44 years old and need help

do some research pal, ffs ,(its so individual ) theres sooo much info on that subject on these forum threads etc, come on we don't "spoon feed" around here,,,,
No problem. I’ve been reading personal accounts of wellness doses, usually between 2 and 4iu, which makes sense. I was just asking for other people’s thoughts. Thanks anyway
F all this b’s being thrown around here.

He needs to do 72 hr fast with just water then stick to a calorie deficit w exercise any! then let’s see what he has after we reset insulin sensitivity.

He’s on a harm reduction board for mainly aas asking about diet?

Start working out first for a good bit before u worry about sups.

And your training ? Start with a f’ing soup can and bands like I did after my spinal cord injury.
Even 2 iu will make a difference at his age. 4iu being "optimal" for the extra something not just replacement dosage
I am following your lead- got started with 2iu about a week ago. How long did it take before you started noticing the progress, and how did it feel for you?