2nd cycle summary


On Feb. 27th I started my second cyle of Test, Mast, Adrol, and Var. I started the cycle at 158lbs. Eating around 1800 calories a day. The goal was to build lean mass. I stayed in the calorie range of 1800 to 2000 calories for four or five weeks until the weight gain plateaued. Then added arounf 200 to 300 calories then another 200 to 300 cals when the weight tapered again.

The diet mainly consisted of pre and post workout smoothies, egg whites, protein powder, chicken, broccoli, onion, cheese, sometimes bread, yogurt, nuts, low fat mayo, various low cal sauces, and the occasional cheat meal. When there was no broccoli, Id eat a can of carrots, green beans, peas, or potatoes, and occasional cauliflower.

The diet looked like:
Pre and Post workout smoothies
1/2 cup Frozen Berries, 1/2 cup Frozen pineapple
1 cup Egg whites
1 cup cooked of Old Fashioned Oatmeal
1 scoop protein powder
1 tablespoon sweetener/ sugar
1 tablespoon honey

Meal 3
7 oz. Cooked Chicken breast
7 oz. broccoli
1 oz cheese

Meal 4
1 yogurt cup
1/4 cup nuts
1 cup egg whites

I'd eat sandwiches sometimes of with low fat mayonaise no more than 11grams of fat worth. 1 oz. of cheese. This would be meal 3

I introduced half way through the cycle an intra workout meal which is:
1 cup egg whites
1 scoop creatine
1/4 cup of peanut butter powder
2 cups water
2 -3 tablespoons of sugar

Last injection was May 21st.


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I feel like I'm spinning my wheels here....I store fat very easily, and find it hard to eat in a surplus without becoming too high in bf%. I think I need to get down to ten percent bf to have the wiggle room to store fat in a bulk to add size. I have a hard time getting my body to eat my saggy lower abdomen skin/fat. I've dieted down to 137lbs in the past, and still had a saggy lower abdomen.. I am thinking of trying Tren, so I can retain the muscle and go into extreme caloric deficit. @malfeasance I'd like your thoughts/criticisms.
Why no carbs? You can cut fats pretty low because you are on gear. You would be better off adding carbs since your trying to gain. Get some gh and metformin would help a lot
The goal was lean mass. I gained weight throughout the cycle, so I was hesitant on adding more cals. I went from 158 to a high of 180. I feel like it would have been stored as fat. I think i need to get to 10%bf before adding the cals needed to add mass. Here is another angle of my fat storage. Its on the same day as one of the posted pics.


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I'm thinking I need to do a cut cycle so the gear prevents any loss of muscle. Would Test, Mast, and var be good enough, or would adding Tren be a better idea?
Anyone else have any advice? Maybe if I talk about snackies and white supremacy I'll get some more traction?
Why are you so scared of getting fat bro, mass moves mass. More mass = more ass. But FR tho don’t be afraid to put a little weight on. Just control your estrogen and you can always lose body fat later. But you won’t always be on that cycle so make the most of it and eat some fucking food.
Why are you so scared of getting fat bro, mass moves mass. More mass = more ass. But FR tho don’t be afraid to put a little weight on. Just control your estrogen and you can always lose body fat later. But you won’t always be on that cycle so make the most of it and eat some fucking food.
Thanks for the reply.

Like I said in the first post, I've been done with the cycle for two weeks now. I wasn't scared about putting on fat, just not as reckless as my first cycle. Since I kept increasing weight steadily from 158-180 for a day, then slowly dropped back to 175-176 and maintained that weight till end of cycle... I think it was pushing it as far as what any added calories would accomplish.
The "secret" to getting lean is to put on mass. Everybody nowadays sees the guys on instagram and wants to be insta shredded and run "cut" cycles to lean out brah. Lean what out?

Once you put on more muscle your body will burn fat at a more efficient rate naturally and you will see how much leaner you get.

Also oblique work 3x a week and hyperextensions to strengthen the lower back and tighten the core from all sides.
The "secret" to getting lean is to put on mass. Everybody nowadays sees the guys on instagram and wants to be insta shredded and run "cut" cycles to lean out brah. Lean what out?

Once you put on more muscle your body will burn fat at a more efficient rate naturally and you will see how much leaner you get.

Also oblique work 3x a week and hyperextensions to strengthen the lower back and tighten the core from all sides.
Much appreciated.... Yeah I added hypers to my workout, got up to a 50lb plate at my strongest point in the cycle.
Once you put on more muscle your body will burn fat at a more efficient rate naturally and you will see how much leaner you get.
Right, this is pretty much what I've experienced over time. It's easier for me stay leaner now and it seems that my body maintains 12-14% year round without much effort. Have I been leaner? Yes, but it was pretty hard to maintain year round and I'm not the type of person to get very lean and then soft, I'd rather hold respectable level of leannes and muscle year round. Balance in other words.

@amindzeye ,
Also just for example 80kg lean vs 90kg lean is quite a difference and to the untrained eye it might look like 90kg person is leaner while actually they're about the same body fat percentage. Not to mention some advantages for heavier person is that he has higher maintenance calories and this allows him to have more freedom in his diet.
How low can one go on fat intake while enhanced?
You dont really need it. Your body needs protein and glucose to run while in gear. Normally fats are for making hormones and cellular membrane integrity. Since you exogenously administering hormones you dont need that much fat. I would do your calories by first factoring your protein by BW. Eat carbs with your protein and your good. I dont even count fat. Its always in my protein. Sometimes when Im bulking I will slowly add fats just for calories but your better off just increasing protein and carbs first. Im eating about 275p 50f 300c in a cut. In a bulk I just increase carbs basically maybe a little bit of tweaking the others circumstantially. I ran as much as 30-40f in the past
First, thank you for asking for my opinion.

Honestly, if I were you, I would reset the process. I would stay on a cruise, using something around 150 to 200mg/wk of test and follow a normocaloric diet, that is, consuming calories in a similar way to your expenditure. I would do this for about two months. Then I would go back to focusing on the process of losing fat, reducing calories gradually, and then you might consider adding some other steroid, like oxandrolone, for example.

Of course, you will respond better to hypertrophy if you are at a lower bf. With a lower bf, you will have better insulin sensitivity and thus achieve more solid gains, with less fluid retention and increased fat accumulation.

When going back to bulking, first go back to a normocaloric diet and then, every two to three weeks on average, add a little more calories. To hypertrophy, you don't need to be putting on several pounds on the scale. If the weight increases too much, you run the risk of gaining fat, which will reduce your insulin sensitivity and, consequently, will favor more fat accumulation while your hypertrophy process ends up being harmed, since insulin helps directly in protein synthesis, capturing more glucose and amino acids, in addition to participating in other signals that favor anabolism.
Honestly, if I were you, I would reset the process. I would stay on a cruise, using something around 150 to 200mg/wk of test and follow a normocaloric diet, that is, consuming calories in a similar way to your expenditure.
I'm still cycling, and not ready to shut myself down permanently yet...So with this, is the advice the same?