5 mg Nolva for a year?

A year....?

No. Why not just do an aggressive Nolva and letro protocol for a few weeks, or do a cut cycle with high masteron and some adex.
A year....?

No. Why not just do an aggressive Nolva and letro protocol for a few weeks, or do a cut cycle with high masteron and some adex.
Thanks for your reply
I'm planning on doing it for a long time to reduce some slight gyno
Many say gyno takes several months to fully dissapear
Thanks for your reply
I'm planning on doing it for a long time to reduce some slight gyno
Many say gyno takes several months to fully dissapear

I think the long term effects of nolva on blood lipids would hurt you more than it would reduce gyno.
Also, take it with a grain of salt, but there's some people who believe you can over stimulate the pituitary.

Are you on TRT?
It could work though!! Nolva and letro I've heard work together to "starve" the mammory gland of estrogen.

Best of luck brother. Hope things work out.
I think the long term effects of nolva on blood lipids would hurt you more than it would reduce gyno.
Also, take it with a grain of salt, but there's some people who believe you can over stimulate the pituitary.

Are you on TRT?
It could work though!! Nolva and letro I've heard work together to "starve" the mammory gland of estrogen.

Best of luck brother. Hope things work out.
I use nolva to try to avoid or at least delay TRT
and to reduce puffy nipples as well
There is no long term research defining explicit effects or side effects of tamoxifen. However the dosing that " we all" do for PCT has shown no toxicity or negativity in any aspect. With that said, moderation has a lot to bring forth. So what administration you are proposing seems minimal and your body should handle adequately. Some take 800mg of ibuprofen daily and have no liver issues...
There is no long term research defining explicit effects or side effects of tamoxifen. However the dosing that " we all" do for PCT has shown no toxicity or negativity in any aspect. With that said, moderation has a lot to bring forth. So what administration you are proposing seems minimal and your body should handle adequately. Some take 800mg of ibuprofen daily and have no liver issues...

Have you ever even researched tamoxifen ever?
There's DOZENS of studies of it that have been done on literally groups of 20-30,000 women for time lengths of up to 15 years...........
15 years is pretty long term for a study. Everything was documented.
It's also documented that tomax fucks up your lipids. It's also documented that aromatase inhibitors are far more effective than SERMs in cancer treatment, so one would think a long term treatment of an AI would be better, with less side effects... which are also documented.
Tamoxifen Side Effects in Detail - Drugs.com


Toxicity and adverse effects of Tamoxifen and other anti-estrogen drugs. - PubMed - NCBI

@Geargrinding have you ever Google the word tamoxifen in your life, ever?
There are SO MANY STUDIES documenting positive and negative side effects.
Blood clots, blockage in the lungs, heart, and brain.
Yeah. No side effects. Keep preaching your bullshit, doc!

You are fine off your PCT dose? I'm assuming you have blood test to back that, right?

No liver damage off of ibuprofen? I'm also assuming you have blood tests and studies to back that too, right?
@master.on there are documented studies (that an extremely easy Google search can dig up) showing the efficacy of an aromatase inhibitor being far superior to SERMs.
If you can afford it aromasin or arimidex would be better, and healthier, for long term treatment.

But I'm still going to say that a short aggressive blast would be a lot better for you, and then always always always make sure you have all ancillaries on hand before starting your next cycle.

Good luck with everything. Whatever you to choose to go with, I hope it works for ya!!
There is no long term research defining explicit effects or side effects of tamoxifen.

However the dosing that " we all" do for PCT has shown no toxicity or negativity in any aspect.

It's obvious from this comment, at best, you're only vaguely familiar with "Tamoxifen research"!

Or perhaps Tamoxifen is the only prescription medication that is completely void of side effects.,
There is no long term research defining explicit effects or side effects of tamoxifen. However the dosing that " we all" do for PCT has shown no toxicity or negativity in any aspect. With that said, moderation has a lot to bring forth. So what administration you are proposing seems minimal and your body should handle adequately. Some take 800mg of ibuprofen daily and have no liver issues...

How could you possibly try to give advice on something that you CLEARLY have no knowledge on? It would take someone 8 seconds on google to debunk your entire post.
How could you possibly try to give advice on something that you CLEARLY have no knowledge on? It would take someone 8 seconds on google to debunk your entire post.

I suspect GR was referring to the UGL stuff (AKA Tamo) he has used, lol!