3rd cycle experiment. Test Prop. Test Cyp. Deca. Opinions please :)


New Member
Hey fellas,

I'm new to this forum, but am rather experienced with anabolics.
My first cycle was with test cyp alone for 10 weeks.
My second cycle was with sus for 12 weeks. Week 1-4 of oral dbol.
I'm on my 3rd cycle right now. I'm 5 weeks in. The gear on hand is Test Cyp, Test Prop, and Deca.

week 1-2: Test Prop 100mg ed
week 1-4: Test Prop 100mg eod
week 1-12: Test Cyp 400mg twice a week.
week 1-12: Deca 250mg twice a week.
week 1-12: Mesterolone 50mg ed.

I have a proper PCT on hand and ready.
I'm really starting to feel the strength gains and starting to see the mass gains.
I feel like good things are to come. My muscles are lean and I'm looking to gain mass with this stack. It's also my first time running deca... any advice of what to expect?

165 lbs
7% BF
27 yrs old
I know this seems a little odd (unorthadox), but I used the prop's short ester to kinda "kick start" the test in my system leading up to the high dose of cyph and deca that's presence would be to follow. It was experimental and my body has seemed to respond well to it. It was extra gear I had lying around so I gave it a go after doing a little research and it surprisingly gave me the results I was looking for. For weeks 5-6 I'm also doing 50 mg of prop eod... this may seem strange due to there being some "set" way to cycle on the internet, but I believe through experimentation we can find new methods of cycling.

Could you please explain your confusion pertaining to the matter?
my apologies. That was a typo. Weeks 2-4 were eod. Weeks 1-2 were ed. Thanks for pointing that out! I'll fix that haha.

I can't seem to be able to edit my original post.. my apologies for the confusion.
weeks 1-2: 100mg Prop ed
weeks 2-4: 100mg Prop eod
Haha god damn I already like it here. If someone can be a smart ass, they're alright with me. Does this cycle seem legit to you?

It looks legit, but if you plan on cycling on and off I'd steer clear of deca. The shutdown from it is very, very strong.

To me, it's more of a compound for guys on TRT.
It looks legit, but if you plan on cycling on and off I'd steer clear of deca. The shutdown from it is very, very strong.

To me, it's more of a compound for guys on TRT.

Thanks for the heads up man. I'm already getting sides of the godforsaken deca dick... would be it okay to drop deca 5 weeks in? if so what could I do to stabilize the rest of my cycle?
I'd just drop it, personally. Replacing it with something else part way through is just going to complicate things.

That's just my opinion. Maybe some others will chime in.
Hey fellas,

I'm new to this forum, but am rather experienced with anabolics.
My first cycle was with test cyp alone for 10 weeks.
My second cycle was with sus for 12 weeks. Week 1-4 of oral dbol.
I'm on my 3rd cycle right now. I'm 5 weeks in. The gear on hand is Test Cyp, Test Prop, and Deca.

week 1-2: Test Prop 100mg ed
week 1-4: Test Prop 100mg eod
week 1-12: Test Cyp 400mg twice a week.
week 1-12: Deca 250mg twice a week.
week 1-12: Mesterolone 50mg ed.

I have a proper PCT on hand and ready.
I'm really starting to feel the strength gains and starting to see the mass gains.
I feel like good things are to come. My muscles are lean and I'm looking to gain mass with this stack. It's also my first time running deca... any advice of what to expect?

165 lbs
7% BF
27 yrs old
I know this seems a little odd (unorthadox), but I used the prop's short ester to kinda "kick start" the test in my system leading up to the high dose of cyph and deca that's presence would be to follow. It was experimental and my body has seemed to respond well to it. It was extra gear I had lying around so I gave it a go after doing a little research and it surprisingly gave me the results I was looking for. For weeks 5-6 I'm also doing 50 mg of prop eod... this may seem strange due to there being some "set" way to cycle on the internet, but I believe through experimentation we can find new methods of cycling.

Could you please explain your confusion pertaining to the matter?

I'm okay with rigorous experimentation, but there are best practices (hopefully derived from clinical practice) that minimize risk and maximize benefit.
"Kick-start" (frontloading) isn't necessary given testP half-life of 0.8d, nor is starting with a fast ester and switching to a slow ester beneficial. Read up on pharmacokinetics.
Best thing to do now is save the rest of your testP for the end of your cycle for faster washout and recovery.


Thanks for the heads up man. I'm already getting sides of the godforsaken deca dick... would be it okay to drop deca 5 weeks in? if so what could I do to stabilize the rest of my cycle?
Could I replace it with EQ mid cycle? and simply lengthen my cycle out longer than the initial time planned

Agree completely with T_S, Deca is too suppressive for cycling. Drop it.
EQ (boldenone undecylenate) is also an extremely long ester.
You could increase testC to 250mg E3D for 583mg/w and monitor progress.
If you need to add a nandrolone, consider NPP.
Thanks guys. It looks like deca was a bad investment haha.
Thank you for the informative insight and article Erin. Could you further explain your mention of a faster "wash out"? I would greatly appreciate it.
To recap, simply continue my Test C cycle out? I also forgot to mention I'm taking 75mg of Mesterolone along with my cycle.
You guys are great! I'm glad to of joined the forum and received such informative opinions.