27 y/o looking for help/suggestions on attempted hpta restart


New Member
As title states I am hoping for some input on an attempted hpta restart after about a year of blasting & cruising. This consisted of one initial cycle of 500mg test e for 3 months after which I cruised at 175mg/week for 3 months or so. Second blast was 400 test and 400 npp 100mg eod or so. The NPP fucked my skin and obviously made this attempt at restart harder I would imagine and definitely regret that cycle in hindsight. Natty TT before going on was 715 ng/dl. Am I wrong to be optimistic that as a 27 y/o whos balls were working pretty well beforehand could reasonably recover to around like a 500 something ng/dl total? Anyhow, I have pharma grade tamox, clomid and hcg order placed as of right now and would not mind suggestions on dosages, admin frequency etc. Cheers
You got a pretty good chance to recover blast the hcg as high as you can afford.clomid and aromasin will help.
As for dosadge it depends blood work would help .
A basic starting point would be 1500-2000 iu hcg EoD(every other day)
Aromasin 25 mg 2-3 times a week
Clomid 100 mg ed first week 50 mg ed the following weeks.
Run hcg 3-4 weeks
Clomid and aromasin 6 weeks
Do bloods mid and at the end
This is how i would try it but worst case you get on trt or you will be taking hcg and clomid for a long time till everything comes back maybe 6-12 months
Or maybe you are lucky and get back in 6 weeks its just person dependent hope this helps.
You got a pretty good chance to recover blast the hcg as high as you can afford.clomid and aromasin will help.
As for dosadge it depends blood work would help .
A basic starting point would be 1500-2000 iu hcg EoD(every other day)
Aromasin 25 mg 2-3 times a week
Clomid 100 mg ed first week 50 mg ed the following weeks.
Run hcg 3-4 weeks
Clomid and aromasin 6 weeks
Do bloods mid and at the end
This is how i would try it but worst case you get on trt or you will be taking hcg and clomid for a long time till everything comes back maybe 6-12 months
Or maybe you are lucky and get back in 6 weeks its just person dependent hope this helps.
Yeah this was kinda the general conclusion I’ve come to. Figure I’ll give it a shot. Planned on trt for life originally so wouldnt be devastated if thats the outcome. I appreciate the input
I mean your young and after a long pct you should restart but if you plan on getting back on roids whats the point?
The mental aspect of pct is no joke.
Yeah if I was to recover fully, feel good and be happy with my physique and performance I would def stay off
Was going to ask about that. Would it make sense alongside the hcg as someone who aromatizes heavily?

Unlikely but, if needed, you can keep it on hand until the SERMs start if you really feel you need it... I certainly wouldn't start it at 50-75mg a week.

Yeah nolva will make him feel real good ...
Low e is good for restart

I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or not - nolva is generally pretty well tolerated... Clomid less so, but I suspect hypogonadal testosterone levels is much less pleasant.

Low estrogen is a pretty old school way of attempting a restart. If that was the only option... Then I guess it would be the only option. With the other drugs though, pretty unnecessary unless the person is tremendously hyper sensitive to aromatization. Even then, I can't fathom >50mg of aromasin... I personally would crash my estrogen and then some even if I was taking a gram of test a week.
Unlikely but, if needed, you can keep it on hand until the SERMs start if you really feel you need it... I certainly wouldn't start it at 50-75mg a week.

I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or not - nolva is generally pretty well tolerated... Clomid less so, but I suspect hypogonadal testosterone levels is much less pleasant.

Low estrogen is a pretty old school way of attempting a restart. If that was the only option... Then I guess it would be the only option. With the other drugs though, pretty unnecessary unless the person is tremendously hyper sensitive to aromatization. Even then, I can't fathom >50mg of aromasin... I personally would crash my estrogen and then some even if I was taking a gram of test a week.
No way dude nolva is the old school one aromasin is latest generation aromatase inhibitor and 50 mg a week will not crash estrogen for most people only keeps it low. Wich having low test gives it a favorable ratio.
Becouse even normal E with low test is out of balance.
Also this way you avoid the estrogen rebound which with nolva is a posibility and also gyno.
Anyway there are more ways to skin a cat and i have used both methods with success but nolva gave sides as estrogen is present just blocked at the brain and breast tissue.
Clomid might affect vision but its temporary.
Also hcg directly stimulates the production of estrogen in the testicles without the need for aromatization so crashed estrogen is doubtful.
No way dude nolva is the old school one aromasin is latest generation aromatase inhibitor and 50 mg a week will not crash estrogen for most people only keeps it low. Wich having low test gives it a favorable ratio.
Becouse even normal E with low test is out of balance.
Also this way you avoid the estrogen rebound which with nolva is a posibility and also gyno.
Anyway there are more ways to skin a cat and i have used both methods with success but nolva gave sides as estrogen is present just blocked at the brain and breast tissue.
Clomid might affect vision but its temporary.
Also hcg directly stimulates the production of estrogen in the testicles without the need for aromatization so crashed estrogen is doubtful.

There is no such thing as estrogen rebound - that is complete broscience.

Further, nolva is NOT blocked in all tissues... That's why it's called a SELECTIVE estrogen receptor modulator.

I didn't say aromasin was old either, I said trying to lower your estrogen for PCT is an old school way of trying to recover. Although, I don't know that I'd go so far as to say that it being used in the 80's makes it the "latest generation"... It's only like ten years after nolva came on the market for breast cancer.

Takeaway: Want to risk crashing your estrogen pointlessly? Take an AI for PCT. Don't want to crash your estrogen and still recover just fine? Take hcg and serms.
Sorry i dont agree with what you are saying. Estrogen rebound with nolva is a real thing
And two aromasin dose not crash anything
Having high e in pct is not what you want
Aromasin raises testosterone
This is my 2 cents make of it what you want.
Yep, hcg and the other drugs mentioned I think it was clomid and nolva without scrolling up to check.
Yeah I have all 3 on the way rn. Actually had a blood panel like 6-7 months ago before I used nandrolone for 5-6 weeks and fsh was still in the low normal range on test. Thats a decent sign right?
That study is some flawed garbage, but I agree with the sentiment don’t bother pct just b&c if you’re serious about bodybuilding or whatever, but if buddy actually cares to just be natty then that’s what he should do.
Yeah, except that it’s not.

But it’s not my problem though. If people insist on buying nolvadex and putting it in their body even though it does not speed up HPTA recovery and sperm count, then by all means. Perfect for gyno treatment but that’s all.

I know it’s hard getting rid of a thought that has been hardcopied into peoples minds for years.
Yeah, except that it’s not.

But it’s not my problem though. If people insist on buying nolvadex and putting it in their body even though it does not speed up HPTA recovery and sperm count, then by all means. Perfect for gyno treatment but that’s all.

I know it’s hard getting rid of a thought that has been hardcopied into peoples minds for years.
That study is flawed garbage, I’m sorry to break it to you..