Correct low e2 solution


Hey everyone,
My first cycle I did 500 mg test c split into two injections e3.5d and used 12.5 aromasin e3d and my e2 was perfect for me (31)

This cycle I ran 500mg of test c again but did everyday injections. I lowered aromasin this cycle to 6.25 e3d because of injection frequency. My e2 came back at 12 and I have been sustaining this low level for a month to my surprise. My joints are cracking and in so much pain I haven’t been able to lift for the past two weeks.

Should I just wait for e2 to come back by itself (just stop AI) or should I use HCG ?
Low dose hcg will help. Temporarily stop the AI. Honestly any aromatizable compound will help, could be dbol, hcg, TNE, whatever. It should be back to normal within days to a week depending on how much you aromatize. It's not a big deal

You can definitely feel low e2 in the joints and in the fatigue you usually experience at the beggining when it starts to become an issue, then back off from there. Did you continue your protocol long after you had the joint pain, and I assume lethargy?

The good news is now you know what low e2 feels like so if you feel this start coming on in the future you can just immediately back off the ai
Low dose hcg will help. Temporarily stop the AI. Honestly any aromatizable compound will help, could be dbol, hcg, TNE, whatever. It should be back to normal within days to a week depending on how much you aromatize. It's not a big deal

You can definitely feel low e2 in the joints and in the fatigue you usually experience at the beggining when it starts to become an issue, then back off from there. Did you continue your protocol long after you had the joint pain, and I assume lethargy?

The good news is now you know what low e2 feels like so if you feel this start coming on in the future you can just immediately back off the ai
Yes, I felt like this for about 4-6 weeks now. Yea I have been taking 2-3 hour naps everyday so I definitely feel the fatigue.

I only have HCG but I probably am just gonna wait it out and prob not use AI until my next bloodwork
Yes, I felt like this for about 4-6 weeks now. Yea I have been taking 2-3 hour naps everyday so I definitely feel the fatigue.

I only have HCG but I probably am just gonna wait it out and prob not use AI until my next bloodwork
I'd throw a little hcg in personally. Not anything crazy but get some estrogen in there. Even just two doses of it will help. You'll feel a million times better and your joints will thank you
Okay what dose? I was thinking 1000 iu and see how I feel in a day or two?
I'd say start with 250iu like 2x a week and go from there with seeing how you feel.

You don't want to rapidly swing from low estrogen to high estrogen. 500mg test + no ai, + 500iu hcg, split into 2 doses.

I'd say do 250iu, give it 2 days. If you're joints are still crap and you're still lethargic, do another 250iu

Small changes, then monitor your changes

If you stop the ai then High dose the hcg you could just rapidly swing to high estrogen

That's how I would do it.