A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

Every claim you made in that paragraph is inaccurate. Timing does matter, but how much it matters depends on the person's goal. You definitely can see fat loss at 2, 3, or 4 IU depending on how you use it. If you are eating in a surplus you're going to gain weight no matter how many IU's you are taking. GH is not going to override the basic facts of calorie balance. Calories consumed versus calories burned just cannot be significantly altered despite how badly many want to think that drug use can somehow overcome it.
Maybe I was a bit harsh saying timing does not matter but how m7ch foes it. matter 10%? I say more UI make a much more pronounced difference and you gain anabolism from the extra igf

But wtf are you talking about? So when you eat in a surplus you only gain fat? high amounts of GH with gear will tip the scale in favor of muscle gain not fat, how do you think 300lbs freaks stay lean in the offseson while eating in a big surplus??

If your personal experience differes you must have really good genetics to put on fat or your diet sucks ass.
IMO timing probably matters (it makes sense from sound science based arguments) but to a mostly unquantifiable degree. But if I had to put a number on it...5-7%. And I think individuality, dose, time of use, other AAS, diet, user age, etc and probably many others are also factors. I have tried all the protocols and have never had more of a reqction to any than "I might be getting a little more out of this one, I dont know" So again - for me - convenience and comfort of use is most important because they all work if the product is legit.

Remember though - I am a 3iu or less user. 5-7% improvement for someone using 30iu could be more profound
Remember though - I am a 3iu or less user. 5-7% improvement for someone using 30iu could be more profound
Yeah but you are not going to take 30UI before fasted cardio now are you?
you are going to spread it out during the day so there goes timing out the window....

Fact is if you are on a few UI timing makes a verry small difference that NO ONE can quantify... if you are on huge doses you cannot time them as you will be on it 24/7,well that's not quite true the only options would be the bolus before bed guys and the spread it out during the day guys and even they can't say for sure it makes a difference at high UI.
Yeah I wanna see you going over 5IU like 8IU+ without slin for years after years and not go diabetic for all the fucking insulin resistance HGH is gonna give you.

Imho for fatloss diet is king and 4IU is more then enough to help you out and give a good boost.

I can't pin in the morning for example, it gives me too much lethargy during the day. I pin before bed 4IU and been very happy with the result, of course I ain't gonna be shredded because of it and if I overeat for a long time I'll be fat no matter what But in my opinion if you just slack a little bit your diet 4IU of HGH will help quite a bit in decreasing the rate you are gonna gain fat. So you still gain fat but at a lower rate, it makes you able to relax sometime in the diet side and still not ruin all the hard work.

This experience only on hgh and TRT dose, if one is on massive dose of AAS (tren I'm looking at you) well you can do a lot worse and even grow and stay lean lol
What DOES multiply the lipolysis effect of low dose rhGH for me (probably by at least 2x) is the Keto diet. The result is definitely greater than the sum of both inputs but I'm not sure why. Not starting an arguement here about muscle building and keto nor what is healthy longterm, etc. But purely for lipolysis, you cant beat the two together, especially when sides are considered
What DOES multiply the lipolysis effect of low dose rhGH for me (probably by at least 2x) is the Keto diet. The result is definitely greater than the sum of both inputs but I'm not sure why. Not starting an arguement here about muscle building and keto nor what is healthy longterm, etc. But purely for lipolysis, you cant beat the two together, especially when sides are considered
that would make sense as with keto you reduce the insulin resistance that GH gives you, more insulin sensitivity more muscle less fat. Ofcourse total muscle gain is going to be less than with carbs but if health and leanness are a priority keto is the best choice at least for medium term
that would make sense as with keto you reduce the insulin resistance that GH gives you, more insulin sensitivity more muscle less fat. Ofcourse total muscle gain is going to be less than with carbs but if health and leanness are a priority keto is the best choice at least for medium term
Or hgh and semaglutide
Maybe I was a bit harsh saying timing does not matter but how m7ch foes it. matter 10%? I say more UI make a much more pronounced difference and you gain anabolism from the extra igf

But wtf are you talking about? So when you eat in a surplus you only gain fat? high amounts of GH with gear will tip the scale in favor of muscle gain not fat, how do you think 300lbs freaks stay lean in the offseson while eating in a big surplus??

If your personal experience differes you must have really good genetics to put on fat or your diet sucks ass.
AAS and GH will promote fat loss and muscle gain, but they don't override the basics of calorie balance, just screw it in your favor. Taking high dose GH doesn't guarantee recomp though. Most guys who eat to many calories gain fat no matter what compounds they are on. There's no way any compound will turn every extra calorie into muscle, impossible. The wishful thinking that GH guarantees fat loss no matter how many calories consumed is bro science. Go take 15 IU's, eat like a hog for 3 months, and report back.

300lb freaks don't rely on drugs to get to where they are. They have superior genetics, they're training and diet is super dialed in, and the drug regimen just helps take them over the natural limits. There is also the uncommon guy who doesn't gain fat no matter what, but they are outliers as well, and not representative of most people.
What is the case you guys are making wrt timing vs dose?

For example: will 4 IU at perfect timing will result in more fat loss than 8 IU at imperfect timing? How about 4 vs 6? 4 vs. 4.1??

How big is the impact of timing, what's your guess
I'm not making a case here. Bolus (becoming a meme nearly at this point having not yet become available I know) discusses, and I make daily practical use of timing strategies & tactics when coaching my guys. Timing is relevant because of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

To your example:

No, because rhGH dose-dependently induces fat loss via several mechanisms – see Combined RhGH and GLP-1 Agonist: Rationales and Practical Use for Recomp (simultaneous fat loss & muscle gain) (Article) §§ on Fat loss (basics) & RhGH Lipolysis – with no known theoretical upper limit. Besides that, there is no "perfect" timing. There are contexts where temporal considerations should be weighed versus dose increase or decrease. Titrating dose is a blunt instrument; timing strategies and tactics are more granular, consider training, nutrition, sleep, etc.
Attempting to assign some scalar value to "timing" is the most ridiculous thing I've encountered in a while. I've been off the boards for a while, obviously.
Hello, actually taking 3iu preW 2-3h before. Planning up to 4iu, what is the best timming? 2iu preW + 2iu pre bed? or continue with 4iu PreW
Hello, actually taking 3iu preW 2-3h before. Planning up to 4iu, what is the best timming? 2iu preW + 2iu pre bed? or continue with 4iu PreW
rhGH for lipolysis
Author: Type-IIx

Daily exercise:
Morning or daytime bolus ideally 2-3 hr pre-workout
Single large bolus (≥3IU) for lipolysis: [6] showed lipolysis (blood 3-hydroxy-butyrate) was positively correlated to the peak hGH concentration (r=0.65) for the highest dose (6mcg/kg); [40] showed a significant correlation between the peak GH response to exercise and the post-exercise rise in glycerol measured as area under the curve (r= 0.57,p< 0.04). Also, [69] showed that a single s.c. bolus versus two promotes nighttime FFA liberation.

it's in the first post.
All this timing minutiae is nonsense and plays a very small role in the big picture... for HGH all that matters is total UI per day.... you dont see fat loss at 2,3 even 4ui sometimes but take it up to 5-18ui and you will see recomp even in a surplus...
Interesting. So you believe the fatloss only begins with 5iu total within 24 hours?
So if I read it correctly 1 bolus dose 2-3HR prewo is considered better then before bed? Should one need to inject while fasted on those 2-3hrs prewo
yeah, fasted. however, he does state somewhere that you can eat eat shortly before/after bolus. some questions were asked regarding doing the cardio later in the day. he basically says if you're not gonna do this protocol, then just do whatever, since it's better than nothing.

i did this pretty religiously on 2-3 IU for about 3 weeks and became noticeably slimmer per my wife. as a weekend drinker, i've def stalled and moved to maint for a while. I'm about to do a 6 week push to get lean after my DEXA scan tomorrow. prob gonna throw some tirz in there, since my BG has been high 90s-105ish on 4 IU lately.
Interesting. So you believe the fatloss only begins with 5iu total within 24 hours?
Nope thats not what I meant, I do not contradict OP 2ui is enough to start increased fat loss compared to baseline especially if you do in it the morning fasted, with caffeine, effedrin etc but for me personally the effect is so small that it makes no sense to do it like that....
Its simple 2ui is not enough you can take your 2ui as this guide says and than take another 2 ui in the middle of the day and 2 more in the evening than you will see some results... again as OP says no upper limit for fatloss relating to GH dose BUT one big dose say 6ui in the morning will do less than spread out, why? because for most people such a big bolus in the morning will make you slugish all day long and negate the benefits

for me big bolus in the evening is best as i have energy all day long may not be optimal for fatloss but it is what it is....
Nope thats not what I meant, I do not contradict OP 2ui is enough to start increased fat loss compared to baseline especially if you do in it the morning fasted, with caffeine, effedrin etc but for me personally the effect is so small that it makes no sense to do it like that....
Its simple 2ui is not enough you can take your 2ui as this guide says and than take another 2 ui in the middle of the day and 2 more in the evening than you will see some results... again as OP says no upper limit for fatloss relating to GH dose BUT one big dose say 6ui in the morning will do less than spread out, why? because for most people such a big bolus in the morning will make you slugish all day long and negate the benefits

for me big bolus in the evening is best as i have energy all day long may not be optimal for fatloss but it is what it is....

So basically we're back to where we started. Total dose > dose timing. If you want more results, Type II said the easiest answer is higher dose. Dose timing is minutiae in comparison. I prefer divided dosing (AM/PM).
I'm not making a case here. Bolus (becoming a meme nearly at this point having not yet become available I know) discusses, and I make daily practical use of timing strategies & tactics when coaching my guys. Timing is relevant because of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

To your example:

No, because rhGH dose-dependently induces fat loss via several mechanisms – see Combined RhGH and GLP-1 Agonist: Rationales and Practical Use for Recomp (simultaneous fat loss & muscle gain) (Article) §§ on Fat loss (basics) & RhGH Lipolysis – with no known theoretical upper limit. Besides that, there is no "perfect" timing. There are contexts where temporal considerations should be weighed versus dose increase or decrease. Titrating dose is a blunt instrument; timing strategies and tactics are more granular, consider training, nutrition, sleep, etc.
I'm curious about your thoughts on Kurt Havens' scientific and mentoring philosophies in the use of HGH and anabolics in general. I've been wanting to buy his book. Maybe I will soon. I see you are also publishing a book soon? Has that been released yet?
I'm curious about your thoughts on Kurt Havens' scientific and mentoring philosophies in the use of HGH and anabolics in general. I've been wanting to buy his book. Maybe I will soon. I see you are also publishing a book soon? Has that been released yet?
This is not connected to the theme of this thread but dont mind me asking how is your tennis elbow doing, I saw on another thread that you were trying to help healing it with HGH. Im battling with the similar injury.
Again, apologies for asking non thread related question.
This is not connected to the theme of this thread but dont mind me asking how is your tennis elbow doing, I saw on another thread that you were trying to help healing it with HGH. Im battling with the similar injury.
Again, apologies for asking non thread related question.
It's not helping but I'm starting PT for it no amount of gear I've thrown at it is helping. I snagged a flexbar off Amazon