2nd Cycle Advice Recomp

I've asked the same question to guys here more experienced than myself. In the search bar type in front loading eq. Use that search bar as tool to answer certain questions, because I'm sure most have been asked and answered already just have to do a little digging around.
The eq is a long ester so if u had a problem and wanted to bail it might take longer to clear might be best start at a lower dose and titrate up.
The eq is a long ester so if u had a problem and wanted to bail it might take longer to clear might be best start at a lower dose and titrate up.
That was the case with mast, started higher to preload and started shedding went lower dose and it stopped after a couple weeks.
Hello Meso,

So I finished my first cycle and been on cruise for 10 weeks at 200mg test cyp. Going to start my next cycle in a few weeks. My first cycle was 500mg test cyp/wk and the last 6 weeks I added anavar, started at 25mg/day but didn’t feel it so upped to 50mg which was a little better. I did DEXA a few weeks before cycle and again 5 weeks after cycle, 23 lbs more lbm and 16lbs fat loss. Ate 400 calories in surplus, PPL so trained 6 days per week. Took all my supplements. Did light bike cardio 3 days per week for 30 mins 110-120bpm heart rate.

Had to take 40mg/day of telmisartan and arimidex 0.5/wk. I did way to much volume because I felt like I could lift max weight all day and got elbow tendinitis in both elbows by the end.

My goal next cycle is to try to get close to the same result. Was thinking either repeat the same cycle or mixing it up. Same clean diet as before.
Option 1: 500-600 test, anavar last 6-8 weeks
Option 2: 400 test, 300 eq, anavar last 6 weeks
Option 3: 350-400 test, 300 eq, 200 Deca, anavar last 6 maybe?
Option 4: I also have dbol on hand and open to other variations and dosages of the above 3 options

Any input is appreciated.
I would just do test and deca maybe some dbol and eat! 500mg test 375-400mg deca and. 20mg dbol first 5 weeks…down the road you try some dhb with just test! See what compounds work for you by adding just ONE in with your test so you know what it’s doing
I can really relate to your first cycle, lifting 6 days a week and the resulting tendonitis.

How is your tendonitis now, and how did you overcome it? I have tried decreased intensity, eliminating particularly stressful exercises. At this point I am at a loss and have considered stopping upper body lifts altogether.
I can really relate to your first cycle, lifting 6 days a week and the resulting tendonitis.

How is your tendonitis now, and how did you overcome it? I have tried decreased intensity, eliminating particularly stressful exercises. At this point I am at a loss and have considered stopping upper body lifts altogether.
Yeah it’s a frustrating and nagging injury. I’ve dealt with it twice the past few years. The first time I did exactly what you said, avoided exercises that aggregated it most and went lighter weight. I also took BPC 157 and after 4 weeks it went away. I took it for 7 weeks total. In hindsight I should have stayed on it and just done 2-3 shots per week for preventative for a while.

It came back but was more my inner elbow one side and outer elbow on the other, different than before. After a couple months I went to the doctor and found out it was tendinitis in my triceps and bicep at the elbow. So did heat compress, ibuprofen, and PT exercises and it got better.