22 y/o first cycle design (Test, Primo, Var)


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22 y/o first cycle design

Completely natural never touched any PED’s.

I train 5x a week recently switched to low volume high frequency training I’ve maintained most of my strength during my cut down from 190

Any and all advice is welcome

Current stats. 6ft 170lbs 12% BF
Goalweight: 195lbs <15% BF

(Week 1-4)Test E 250mg/wk
(Week 5-8) Test E 350mg/wk
(Week 9-14) Test E 400mg/wk, Primo 400mg/wk
(15-18/20) Test E 400mg/wk Primo 400mg/wk Anavar 25mg maybe 50mg per day splitting doses up

Planning on running HCG 150-250ui 3x/week throughout the entire cycle and dropping it before PCT

4-5 IU China hgh for the entire cycle, likely stay on 2-3IU post cycle

Not sure yet if I will cycle off or cruise

Aromasin for E2 sides and PCT
And tamoxifen for PCT

Haven’t done bloodwork yet.

Been researching for 3 years, I understand most people suggest test only cycle for first cycle but I’ve spent long and late nights in forums, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube. I’ve gotten impatient and I just want to jump right in and not waste anymore time but feel free to call me retarded and tell me to do Test only

Hair. I hear some people say primo is harsh on hair. Likely will start Dut by taking an approach recommended by Ghoul of taking .25mg to start w topical minoxidil and maybe adding topical RU to try and protect it.

Will the month on just 350mg test cause high E2?How will I know if my E2 is high? People say you can usually just feel it?

Advice for the cycle, is it too much? Too little ?
Is my goal realistic?
My compound selection good?
Anything else I should pay attention to or look out for before and during cycle
Lastly any list of supplements to take to maintain good overall health?

Been researching for 3 years, I understand most people suggest test only cycle for first cycle but I’ve spent long and late nights in forums, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube. I’ve gotten impatient and I just want to jump right in and not waste anymore time but feel free to call me retarded and tell me to do Test only
I know this isn’t the answer you want but why not just see what test only does? What if you don’t NEED that much test, primo and var to achieve what you want?
Will the month on just 350mg test cause high E2?How will I know if my E2 is high? People say you can usually just feel it?
No one can answer this except blood work. Someone can take 500mg a week with no e2 issues, some can take 150 Trt dose and need an AI. For “years” of research I don’t think you’ve really researched much because one would easily find this out in my opinion.
I know this isn’t the answer you want but why not just see what test only does? What if you don’t NEED that much test, primo and var to achieve what you want?

No one can answer this except blood work. Someone can take 500mg a week with no e2 issues, some can take 150 Trt dose and need an AI. For “years” of research I don’t think you’ve really researched much because one would easily find this out in my opinion.
You’re right about that’s why I’m going for 2 months test only. If I see I’m making great progress. With just test. I’ll just stick to that.

And I understand that e2 sides are very individual dependent, which I probably should’ve stated I just wanted to see if people could give their experience or and tips in that regard.
And I would be doing blood work before starting and somewhere in month 2. Before adding anything else in.
Sorry but this is ridiculous. You are planning to introduce 8 different foreign compounds to your body at ONE time. Test, Primo, HCG, Anavar, HGH, Dutasteride, minoxidil and RU?

Your body will be fucked up. First cycle should ALWAYS be kept simple and focus on the nutrition and training instead of the drugs.
How many years have you been training? How consistently? Do you have full panel blood work done? Can you show it to us? What is your nutrition look like?
3 years full consistency 4-5 times a week. For 4 years prior but inconsistent 1-3 times a week for high school football and basketball training .
No bloodwork yet be will post to here before doing anything.
Nutrition is mostly good. Try to get most of my protein from whole food sources, fish, beef, shrimp. Something’s fall off track on the weekends with eating in n out or chickfila. But no bullshit junk really.
Sorry but this is ridiculous. You are planning to introduce 8 different foreign compounds to your body at ONE time. Test, Primo, HCG, Anavar, HGH, Dutasteride, minoxidil and RU?

Your body will be fucked up. First cycle should ALWAYS be kept simple and focus on the nutrition and training instead of the drugs.
Fair criticisms. all it really is, to start is the test and HCG at first. If everything is going great I’ll keep it at that dose. Hair starts to thin? I’ll take preventative measures. Blood work looks great and I’m at a place where I want to add some primo or anavar. If issues arise, I’ll address those before adding anything. Thank you for this input though I’ll keep this in mind.
22 y/o first cycle design

Completely natural never touched any PED’s.

I train 5x a week recently switched to low volume high frequency training I’ve maintained most of my strength during my cut down from 190

Any and all advice is welcome

Current stats. 6ft 170lbs 12% BF
Goalweight: 195lbs <15% BF

(Week 1-4)Test E 250mg/wk
(Week 5-8) Test E 350mg/wk
(Week 9-14) Test E 400mg/wk, Primo 400mg/wk
(15-18/20) Test E 400mg/wk Primo 400mg/wk Anavar 25mg maybe 50mg per day splitting doses up

Planning on running HCG 150-250ui 3x/week throughout the entire cycle and dropping it before PCT

4-5 IU China hgh for the entire cycle, likely stay on 2-3IU post cycle

Not sure yet if I will cycle off or cruise

Aromasin for E2 sides and PCT
And tamoxifen for PCT

Haven’t done bloodwork yet.

Been researching for 3 years, I understand most people suggest test only cycle for first cycle but I’ve spent long and late nights in forums, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube. I’ve gotten impatient and I just want to jump right in and not waste anymore time but feel free to call me retarded and tell me to do Test only

Hair. I hear some people say primo is harsh on hair. Likely will start Dut by taking an approach recommended by Ghoul of taking .25mg to start w topical minoxidil and maybe adding topical RU to try and protect it.

Will the month on just 350mg test cause high E2?How will I know if my E2 is high? People say you can usually just feel it?

Advice for the cycle, is it too much? Too little ?
Is my goal realistic?
My compound selection good?
Anything else I should pay attention to or look out for before and during cycle
Lastly any list of supplements to take to maintain good overall health?

ThanksJust keep the dosages static, it isn't the 1990s anymore where guys commonly tapered up. This way you can determin which dosage sent your e2 out of control when you get mid cycle bloods.
Just keep the dosages consistent throughout. You dont need to keep tapering up, it isn't the 1990s anymore. This way you can determin which dosage caused your e2 to spike when you get mid cycle bloods.

400mg test only for 12 weeks and an AI on hand is all you need if your diet and traning is correct, and if you REALLY feel the need to add in something else, just add a spinkle of var for the last 3 weeks of the cycle, depending on your bloodwork. There's no need to run all of that if you're new to this, I would even drop the gh this early on, save it for future cycles.
It’s your decision, of course, but 22 is a bit early. That said, if it’s a well-thought-out choice, you’re going to do it anyway, so no point in trying to convince you otherwise.

My advice: since it’s your first cycle and there’s absolutely no rush, just run Test E/C at 300mg per week - that’s more than enough. The key is to get bloodwork done afterward to check your E2 levels. You need to understand and feel how your body responds to testosterone alone.

Twelve weeks is fine, and then you’ll need to decide whether to go on a cruise or do PCT before planning for another bulk, where you could add Primo or EQ.

One more thing - regarding HGH, please get bloodwork done first. At 22, your IGF-1 should already be above average, so you might not even need it.
Tapering up the test into a blast seems like a waste. If you want to play it safe and get your feet wet run test only. I read a post on this forum that made sense to me about doubling up the initial test dosage in your blast in order to hit that high test level. Exact opposite of this. Some good posts to check in the stickies about pct also.
This is absolutely over complicated for a first cycle and makes little sense. You do not need to continually ramp androgens to make progress and a 1:1 test/primo ratio is probably gonna suck.

You are completely abandoning the ability to isolate your response to individual drugs.

Putting that aside, the age isn’t even that crazy but 6’ 170lb is an absurd place to start drugs. This was blunt, but it's accurate. And the majority of this forum will advise against it as they should.
This is absolutely over complicated for a first cycle and makes little sense. You do not need to continually ramp androgens to make progress and a 1:1 test/primo ratio is probably gonna suck.

You are completely abandoning the ability to isolate your response to individual drugs.

Putting that aside, the age isn’t even that crazy but 6’ 170lb is an absurd place to start drugs. This was blunt, but it's accurate. And the majority of this forum will advise against it as they should.
Forsure Im taking all this in. And headed back to the drawing board likely will push hopping on off another 6 months to a year get a proper bulk going. Glad I made this post regardless.
Just keep the dosages consistent throughout. You dont need to keep tapering up, it isn't the 1990s anymore. This way you can determin which dosage caused your e2 to spike when you get mid cycle bloods.

400mg test only for 12 weeks and an AI on hand is all you need if your diet and traning is correct, and if you REALLY feel the need to add in something else, just add a spinkle of var for the last 3 weeks of the cycle, depending on your bloodwork. There's no need to run all of that if you're new to this, I would even drop the gh this early on, save it for future cycles.
Valid back to the drawing board.
It’s your decision, of course, but 22 is a bit early. That said, if it’s a well-thought-out choice, you’re going to do it anyway, so no point in trying to convince you otherwise.

My advice: since it’s your first cycle and there’s absolutely no rush, just run Test E/C at 300mg per week - that’s more than enough. The key is to get bloodwork done afterward to check your E2 levels. You need to understand and feel how your body responds to testosterone alone.

Twelve weeks is fine, and then you’ll need to decide whether to go on a cruise or do PCT before planning for another bulk, where you could add Primo or EQ.

One more thing - regarding HGH, please get bloodwork done first. At 22, your IGF-1 should already be above average, so you might not even need it.
Thanks for the input. And I posted this so people could critique it and give me their input! I’m willing to hear it all. That said your comment echoed another persons reply of 12week test only. Any reason why only 12 weeks? Hear many say it’s not worth shutting yourself down for only 12 weeks to cycle off. Thanks for the help
Thanks for the input. And I posted this so people could critique it and give me their input! I’m willing to hear it all. That said your comment echoed another persons reply of 12week test only. Any reason why only 12 weeks? Hear many say it’s not worth shutting yourself down for only 12 weeks to cycle off. Thanks for the help
12 weeks is the standard for a reason - it’s long enough for long esters like Test E or C to fully kick in while keeping suppression and recovery manageable. For a first cycle, it’s the safest and most effective approach. If running short esters like Test P, a 6-8 week cycle can work, but anything beyond 12 weeks is usually for more experienced users who understand the risks and are comfortable with extended suppression or even transitioning into blasting and cruising. Longer cycles come with diminishing returns and harder recovery, so unless you’re staying on, 12 weeks remains the smartest approach.
Test 300 mg per week for 12 weeks. Nothing else, and no GH either. You haven't been training that long. I did my first cycle at your age and it was test only for 12 weeks at 300mg and gained 35 pounds, but I had been training consistently for 9 years. Save the primo, anavar, GH for later on. See how your body reacts to just test first.
You're an adult so I'm not going to tell you what to do, but as an adult you also should be fully informed on the decision you're making: Most people still have significant brain, etc. development ongoing until 25 or so, and going on cycle can fuck with that. Most of the research is specifically around adolescents, but we understand the mechanisms at play and we know that brain development isn't finished at the end of puberty.

Really ask yourself if you want to take risks of fucking with your brain for life to speed up the gains before you're nearing the end of your natural potential.
Fair criticisms. all it really is, to start is the test and HCG at first. If everything is going great I’ll keep it at that dose. Hair starts to thin? I’ll take preventative measures. Blood work looks great and I’m at a place where I want to add some primo or anavar. If issues arise, I’ll address those before adding anything. Thank you for this input though I’ll keep this in mind.
From a vet of PEDs 20+ years.

Just like lifting, get ahead by starting PEDs right. If you were my son, and I will advise him of the same.

350-500 mg test C or E only. 450-600 test D or U

The other compounds will net you small percentages of increased performance for the sides and waste you body’s response to compounds.

It will also put you YEARS behind on understanding HOW compounds affect you.

Also. Pointless to set yourself back unless you are aiming for kids at your age with post cycle therapy. Blast and Cruise and commit. Or don’t do it.

Get off when ready for kids and do fertility treatment with HCG and Clomid.

Taking HCG periodically while on blast is good.
Just do a Test only 12 week cycle 500 mgs a week split into two 1 cc dose Monday morning and Thursday night.
Test Enanthate, or Test Cypionate, see how you do on it.
Get before, During, after blood work the PCT after the cycle.
Make sure your training and nutrition is on point.
First cycle best cycle.