2 weekers, the definitive guide


New Member
I got the idea from Bill Roberts years ago. He takes the credit in my books. I had no clue before reading Bill.

I have had very good success with a wide variety of clients for many years utilizing 2 weekers. I have done loads of blood work post cycle. T rebounds immediately and there is no hypogonadism.

WHY do 2 weekers.....are you nuts? NO! They don't work? ah...BULLSHIT! Can you gain without roids. YES, if you know how to train(natural training), eat and rest. So you can gain with a two weeker better!

You are not a compettitve bodybuilder..unless a show is a long ways out.
You train naturally but want to augment.
You are an athlete looking for an edge
You are a heavy user that wants to reduce usage significantly
You don't want a very shitty hdl(good cholesterol) for months on end.
You don't want the other "sides" of steroid use, especially the ventricular hypertrophy that can result from long term heavy use.
You don't want to loose your hair. (If you have the genetics for hair loss)
You're a newbie and afraid of steroids


DO they work? As I said yes they do. BUT, if you are above your natural maximum body weight/size, due to steroid use, you won't get the results from a 2 weeker that others do that are not at or above their natural max.


You MUST hit is hard and with ONLY short acting esters of injectables and orals. The ONLY injectables that are appropriate(that you can actually get) are....Tren acetate, Test Prop(not the best choice due to slightly longer half life than tren ace), Test suspension and that is it! Micronized winny injectabable would work too but most have crystals that are too big and thus the winny takes too long to clear.

You want the gear to be out of your system fast so that you can recover fast. If you use esters that take a long time to clear then you defeat the whole purpose of 2 weekers. Note: DOSE has to be factored in to clearance time too with any injectable.

You need to front load the injectables, except suspension.

Use the most powerful roids you can get and large-ish doses.

I believe in the class 1 and 2 steroid theory. Read about it from Bill Roberts.

So you need to stack a class 1 and class 2 for best results. Yes you can do test (prop)only and yes Dbol or Anadrol only, but your results will not be as good.

Don't worry for crying out loud...you won't get bad sides in a two weeker! The whole idea of 2 weekers is to greatly lesson sides while getting "some" benefit over natural training. Two weekers are done for rapid recovery of HPTA too.


Read about DoggCrapp training. SO, you want to hit each group as frequently as possible while on a two weeker...and hard.
My preference is a two way upper body/lower body split. You train every other day for 15 days. That hits each group 4 times. Yes its fucking hard!
SO, my two weekers are usually 15 days long.
Intensity must be really high and in good form. That means LOW VOLUME because you cannot train super hard with even medium volume.
You MUST squat if you can squat. If you cannot squat then do deep leg press's. I like the Manta Ray pad for squats(look it up) and I like deep Oly style high bar squats for best quad and overall bodily stimulation.
You MUST do either deadlifts or rack pulls. Rack pulls from knee cap height and use straps on the pulls. The deads or pulls are to be on upper body day.

You can split the workouts into two each day and do half in the am and half in the pm.

Use creatine. Make sure it is either micronized or dissolved fully in hot water.
Yes it adds water weight...intramuscular water weight and it helps with muscle gain.

As I said before do a search for DoggCarpp training and read all you can about Dorian Yates training.

SO..you want to do 5 sets of squats, 4 of leg press and 4 of hacks eh...LMFAO! Let me train you....many won't survive 3 sets of quads, done right!
In quad work keep the reps high or high-ish. They respond better and there is better metabolic overflow to the rest of the body. That means sets of 10-12 or even a death set of 20.
Keep the deadlifts and rack pulls at 5-8 reps. If you do high to high-ish reps you will kill yourself with too much overall stress(over both workouts).

Romanian dead lifts DESTROY leg curls for hammy work. Trouble is 99% of guys have no clue how to do them. You arch the fucking back and keep it arched, you drag the bar up and down the thigh with kness SLIGHTLY unlocked. You do not go below knee height...you can't unless your a fucking female gymnast. Try it....use only the bar to test. Arch the low back a bit and slowly lower the back to your knees...feel the big ham stretch...that's enough...if you go lower you WILL round your back and you will eventually fuck your low back up. Use straps in Romanians. Do them last in the lower body day. Yeah Squats, Romanians and deadlifts are working the low back a lot and frequently...you'll be fine in a two weeker IF your form is good. Learn to dead lift. It's THE SINGLE BEST movement period for overall bodily gains. Get instruction from a power lifter. Most bodybuilders(not all) have terrible form.

Use the big basic compound multi joint movements! DO NOT waste valuable training and recovery energy with excessive isolation work. You want big delts...all three heads? Then work up to 200 plus for strict reps in the standing military press.

OK..you can do a three way split if you insist, but train every other day. Arrange the workouts so that you have one day per week of direct work and one day of indirect work. That is VERY important!


EAT...a lot! As per any program, eat every 3 hours. You need calories to grow!
Most guys don't eat anywhere near enough!! read that again!
Protein....lots! AT LEAST 1 gram per pound of body weight.
Carbs...lots! Especially after training.
Recovery drink. 60 grams of dextrose(powdered glucose from store with 30 grams of whey isolate in water)
Saturated fat...you need none...zero!
Essential fats...LOTS...omega 3 and 6

Sleep...a lot!

Other stuff....don't do much or do nothing...no cardio beyond 30 minutes moderately three times a week. For skinny guys do nothing!!!


It's not the same! Similar but different. Learn to train without juice. Almost nobody knows how but it isn't rocket science. You train hard but not with nutso intensity. You train three days per week MAX. You focus on the big basic movements. You train progressively with weight progression on the bars as your focus ...NOT intensity per say. Learn to micro load your lifts. READ "The John Christy Appreciation Thread".
So after the cycle train in the John Christy style, which is basic steroid free training that actually works.

TESTOSTERONE level for older guys.
If you are over 40 you can stay on a very low dose of letrozole forever(after the cycles) Just be sure to be followed by an MD. An HRT doc is best. You don't want to drop estrogen too low.
Dose. 10-25 MICROGRAMS per day. That will drop E2 to low normal and thus boost T to high normal. Nuff said.

2 on 4 off...ok you can do 2 on 2 off three times in a row...then stop doing that cause you'll be entering some nut shrinkage territory.


Use the two best orals but not at the same time cause they are both class 2 roids. Dbol and Anadrol!
NO NO NO anadrol is not worse than Dbol for sides. In fact it is not as bad as Dbol for sides...UNLESS your estrogen is high from using a steroid(or testosterone) that aromatizes.

Anadrol 150 mg on a workout day in three divided doses. Yeah you can use 100. No you cannot use 50...not enough. You only have 14-15 days
100mg on non workout days...no not 50.
Do the drol for 14-15 days and then stop
Tren acetate! 150mg front load on day one. YES DO IT. NO IT'S NOT SCARY! Then 75mg per day for 11 days and then stop.
That's it!
Estrogen will drop very low on this one but that's fine....it's only for two weeks. If you're worried about this then do a little HCG or use a LITTLE test prop until day 10.

#2. Dbol 50-60 mg in divided doses. No don't use 30. Use for 14-15 days and then stop. Tren ace as above. Letrozole 2.5 mg on day one then 1mg a day for 15 days.

#3. Test prop 300mg on day one and then 100mg per day for 9-10 days and then stop. Drol as above OR dbol as above. Letrozole as above or a bit more. I prefer the first two cycles. However, if you add tren to this it will be great though. Winny would be decent too.

Dbol or Anadrol as above, Test suspension 100 a day for 14 days, Tren as above. Letro as above. If using Dbol do the lewtro like this... 2.5mg on day one, or do it a few days before you start...then 1.5mg per day for 15 days.

Gyno....you won't get even a tad on the first cycle. But have clomid or nolva on hand just in case. I have heard(but don't believe) that you can get gyno on anadrol even without using an aromatizing steroid or Test.
Cycles 2, 3 and 4...ok, the letro will prevent it but have clomid or Nolva on hand and if the nipples get itchy jump on the clomid of Nolva.


T rebounds super fast cause your pituitary has not been put to sleep due to the short length of the cycle. Most importantly your testes have not shrunk even though they have not put out T in two weeks. SO recovery is very very rapid.
Clomid 200-300mg on day one post cycle and then 50 a day for at least a week...might as well do two weeks. Some of my clients have not used a SERM at all and did well recovery wise but use it anyway as it's best.
OR....Nolva(tamoxifen) 60mg on day one and 20 a day for 1-2 weeks.
NOTE: The letrozole will hang around a long time and help recovery too.
Men over 40 can stay on the letro at the very low dose I mentioned.
Yeah...young guys can too...it will boost your T too.

You can even do letrozole only for PCT...in that case do 2.5 mg of day one and 1mg a day for a week then .5 a day for a week.

Nuff said!


Anadrol only 150 a day for 15 days
Dbol only 50-60 a day for 15 days
Anadrol as above plus Anavar (class 1 roid) 50 a day
Dbol as above and Var as above.

RG :)
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Couple additions....

Although the human body needs zero saturated fat you can get lots of your needed calories for growth from them. Fat has 9 calories per gram while protein and carbs only have 4. So don't be paranoid about saturated fat intake while on a two weeker.

Here is that John Christy Appreciation Thread for Natural training that works.

Seems interesting. Anyone else that support that validity of the two week cycle and how it works?!
Dr. Scally supports the theory.

The 2 weekers have a bad rap in the AAS community, which is just bro science bullshit IMO. I've done quite a bit of research and like the idea. Bill Roberts is a very knowledgable guy and doesn't get the credit he deserves. I'm strongly considering doing a couple 2 on/4 offs with high doses of tren ace/test prop/d-bol
I got the idea from Bill Roberts years ago. He takes the credit in my books. I had no clue before reading Bill...

WHY do 2 weekers.....are you nuts? NO! They don't work? ah...BULLSHIT! ...

I believe in the class 1 and 2 steroid theory. Read about it from Bill Roberts.

So you need to stack a class 1 and class 2 for best results. Yes you can do test (prop)only and yes Dbol or Anadrol only, but your results will not be as good.

Welcome back, RealGains! Thanks for sharing and building upon Bill Roberts' program. It is a good supplement to the work by BR:

An Integrated Steroid, Training, and Nutrition Program
How Has Your Two-Week Steroid Cycle Protocol Changed?
Anabolic Steroid Classification System - Class I and Class II Androgens
Dr. Scally supports the theory.

The 2 weekers have a bad rap in the AAS community, which is just bro science bullshit IMO. I've done quite a bit of research and like the idea. Bill Roberts is a very knowledgable guy and doesn't get the credit he deserves. I'm strongly considering doing a couple 2 on/4 offs with high doses of tren ace/test prop/d-bol

So does it completely avoid the shutdown of your HPTA? I will do some research as well but you could possibly spend way less on gear as well if this method is truly effective.
So does it completely avoid the shutdown of your HPTA? I will do some research as well but you could possibly spend way less on gear as well if this method is truly effective.


but the longer your shut down the harder recovery is. as well as, the types of AAS used may increase recovery times.
So does it completely avoid the shutdown of your HPTA? I will do some research as well but you could possibly spend way less on gear as well if this method is truly effective.

No your testes shut down pronto of course. ANY androgen, even at a low dose, will do that...don't let "bro's" fool you. The human body only turns out 5-6mg of T per day if you're lucky....so even a low dose of a milder androgen will shut you down because the Hypothalamus senses it as LOADS of T. If that roid aromatizes then you have loads of E2 as well and that is at least as inhibitory as an androgen.

In a 2 weeker the Pituitary doesn't go to sleep so when you stop it will pulse out the LH pronto, as soon as the Hypothalamus tells it to, as the Hypothalamus senses a low androgen and low estrogen load. The testes can respond to this LH and make T because they have not shrunk as the time "on" was only 14-15 days.

The biggest issue in HPTA recovery is usually testicular shrinkage and thus inability to put out much T at all for quite some time....until they grow back. That is why only an idiot would do a long cycle without low dose HCG. The HCG mimics LH and keeps the testes working and thus keeps them from shrinking.

People need to learn to train without gear as you can make really good gains without gear and especially when young. Natural training actually takes knowledge...anyone can gain on almost any routine if on enough juice. The 2 weeker is just an augmentation to natural training that really works well and doesn't mess you up unless you do repeated 2 weeks "on" and only 2 weeks "off" cycles as eventually that will catch up with you.
I like to use the 2 weeker with clients that insist on roid use but only after they reach a sticking point that doesn't respond well to a 7-10 day lay off.

No your testes shut down pronto of course. ANY androgen, even at a low dose, will do that...don't let "bro's" fool you. The human body only turns out 5-6mg of T per day if you're lucky....so even a low dose of a milder androgen will shut you down because the Hypothalamus senses it as LOADS of T. If that roid aromatizes then you have loads of E2 as well and that is at least as inhibitory as an androgen.

In a 2 weeker the Pituitary doesn't go to sleep so when you stop it will pulse out the LH pronto, as soon as the Hypothalamus tells it to, as the Hypothalamus senses a low androgen and low estrogen load. The testes can respond to this LH and make T because they have not shrunk as the time "on" was only 14-15 days.

The biggest issue in HPTA recovery is usually testicular shrinkage and thus inability to put out much T at all for quite some time....until they grow back. That is why only an idiot would do a long cycle without low dose HCG. The HCG mimics LH and keeps the testes working and thus keeps them from shrinking.

People need to learn to train without gear as you can make really good gains without gear and especially when young. Natural training actually takes knowledge...anyone can gain on almost any routine if on enough juice. The 2 weeker is just an augmentation to natural training that really works well and doesn't mess you up unless you do repeated 2 weeks "on" and only 2 weeks "off" cycles as eventually that will catch up with you.
I like to use the 2 weeker with clients that insist on roid use but only after they reach a sticking point that doesn't respond well to a 7-10 day lay off.

This is what 2 week cycles are all about, the pituitary isn't suppressed until week 3 so the shutdown is minimal. Once you hit 3 weeks and shut down the pituitary you lose all the benefit of the short cycle and might as well run 8+ weeks.
I keep reading that Dbol gains are very wet and you lose much of it...so how much would you retain on only 2 weeks ..?
I keep reading that Dbol gains are very wet and you lose much of it...so how much would you retain on only 2 weeks ..?
A 2 week cycle with just d-bol? Little to none. At least throw in 700/week of test prop.
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I keep reading that Dbol gains are very wet and you lose much of it...so how much would you retain on only 2 weeks ..?

Dbol will give you water gains of course but the letro will help minimize that. Dbol is probably the best muscle building steroid out there so you're gunna make some muscle gain. Drol is pretty darn close to Dbol. Tren is good too and for totally lean gains.
The gains you keep will depend on how you train, eat and rest after the cycle, and how close you are to your natural maximum weight/size....which is pretty big for most guys actually Even a pound or two is worth it though.

But Tren would be even better than the test IMHO....or do both.

I'm debating between an 8 week cycle or trying out a 2 week cycle. If I do a 2 week cycle I'll be running 700/700 test prop/tren ace with 50mg of d-bol/day. D-bol has a synergistic effect with tren so that would more than likely make for decent gains if training and diet are dialed in.
I'm debating between an 8 week cycle or trying out a 2 week cycle. If I do a 2 week cycle I'll be running 700/700 test prop/tren ace with 50mg of d-bol/day. D-bol has a synergistic effect with tren so that would more than likely make for decent gains if training and diet are dialed in.

Why not try 2 weeks "on" and 2 weeks off..and do four of those in a row.
With the forth one add in HCG 500 iu's every other day. That will be sure to get the testes to 100% size wise before the last PCT. They will have shrunk a tad after the third 2 weeker with only 2 weeks off between cycles.
I'd be sure to run letro with the test and dbol as well.

Hit body parts more frequently while "on", like I said in my original post. Then during the off weeks drop to Monday-Wednesday-Friday on a three way split and still keep volume low ,but only as far as intensity goes train until the last rep is the last rep you can do....don't get "stuck" by training to complete positive failure. Micro load with tiny plates each workout during the off week(progressive overload but with tiny plates and not the 2.5's). Keeps the reps the same and micro load. The Oly Collars are 1.25 pounds each for example. Get even smaller plates or fishing weights for the "smaller exercises".

Test prop 300 on day one then 100 a day for 9 days.
Tren ace 175 on day one then 100 a day for 10 days.
Dbol 50 a day in divided dose for 14-15 days.
Letrozole 2.5 mg on day one and then 1mg a day for 15 days. Te letro will hang around for the entire 2 weeks off...slowly reducing(long half life).
Clomid 200-300 on day one and then 50 a day for the 2 weeks off. OR Nolva 40-60 on day one and 20 a day for the 2 weeks off.

HCH 500iu's every other day during the 4th 2 weeker...then stop. Don't use it during the off weeks.

You might be surprised at how good this can work.

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Why not try 2 weeks "on" and 2 weeks off..and do four of those in a row.
With the forth one add in HCG 500 iu's every other day. That will be sure to get the testes to 100% size wise before the last PCT. They will have shrunk a tad after the third 2 weeker with only 2 weeks off between cycles.
I'd be sure to run letro with the test and dbol as well.

Hit body parts more frequently while "on", like I said in my original post. Then during the off weeks drop to Monday-Wednesday-Friday on a three way split and still keep volume low ,but only as far as intensity goes train until the last rep is the last rep you can do....don't get "stuck" by training to complete positive failure. Micro load with tiny plates each workout during the off week(progressive overload but with tiny plates and not the 2.5's). Keeps the reps the same and micro load. The Oly Collars are 1.25 pounds each for example. Get even smaller plates or fishing weights for the "smaller exercises".

Test prop 300 on day one then 100 a day for 9 days.
Tren ace 175 on day one then 100 a day for 10 days.
Dbol 50 a day in divided dose for 14-15 days.
Letrozole 2.5 mg on day one and then 1mg a day for 15 days. Te letro will hang around for the entire 2 weeks off...slowly reducing(long half life).
Clomid 200-300 on day one and then 50 a day for the 2 weeks off. OR Nolva 40-60 on day one and 20 a day for the 2 weeks off.

HCH 500iu's every other day during the 4th 2 weeker...then stop. Don't use it during the off weeks.

You might be surprised at how good this can work.


This is great info RG. Thanks a lot for taking the time to post this and share your knowledge. Meso needs more of this stuff. It should be a sticky.

I have always been intrigued by the 2/4 protocol, having this detailed guide, gives me a lot more confidence to give it a shot. Since I've already established a solid "baseline" for what I can do with a 12week traditional cycle, it should be interesting to compare the two at some point.

Thanks again.
This is an interesting idea I tossed around in my head before...the question I have is what would be the off time period? 4 weeks? 2 on, 4 off, repeat?
This is an interesting idea I tossed around in my head before...the question I have is what would be the off time period? 4 weeks? 2 on, 4 off, repeat?

Ideally 4 off and repeating all year if you like.
You can do 2 off but after a few of those in a row I'd use low dose HCG DURING the 2 week cycles if you want to go on like that, repeating all year.
That is to keep the testes at 100% size so they can respond perfectly to LH in the off periods.

Follow the training philosophy protocol I laid out. You want to get in more workouts per body part in the 2 weeker than you normally do...high intensity, low volume (ie: DoggCrapp mentally...do a search for DoggCrapp on the net). Then you back off to a three way split Monday-Wednesday-Friday and micro load progressively (do not go past positive failure in the off weeks ...too hard on the nervous system. Keep volume low and do basic compound work)

This is great info RG. Thanks a lot for taking the time to post this and share your knowledge. Meso needs more of this stuff. It should be a sticky.

I have always been intrigued by the 2/4 protocol, having this detailed guide, gives me a lot more confidence to give it a shot. Since I've already established a solid "baseline" for what I can do with a 12week traditional cycle, it should be interesting to compare the two at some point.

Thanks again.

I completely agree, oddly enough I've been researching the effectiveness of shorter cycles (under 6 weeks) compared to longer cycles (over 6 weeks) and above. I know from my experience that my gains have usually peaked and leveled off around week 5 forward. This being said, why not stop there, hit pct, rest and repeat. I like the fact that it feels like you’re “on” more and off times are shorter. It also gives you the opportunity to try different things to see how your body reacts to them.
I would assume that certain AAS would be more effective than others due to the shorter time. So would it render certain things useless like longer acting esters like Primo or Test E? Would ability to keep gains be increased due to less being gained at a time and possibly easier for the body to adapt to the smaller gains?
I completely agree, oddly enough I've been researching the effectiveness of shorter cycles (under 6 weeks) compared to longer cycles (over 6 weeks) and above. I know from my experience that my gains have usually peaked and leveled off around week 5 forward. This being said, why not stop there, hit pct, rest and repeat. I like the fact that it feels like you’re “on” more and off times are shorter. It also gives you the opportunity to try different things to see how your body reacts to them.
I would assume that certain AAS would be more effective than others due to the shorter time. So would it render certain things useless like longer acting esters like Primo or Test E? Would ability to keep gains be increased due to less being gained at a time and possibly easier for the body to adapt to the smaller gains?

Can't use longer acting esters than prop because they take too long to clear and thus the 2 weeker is not a 2 weeker. ie: if you did text cyp at say a gram a week it would take forever to clear to the point that your HPTA would re-start....many many weeks. Even 500 would take over three weeks to clear to the point that your hypothalamus would sense a need to release GnRH. Even with prop you have to watch the dose.
