MESO-Rx Exclusive Exogenous Growth Hormone and Nocturnal Endogenous Secretions

Have some respect for Chest, don't blame your biochemistry lackings on him.

No offense, but you didn’t even seem to understand the article yourself if you’re talking about “IGF subtypes that are only expressed with endogenous secretions.” Don’t throw stones in your glass house…

He is miles above @Type-IIx in understing the intricacies of compounds functionings and layed out the basis for most meso cycles.

Disagree just based on a comparison of the two’s writings. Im not saying Chest isn’t super smart, just that I think it’s clear Type-IIX appears to have a deeper knowledge of medicine and research writing in general.

You still have plenty of readings and experimenting to do, Chest and I both have above 6000iu of rHGH under out belt.

What are you even attempting to show here? Nothing Gigantic said was incorrect. You bumping your chest about how many drugs you’ve done is literally meaningless if you’re trying to shutdown people spreading correct information because you didn’t like that they didn’t like an article's writing style..,
Have some respect for Chest, don't blame your biochemistry lackings on him.

He is miles above @Type-IIx in understing the intricacies of compounds functionings and layed out the basis for most meso cycles.

You still have plenty of readings and experimenting to do, Chest and I both have above 6000iu of rHGH under out belt.
Miles above @Type-IIx? Yeah, no. Type-IIx gives us easily digestible information and gets the point across succinctly. If your average reader can't understand or make use of the article, it's worthless.
don't blame your biochemistry lackings on him.
That's funny because not only do I have a medical background, but I get my information from a board-certified endocrinologist who actually treats growth hormone disorders of all kinds, including those in adults, not some random forum bro.

Btw, tell us all about the "IGF" subtypes. I'm waiting. :cool:
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I think he's referring to the different isoforms.

I remember reading that GH has 5 or 6 different "molecular weights" but I can't remember much or find anything on that.

if he is referring to the different isoforms, we don't fully understand what they do, so his point is moot anyway.
No offense, but you didn’t even seem to understand the article yourself if you’re talking about “IGF subtypes that are only expressed with endogenous secretions.” Don’t throw stones in your glass house…

Disagree just based on a comparison of the two’s writings. Im not saying Chest isn’t super smart, just that I think it’s clear Type-IIX appears to have a deeper knowledge of medicine and research writing in general.

What are you even attempting to show here? Nothing Gigantic said was incorrect. You bumping your chest about how many drugs you’ve done is literally meaningless if you’re trying to shutdown people spreading correct information because you didn’t like that they didn’t like an article's writing style..,

Seems like you are going to have to go through the article a third time.
Some parts you might have missed:

The first took healthy male and female subjects and provided them with 2IUs/day of exogenous GH split into an AM (0800) and PM (1700) injection [17]. Despite the last GH being administered over six hours prior to sleep, the research team noticed a complete suppression of nocturnal endogenous secretions despite the elevated GH being long since cleared from the system

So these are two 1 iu inj so not bodybuilder dosages.

The second problem i see:

The second trial [18] took healthy male subjects and provided them with a single subcutaneous dose of 20kDa GH at 2100. The dose was varied and subjects were split into a 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, or 0.1 mg/kg dosing group

This second group got the 20KDa GHa administered not the regular 22KDa variation we all use.

How this isoform converts to Igf1 i have no idea and what the suppression is because of this fact might be different.

But if it's the same as with the 22KDa and indeed 24 Hrs and wanting some endogenous secretion the only logical step would be to take it at night time before going to sleep as that would be a full 24 hrs.

If taken in the morning it would only be 12+ hrs.

Also to note is that GH deficient kids are treated with only one isoform the regular 22KDa and they grow fine without the other isoforms.

Overall if taking a big enough dose all this won't really matter.
need to re read, but, the doses in healthy males and given at night so saw extra suppression. if take in am or 16 hrs you increase odds of less suppression.. dont think he proved what he thought with too much certainty.

one would expect if had an awesome sleep and higher GH pulse, does that mean you daily mini pulses are reduced than?... hmm.. its possible, but unlikely. so what would be different from shorter pulse of exogenous compared to longer endogenous?
Rambling a lot doesn’t mean you know what you’re talking about. So what about other subtypes? You’re not getting any of them while you’re on exogenous gh. The article we are all here talking about is explicitly discussing this…
I bet he hasn't even read Type-IIx's article, just so he does not have to "kneel down to the level" of the peasants who are familiar with it.
It says he's been a member here for 10 years. Idk, kinda bizarre...
Every single post of his is laced with passive aggression and condescension, but nothing to back the attitude problem up , it seems.
I bet he hasn't even read Type-IIx's article, just so he does not have to "kneel down to the level" of the peasants who are familiar with it.
It says he's been a member here for 10 years. Idk, kinda bizarre...
Every single post of his is laced with passive aggression and condescension, but nothing to back the attitude problem up , it seems.

I am the original promoter of transdermal TNE and initiator of the ethanol + MCT formula, which has served hundreds very well.

You may want to check my threads ;)

Sorry who are you ?
