New Member
22 y/o first cycle design
Completely natural never touched any PED’s.
I train 5x a week recently switched to low volume high frequency training I’ve maintained most of my strength during my cut down from 190
Any and all advice is welcome
Current stats. 6ft 170lbs 12% BF
Goalweight: 195lbs <15% BF
(Week 1-4)Test E 250mg/wk
(Week 5-8) Test E 350mg/wk
(Week 9-14) Test E 400mg/wk, Primo 400mg/wk
(15-18/20) Test E 400mg/wk Primo 400mg/wk Anavar 25mg maybe 50mg per day splitting doses up
Planning on running HCG 150-250ui 3x/week throughout the entire cycle and dropping it before PCT
4-5 IU China hgh for the entire cycle, likely stay on 2-3IU post cycle
Not sure yet if I will cycle off or cruise
Aromasin for E2 sides and PCT
And tamoxifen for PCT
Haven’t done bloodwork yet.
Been researching for 3 years, I understand most people suggest test only cycle for first cycle but I’ve spent long and late nights in forums, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube. I’ve gotten impatient and I just want to jump right in and not waste anymore time but feel free to call me retarded and tell me to do Test only
Hair. I hear some people say primo is harsh on hair. Likely will start Dut by taking an approach recommended by Ghoul of taking .25mg to start w topical minoxidil and maybe adding topical RU to try and protect it.
Will the month on just 350mg test cause high E2?How will I know if my E2 is high? People say you can usually just feel it?
Advice for the cycle, is it too much? Too little ?
Is my goal realistic?
My compound selection good?
Anything else I should pay attention to or look out for before and during cycle
Lastly any list of supplements to take to maintain good overall health?
Completely natural never touched any PED’s.
I train 5x a week recently switched to low volume high frequency training I’ve maintained most of my strength during my cut down from 190
Any and all advice is welcome
Current stats. 6ft 170lbs 12% BF
Goalweight: 195lbs <15% BF
(Week 1-4)Test E 250mg/wk
(Week 5-8) Test E 350mg/wk
(Week 9-14) Test E 400mg/wk, Primo 400mg/wk
(15-18/20) Test E 400mg/wk Primo 400mg/wk Anavar 25mg maybe 50mg per day splitting doses up
Planning on running HCG 150-250ui 3x/week throughout the entire cycle and dropping it before PCT
4-5 IU China hgh for the entire cycle, likely stay on 2-3IU post cycle
Not sure yet if I will cycle off or cruise
Aromasin for E2 sides and PCT
And tamoxifen for PCT
Haven’t done bloodwork yet.
Been researching for 3 years, I understand most people suggest test only cycle for first cycle but I’ve spent long and late nights in forums, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube. I’ve gotten impatient and I just want to jump right in and not waste anymore time but feel free to call me retarded and tell me to do Test only
Hair. I hear some people say primo is harsh on hair. Likely will start Dut by taking an approach recommended by Ghoul of taking .25mg to start w topical minoxidil and maybe adding topical RU to try and protect it.
Will the month on just 350mg test cause high E2?How will I know if my E2 is high? People say you can usually just feel it?
Advice for the cycle, is it too much? Too little ?
Is my goal realistic?
My compound selection good?
Anything else I should pay attention to or look out for before and during cycle
Lastly any list of supplements to take to maintain good overall health?