3.5 years on Test coming off in a few months Help


New Member
I know this is going to suck balls. My doc is on board and knows about everything. I am getting married and we want to try to have a baby. I have been on TRT 3.5 years straight and blasted other things along the way. My doctor said clomid. Is that seriously all I need? He has rxed me HCG before. Then Clomid just cause my nuts have atrophied a bit.
Scally's power PCT!
Basically a lot of hCG and LAB WORK to confirm that your testes are producing testosterone before moving on to the SERMs. Timing is key.
so what does that mean?
if lh and fsh is basically 0, you shoot hcg and if it rises then you respond ?
when should u labtest then? during the hcg use or wait a few days after the hcg?
partly yes vut my english isnt the best, but when i do hcg and make labtest, if fsh and lh is high, is it because of the hcg, or because gonads are working again?
I've been pretty reckless with gear going back several years. Never on 3.5 years straight,more on that off.

Gave up the gear in August, ran clomid for 3 months.

Just knocked a chick up. Total one night stand too.

Clomid works. Use it at a low dose for as long as you have to. I did 25mg ED.
I know this is going to suck balls. My doc is on board and knows about everything. I am getting married and we want to try to have a baby. I have been on TRT 3.5 years straight and blasted other things along the way. My doctor said clomid. Is that seriously all I need? He has rxed me HCG before. Then Clomid just cause my nuts have atrophied a bit.
Hmg, hcg, Nolvadex

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total one night stand, what makes you sure your the father ?
because a one night stand told you so ?

I've been pretty reckless with gear going back several years. Never on 3.5 years straight,more on that off.

Gave up the gear in August, ran clomid for 3 months.

Just knocked a chick up. Total one night stand too.

Clomid works. Use it at a low dose for as long as you have to. I did 25mg ED.
total one night stand, what makes you sure your the father ?
because a one night stand told you so ?

I should clarify - this was not a stranger. I have known her for a while, and she had no reason to lie. I suppose it's weird she wanted to tell me, but I guess she was being polite? Or just freaked out? You would have a point if she asked me for money or something, but that wasn't the case. She is a professional and her insurance covered it.
I've been pretty reckless with gear going back several years. Never on 3.5 years straight,more on that off.

Gave up the gear in August, ran clomid for 3 months.

Just knocked a chick up. Total one night stand too.

Clomid works. Use it at a low dose for as long as you have to. I did 25mg ED.

Lol damn a hipster? Those greenpoint chicks are too stuck up for me
total one night stand, what makes you sure your the father ?
because a one night stand told you so ?

Women in NYC are nuts.... every girl I meet wants to have my kid. Takes a week or less for them to say that.. but a one night stand with no condom is pretty wreckless...