--16 Week Test C Cycle--pct Protocol??


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What would be a proper post cycle therapy for a 16 week test C cycle at 500mg a week?? Im also going to be kickstarting it with Dbol!! Any advice will be much appreciated!!!!
Im 30yrs old 5'4" short lol an currently run between 155-160lbs..not sure wht percentage body fat iam but if it helps im by no means fat!! Iv done a half ass cycle before that I got off a friend..he said it was test 250 not sure if it was test c e or p..the other bottle he said was mixed half an half with sus an deka..did 500mg a weed divided into 2 shots a week..only had 2 months worth but by the end of the 2 months with me dieting an lifting I went from 150 to 175 an was very impressed an had got to the point I always pictured myself at...but to my disappointment just as fast as I had gained it...I lost it all due to no pct an to be perfectly honest at that time I didn't even have a clue what a pct was or how important it is for a cycle..that happened last july an ever since then iv been reading an studying..i told myself that with my next cycle I was going to cram information an learn before I attempt another one!! An here we are know!!
Its important to have blood work performed before you cycle, mid cycle, and post cycle. This information is invaluable at determining how your body is responding to AAS and if any adjustments are necessary to correct specific hormone fluctuations.

In the meantime, read everything you can on Beginner Cycles and then ask questions on topic or areas you are unsure of. You have many many hours of reading ahead of you so be patient.
Pay particular attention to the various side effects that can occur and how to properly prevent them. Read up on aromatase inhibitors (AI) and selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and why they are important. Also research hCH and why it is important to include on cycle. That should keep you busy for awhile.
Standard nolva/clomid. 75/50/50/50 - 40/20/20/20. And dont forget to include an AI on cycle.
In your opinion, would one need to up the clomid/Nolva numbers on this protocol is they ran Test at 850mg/week for 14 weeks and dbol 40mg/day weeks 1-5 and 9-13? Also, would protocol extend pct 6 weeks rather than 4?
Skull, I am on week 5 of my first test cyp cycle. I am running Watson test cyp at 500/week. I take .25 arimidex every 4th day. I was taking my arimidex eod but my freaking knees started aching. I believe my estrogen was to low. I would start out at least every 3rd day and monitor it.
In your opinion, would one need to up the clomid/Nolva numbers on this protocol is they ran Test at 850mg/week for 14 weeks and dbol 40mg/day weeks 1-5 and 9-13? Also, would protocol extend pct 6 weeks rather than 4?

That's entirely up to the OP and is usually based on blood work and past experience. However the above standard PCT protocol has been a proven recovery program for many many AAS users from beginners to advanced. And im not apposed to extending PCT either. Often bb'rs will report a better recovery with a longer PCT protocol. So, this really is entirely individual.
Skull read more about aromatase inhibitors like arimidex. Very important to have on hand before any pinning. Should any issues arise you will have an idea on what to do, if you dont well you will freak out and make mistake that can potentially harm you on the long run
Skull read more about aromatase inhibitors like arimidex. Very important to have on hand before any pinning. Should any issues arise you will have an idea on what to do, if you dont well you will freak out and make mistake that can potentially harm you on the long run
its all good my brorha. iv been doing my schooling on the subjects an ive learnd enough tokeep myself safe. I now know how what signs to look for while im cycling. thank god for meso!!
its all good my brorha. iv been doing my schooling on the subjects an ive learnd enough tokeep myself safe. I now know how what signs to look for while im cycling. thank god for meso!!

Good for you brother. Way too many guys just use Meso trying to find a source and ignore the wealth of information there is on other AAS related topics. Good luck with your cycle and your PCT.
thanks my man. Im still very new to this but iam learning at a very quick rate. Thank god for meso an all of the very intelligent friendly information sharing iron pumping warriors out there. You all are awesome an make this the place to be!! I would rather be anywhere else but meso;)
I always feel impressed when i tell someone about AAS and how important is to have PCT on hand even prior to acquiring the actual gear. They look at me like wtf is wrong with you and usually tell me nah its all good it cant be that bad. I just laugh as i agree with them on how its not important. I know deep down at least a very minute amount of info got through them and thats allright with me.