45, apparently I have BPH

I think I can lower my DHT if I drop my DHT derivative (oxandrolone) and get my TT down from 2000 to 700ng/dl
That’s not how this works. Just because it’s a DHT Derivatives does not mean it automatically gets metabolized into DHT. In fact they are physically incapable. Most of the negative side effects associated with testosterone come from the metabolites estrogen and DHT. Lower your testosterone dose man. If you’re so concerned drop everything aside from your TRT and plan your next push accordingly.
I'll add my 2 cents because some of this stuff is definetely wrong advice.

1. Best advice: Visit an urologist
2. He will probably say the following:
BPH without symptoms can be "treated" by watchful waiting since it just quantifies an enlarged prostate which is completely okay if you do not have any symptoms (the direction of growth is what matters, if the urethra gets obstructed you will get the typical symptoms of obstructive incontinence)
3. BPH or BPS(=if with symptoms) is usually treated with Dutasteride or Doxazosin. Only Dutasteride or Finasteride are treating the cause of growth (DHT) while Doxazosin allows you to pass urine more easily (but if you have no symptoms it wouldn't make to much sense)
4. BPH is not PSA, nor related to prostate cancer. You can have either without the other. However this is a condition of the elderly male (60y. and older) and PSA serum screenings are indicated for males above age 50.
5. Going off of T or Oxandrolone will not stop your growth. Essentially the cells in your prostate express 5alpha reductase in a highly efficient manner. It will just continue to metabolise regular T into DHT. Hence, regular males get BPH without ever touching steroids. It is a local process, taking exogenous T will probably just speed it up but not inherently cause it.

Hope this helps.
That’s not how this works. Just because it’s a DHT Derivatives does not mean it automatically gets metabolized into DHT. In fact they are physically incapable. Most of the negative side effects associated with testosterone come from the metabolites estrogen and DHT. Lower your testosterone dose man. If you’re so concerned drop everything aside from your TRT and plan your next push accordingly.
Any ideas on next push? 8 weeks NPP?
You are right. I'm confused with ibs

Still doesn't justify assuming all doctors don't understand treatment for bph
Because in general, they don’t?

It took me fucking 5 different doctors and 3 urologists to find out I had BPH, and then prescribe vibegron for it.
Because in general, they don’t?

It took me fucking 5 different doctors and 3 urologists to find out I had BPH, and then prescribe vibegron for it.

A lot of folks don't realize most docs stop learning the second they finish their education and residency, so can easily be decades behind.

Only the most dedicated or those in teaching positions keep up.
Because in general, they don’t?

It took me fucking 5 different doctors and 3 urologists to find out I had BPH, and then prescribe vibegron for it.
I don't doubt that you went through that, but that's unbelievable. I know plenty of dimmer people who became doctors, but a urologist missing BPH is like a proctologist forgetting to look at the asshole. I'd be terrified to be a male in your area.
I don't doubt that you went through that, but that's unbelievable. I know plenty of dimmer people who became doctors, but a urologist missing BPH is like a proctologist forgetting to look at the asshole. I'd be terrified to be a male in your area.
there was an endocrinologist around here that said you don't need to look at T3,T4, you only need to check tsh for thyroid function.

always assume that doctors don't know their ass from their elbow until proven otherwise.
I don't doubt that you went through that, but that's unbelievable. I know plenty of dimmer people who became doctors, but a urologist missing BPH is like a proctologist forgetting to look at the asshole. I'd be terrified to be a male in your area.
This has been my experience with doctors (friends too) all over the country. Usually it's an older doctor, but funnily enough, an older doctor found my BPH when I told her to look for it.
Just thinking ahead, if one where to supplement for some lean gains with BPH, which would be a better idea:
Short 4 week blast of anadrol 50mg once or twice a year
Do trt and add 150-200 mg deca x 15 weeks once a year?
Sorry dude, the only pharma solution is fin or dutasteride. If you don't. block DHT this is going to be a one way street until you might need surgery, (and those sides can be catastrophic, suicide rates go up substantially after prostate surgery), whether or not on gear.
You are referring to transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). This is the final and extreme option and for most people a very old and outdated surgery with brutal side effects. Prostate laser surgery is a far better option, and their are several options. Very low sides, very fast recovery. This is somethiung he needs to study up on and then seek out a top Urologist to consider his options.

You are referring to transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). This is the final and extreme option and for most people a very old and outdated surgery with brutal side effects. Prostate laser surgery is a far better option, and their are several options. Very low sides, very fast recovery. This is somethiung he needs to study up on and then seek out a top Urologist to consider his options.

I see they can now "push" the prostate out of the way without risking the nerves. Thank god. I once heard someone say the prostrate is proof intelligent design doesn't exist...
There have been anecdotes and some research pointing to SARMs as useful for BPH. Russians especially have been using S4 for BPH.
See e.g.: