3g of Test-E only for 30 weeks - Less sides, less health risks, and highly anabolic. Worth it?

Iv ran Test E upto 3Grams and can positively say you will feel better on much less.

Lethargy will have you napping most of the day, blood pressure is absolutely felt when doing anything strenuous, can knock your appetite, shortness of breath and insane pumps will have you shortening your workouts.

If the dose was worked upto by all means you may feel fine
You already made this same thread and people gave you shit.

Blast the 3g of test. You don't seem to listen to anyone, just want validation

No physique pic, nothing
Yo, this is a good question/conversation actually. 3g is a lot of test for that long. Very unsafe.

That said, if I were as crazy as you and looking to maximize gains, I’d cut that test in half (1.5g) and run 50-75 dbol a day for 8-12 weeks, 750 NPP, and 500 primo. Dream cycle.
What's dangerous about solely 3g tesr vs 3g of multiple compounds? Testosterone will increase BP at 3g obviously. Not much else as far as dangers. With 3g multiple compounds I'd think BP would be higher and more sides than just one compound. Most people use test, a 19nor, and a oral. Plus it's much much easy to sleep and eat on only testosterone.

I'd imagine JUST the oral would make lipids worse than just testosterone
Because I can use a reasonable amount of test, a mast or primo to help with the estrogen instead of hammering an AI and add another compound type (test/dht/19nor derivative), and then something like deca or NPP which mg/mg is more anabolic then androgenic and brings in the third.

Am excessive androgen load will have sides far beyond bp. absolutely no need for orals for like 90% of people but most people dont wanna hear that.

This becomes much more reasonable if we assume 2g because 3g is insane.

2g test vs 1g test, 500 primo, 500 nand. You’d be silly to take the former. That’s also an extremely advanced cycle and the speed with which people approach these doses is insane. I’ve yet to use 2g in a growth phase and only brushed with it during end of prep where I’m milking every 1/10th of a percent of the visual annd performance impact of specific drugs.
If you work up to this dosage it means you’re huge. And you probably be healthier on 3G test if you manage the sides and respond good to it.

If you just jump on 3G test you’re fucked end of story.
Testosterone makes you humble you only use a dosage that you can manage if you can’t manage the dosage you drop it according to your lbm.
I actually think testosterone is a dirty and an advance drug , it really packs the meat but can have very nasty sides and you need to be experienced to manage them. That’s why most people will look like absolute shit on testosterone. You need to meet some standards before running higher and higher testosterone dosage.
I’d go with test and primo and check blood labs. 1000 test/800-1000 primo hardly moved any of my markers and was the best cycle I’ve ever done. Estrogen was a little on the low side so if you wanted to do something in the 3g territory, I’d go 2g test and 1g primo and see how you do.
Am guessing you don’t have the hair and prostate bad genetics for primo? How did that much primo effect your face?
Highest I did was 2 grams a week, but didn't run longer than 10 weeks.
It is nice, felt good, but you start to look like a michelin man after a while. Appetite was definitely not good too.
I don't see any benefits when comparing it with 1g of test.

Personally, lower dosage of different compounds + food work better than very high dosages of 1 compound. I've done multiple high dose cycles because " fuck it lets try it", and it never turns out good. Too many sides and I always quit earlier than planned. I always look my best and make progress on less than 1G of multiple compounds together.
You need to be a position to train well and eat well. Usually, high drugs don't benefit this. Injury prone, appetite is dead, sleep is dead etc.

My advise, take 2-3 compounds at lower dosage and run it for 14-16 weeks, cruise, reset and go again, repeat for 2-3 times. Dont get fat.
Quality muscle building takes time, it can't be done with a short cut in half a year, unless you're a genetic god.
High dose of anabolics makes you injury prone? From two things - excessive rapid strength increases and collagen sinthesis negatively effected?
Wheres your progress pic? Maybe even stats. 3g, 1g what level are you at?
Based on your question alone you don't have much knowledge/experience but you want to blast grams of test?
Am guessing you don’t have the hair and prostate bad genetics for primo? How did that much primo effect your face?
Nothing noteworthy to my face. I was already balding so I shave my head now, no movement in psa numbers. I looked and felt healthy and I was complimented on my good mood multiple times by people close to me.
Nothing noteworthy to my face. I was already balding so I shave my head now, no movement in psa numbers. I looked and felt healthy and I was complimented on my good mood multiple times by people close to me.
That’s something with the PSA numbers because mine barely moved on primo either but after 8 or 9 weeks of it I needed to pee much more with less in my bladder and that lasted for about a month after I stopped the cycle. What does that mean then with unchanged PSA number?

Brilliant about your skin as well! Primo suits you! It made my face quite leathery and look older in a way I’d never want again. It took about 4 months off the cycle for my face to look normal again
3 grams!?!?!?!?


500 with solid diet and an appropriate amount of time to achieve your goals would be way smarter

retarded high doses are never a good idea
That sounds like such a boring blast. Test is cool and necessary and all but this proposal is ridiculous. Just boring as shit. Lower the test under 500mg and add multiple other compounds.

You sound like a dude content with the missionary position for all of eternity with this idea. Lame and boring.
The most aggressive cycle I ever tried included 2g of test. I felt absolutely terrible for a couple of weeks before I backed off. I have no blood work or objective evidence for why I felt that way but I just felt like I had a minor cold. If I were give my past self guidance I’d recommend never going over 1g of test and probably 2g total compound. And put a lot more focus on sleep, diet, and training experimentation. If you can’t get big off of 1g of test and a lifestyle conducive to hypertropy, you’re never going to overcome those genetics.
Where does this idea come from that boat loads of test is the safest cycle, sounds like naturalistic fallacy. Test is highly androgenic and gives a lot of guys blood pressure issues, high RBC and hematocrit, kidney damage etc.