but I suppose this is proof as usually on a night out no one would say anything.

29th of October

Pin 12. Outer thigh left.

Nothing to report other then have went up 6 kg (13 pounds) and my waist has gone down almost 3.5 inches. This is around 4 and half weeks in.
1 of November

Pin 14. Outer right thigh.

Acne is pretty bad. Not bad on face but chest and lower back lats have some break outs.

2nd November

Changing bed sheets weekly and showering twice daily. Acne is slowly clearing up it seems.

really strong forearm pump during workout almost impossible to work through or ignore. Shoulder has increased vascularity.
4th of November

Pin 15 left outer thigh.

Sitting @ 79kg. Up 6kg aka 13 lb.

Is 13lb in around 5 weeks good?
Okay so I have ordered some accutane for my chest and bacne, but as you can see it's not the worst acne. I have never had acne before cycle but I would like to nip it in the bud as it's obviously not very visually pleasing. I'm going to take 20mg a day starting whenever it arrives (Tuesday/Wednesday)


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Don’t bother doing 15 weeks I literally just finished a 500mg test e cycle At week 11because I only gained like 0.85 lbs in the last week and I kept my diet at a 500 calorie surplus all the way through the gains taper off immensely I gained 24 lbs in that cycle I stopped taking aromasin around week 6 as my estrogen levels were fine and had no Gyno or water bloat problems . You’ll see the gains between week5 -week9.
Don’t bother doing 15 weeks I literally just finished a 500mg test e cycle At week 11because I only gained like 0.85 lbs in the last week and I kept my diet at a 500 calorie surplus all the way through the gains taper off immensely I gained 24 lbs in that cycle I stopped taking aromasin around week 6 as my estrogen levels were fine and had no Gyno or water bloat problems . You’ll see the gains between week5 -week9.

So you feel I should just save the test and end it a little early?
7th of November

Pin 16 right outer thigh.

Pumps are getting insane. The pain and size increase in my arms and forearms in particular is mad.
8th November

I have always been the type who could only grow bum fluff on sideburns, but now in around 2 days I start to grow a proper non patchy beard and moustache, everytime I shave it comes back stronger.

10th of November

Pin 17:Left thigh

Real good pumps still.

13th of November

Pin 18 : right thigh

Forearm pump making it hard to finish sets.

16th November

Pin 19: left thigh

Chest and belly very hairy.

19th of November

Pin 20: right thigh

Very noticeable difference in body since beginning. 80kg. Up 15lb/7kg altogether.