2 girls, DNP… and never say never…lol


Those of you who know me, this is one of the very few compounds I have never ran till now. I have always read and researched about it but never had any interest in trying it, and probably may have said that I don’t think I will ever try it… till now… because of a girl I am working with. She came to me and asked for my advice BUT she was set on having DNP in her plan. So… I think this is a perfect opportunity to do a thread about it as it seems there isn’t enough info for women and the very few that have, never finished it to let us all know how it went… hell not even general info about DNP is easily found or is very outdated.

I will most likely post as I see fit, originally I thought to do one post thread after the run but now, since we are a week in, I figured it will be better so I can get feedback and an idea to others considering it as we go through it… plus everything is fresh and I can compare week one to week two later. And I noticed there has been a lot of buzz around DNP lately.

So here is the juicy stuff. Thanks to @Docd187123 and @MrRippedZilla plus a couple other members on another board who have given me first-hand experience and tips to make this run successful for both of us. Thank you!

We are keeping diet and training the same for comparison purposes and the deadline that we have to meet. We are doing low carb diet in a caloric deficit to take full advantage of this cutting phase and hopefully not over heat too quickly. She is all for it and has worked with me before.

5’6, 135lbs, 15%

The girl
5’8, 175lbs, 24%

We are both fairly defined and lean but she has been in a bulk with another coach and he has set her back a bit so I aim to get her out of it and show those hard earned lines again! Wish us luck!

From all the discussions I had and what I was feeling comfortable with, I went with a lower dose to start until we figure out our tolerance. I used 100mg as my minimum to get a 10-15% increase in metabolism as well as took my weight into an account. For my girl, because of her weight, we went with 150mg to start for the first 3 days. We will be increasing 50-100mg at a time every 5 days after the initial 3 (or so I thought).

Day 1 – we both took it in the evening – I took 100mg and she took 150mg
Within the first 20-30 minutes, we both have started to feel warmer. Nothing crazy, just overall warmth. Also, I don’t know if it’s just me reacting to it but I got gassy within that time as well, the kind when you have steak and its after math! ;) I also got extra thirsty so I ended up drinking a bit more than planned that night.

Day 2 & 3 – 2nd day was smooth sailing just a bit warm. Training was all good and full intensity as well. I was sore the next day though. Otherwise no changes to report yet. Day 3 we went up to 150mg for me and 200mg for her. All 3 nights we slept well and nothing unusual. I should mention that I tried a silly thing, while at work, I had a cracker and some hummus, let’s just say that the heat kicked in within 5 minutes! Also that night, my workout kicked my ass. I was sweating and felt run down. I think my intensity was a bit much.

Day 4-7 – the last 4 days have been interesting, I noticed that I am holding water and it’s annoying but it comes with the territory of DNP. The scale actually went up for both of us on day 7 but body fat stayed the same. Day 7, I was at 137.4lbs and she was at 176.2lbs. I imagine it has to be the water we are holding now, well since day 4, as my jewellery is pretty much stuck on my fingers (which is a bitch to train with them on! Grrr…) Day 7 was also the first day we full on tested a theory and because it was time to carb load as we have been very strict the first days (except for my cracker incident! Ooopsy!). And let me tell you this, holy shit, within 5-10 minutes of consuming them, my face went red and I felt very warm all over and even started sweating instantly (I was at home and not even doing anything and still sitting at the table finishing my food!). Training and cardio are still good BUT we are both sweating like crazy! So I figure that if we stay at this dose, we can train almost at the same intensity as without DNP, maybe a bit less cardio though as it kicks our asses! She’s doing 15-20 min high intensity and I’m doing 20-30 min low intensity cardio the last 2 days. See how it goes.

Day 8 (today) – so far I have to say I am very impressed how DNP is so easily manipulated and you can control the level of heat. It is starting to get cold where I am and snow coming soon so neither one of us minds the warmer feeling. I have a few people already ask me if I’m getting sick as I think DNP is in full force and I am sweating just sitting down and my face is flush. She looks the same way from what I saw this morning at the gym. Lol But again, it is still comfortable and we are both sleeping well. Our weight is still the same as day 7.

Day 9 (tomorrow) – we plan on bumping the dose to 200-250mg for me and 250-300mg for her.

OH I forgot to mention, I am still on a Primo run along with T3 (and of course GH). I have dropped all other compounds I was running. I have another week left of primo then the only thing I will have is T3. I also think that I will only do a short run of DNP of 3 weeks as the first week has been a trial to see how we tolerate it. For the girl, we will be running 3 weeks then week off and then another 3 weeks if all goes as planned… if all goes well, we will introduce var for her in 2 or 3 weeks… I guess see how things are when the time comes….so this may be a touch longer of a log and I plan on continuing to add as she progresses even though I will be done. I think ;) hehehe
So this is it!! Glad you finally spilled the beans! (Because clearly you can't eat them [emoji12]). What is your goal? Interested in how this works out!

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So this is it!! Glad you finally spilled the beans! (Because clearly you can't eat them [emoji12]). What is your goal? Interested in how this works out!

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HAHA yes! That was my secret. ;) Actually never planned on running it until my girl asked for help and insisted on DNP. She needs to cut fat, fast. I know most of it can be done with diet but she has more to lose and less time. DNP seemed to fit and the best choice. I was originally planning a var, T3 and Albuterol run for her but we needed more drastic measures because of the timeline for when she needs to be ready.

And me? Hell, I figured if I am supervising someone and they are taking a compound I never ran before, might as well try it for myself too so I can be aware of it first-hand and know exactly how she feels. And in the process, I want to see if I can go down in bf further as it's a lot harder for us ladies to maintain under 15% for extended periods of time. And it's always nice to look leaner, harder and more defined. Never enough! lol
That shit is dangerous, be safe.. are you going to blog with before and progress pics?

Good luck!

I may briefly post up my pics. As for the girl, I haven't asked her if she would be OK with it. So we will see.

But right now, I am bloated and my dryness and cuts are getting fluffy! :( BUT I was told that it will all go away once I stop so I am not too worried as none of my methods for water retention is working. May need to try that papaya powder stuff...
HAHA yes! That was my secret. ;) Actually never planned on running it until my girl asked for help and insisted on DNP. She needs to cut fat, fast. I know most of it can be done with diet but she has more to lose and less time. DNP seemed to fit and the best choice. I was originally planning a var, T3 and Albuterol run for her but we needed more drastic measures because of the timeline for when she needs to be ready.

And me? Hell, I figured if I am supervising someone and they are taking a compound I never ran before, might as well try it for myself too so I can be aware of it first-hand and know exactly how she feels. And in the process, I want to see if I can go down in bf further as it's a lot harder for us ladies to maintain under 15% for extended periods of time. And it's always nice to look leaner, harder and more defined. Never enough! lol


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Thanks! [emoji4]

I've been on 50mg of primo a week and 1iu of gh a day

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The way you explain things makes it easier to follow. I enjoy reading your posts. In for pics as well. :):oops:

Good luck.
1) Digestive issues are not uncommon during the first few days on DNP but shouldn't be anything to worry about as your run continues.

2) My delayed PM did warn about the uselessness of carb loads on DNP lol...its not a fun ride and fairly unnecessary IME. Bets to keep volume & cardio intensity low so as to minimize the need for carb loads and let the DNP/diet do their thing.

3) I don't really see the need for the week off between 3 week cycles for your client (if things are going well). I'd prefer to just run it continuously until she reaches whatever her goal is - 6 weeks straight DNP is more effective than 3 on, 1 off, 3 on unless you plan on chucking some other stuff in there.

Subbed :)
I may briefly post up my pics. As for the girl, I haven't asked her if she would be OK with it. So we will see.

But right now, I am bloated and my dryness and cuts are getting fluffy! :( BUT I was told that it will all go away once I stop so I am not too worried as none of my methods for water retention is working. May need to try that papaya powder stuff...

Yes, it's a very good idea : p

Papaya stuff is Awesome : - )
1) Digestive issues are not uncommon during the first few days on DNP but shouldn't be anything to worry about as your run continues.

2) My delayed PM did warn about the uselessness of carb loads on DNP lol...its not a fun ride and fairly unnecessary IME. Bets to keep volume & cardio intensity low so as to minimize the need for carb loads and let the DNP/diet do their thing.

3) I don't really see the need for the week off between 3 week cycles for your client (if things are going well). I'd prefer to just run it continuously until she reaches whatever her goal is - 6 weeks straight DNP is more effective than 3 on, 1 off, 3 on unless you plan on chucking some other stuff in there.

Subbed :)

Thank you Mr.Zilla! I will go see the pm and make notes! I want this run to be successful :)

Really appreciate it!
Not to hijack but I was looking at papaya and dandelion root today. Will probably buy tomorrow

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I've used dandelion root in prep, I personally didn't like it as much as other methods (as I'm sipping on dandelion root tea!) lol... it tastes kinda funny too... but for this run, it doesn't seem to be helping too much. DNP is a beast I respect for sure! I'm hoping for the papaya will have a better effect.
I've used dandelion root in prep, I personally didn't like it as much as other methods (as I'm sipping on dandelion root tea!) lol... it tastes kinda funny too... but for this run, it doesn't seem to be helping too much. DNP is a beast I respect for sure! I'm hoping for the papaya will have a better effect.

Just ordered some papaya today! :) did you get some yet?

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