50mg npp and 50mg test e a week


New Member
What you think about this cycle.
Possible benefits in your opponion?
Wheight gain after 3 mont cycle?
Joint pain releaf?
Level of e2 to low?
Suppresion of htpa(lh under 1IU|L)

Have enyone experience whit that low dose?

The Rock uses this same cycle.
Enjoy your wrastlin’ and film fame.
Remember the little people.
The Rock Fanny Pack GIF
Haha i'm no crazy. I dont wanna gain weight thats why i wanna do as less as possible for some joint pain releaf and enough e2.
For TRT 100mg of Test minimum. That's to get adequate Testosterone levels of about 500-600ng/dl. This is not a cycle but a cruise, you can add equipoise, masteron or deca. But really I think right around 150mg of Test is best for long term trt and gains.