I'm saying your advice is bad. I have tried drinking a gallon of milk a day. I have experience doing this. And if you just learn to eat, it will be much more beneficial. Since I started lifting 7 years ago I have gained over 100lbs. I know what I'm talking about. Dont believe everything you read until you try it.
Have you tried this before? What have you learned from it?
I learned that eating steak, chicken, rice, pasta, oatmeal, and eggs to gain weight is better than milk.
Saying to choose milk over roids is just silly to me.
Yes @SuperMaroid I have tried it before. As a matter of fact I just began this regimen 6 weeks ago and as I said I went from 128 to 148 in 5 weeks. So it works for me and I suspect it works for most skinny hardgainers as well.
Why are you so opposed to this? Just because it did not work for you does not mean it doesnt work, we have different bodies and what works for Joe may not work for David and vice versa. What I am telling the kid is to give it a shot. Hell he can try it for a week and if he makes no gains than he can discontinue the milk. What is it that you are afraid is going to happen? That he will gain too much fat? Or that he wont make any gains? As I said I am up 20lbs and probably have gone up about 2 or 3% bodyfat but I am not too worried because I can burn fat very, very easily. I assume a skinny 17 year old is even more efficient than me.
Either way I dont even know why you and me are debating about this because the kid has not returned, I doubt he is going to listen to any advice other than to inject the roids.
Thats the problem with the youth today, they have no attention span and dont take advice. And yes, he probably watched "Zyzz Motivation - Genesis" ROFL
He will be back after his pack arrives saying "I just did my first injection of Test E 3 days ago. Wheres the big muscles??"