Look at Pharmacom Test E AnabolicLab results. 306mg to 363mg from one batch to a next. I stick to my prescribed TRT because like you said, my doctor would cut me off. For me, it makes sense to blast with UGL because I'd rather my blast be off by 20% than my cruise when I have to get bloodwork.
24K might also mention on his list about product dosing but I'm sure it's been covered a few times on this thread. Overall though, it seems 24K has been pretty good in both product and customer service. We all know that can change at anytime but it does say something.
Look at the AnabolicLab Bayer results also. Underdosed by over 10% I believe.
I agree that he's been a stand up source for members here. I'm just simply stating that this batch is not like the rest based on all the previous bloods. Dude had a brain fart in the kitchen and didn't remember how many grams of powder he added so he said fuck it and added some more.
As far as the Bayer testing over 10% I'm not gonna touch that for obvious reasons.