560TestE/P-350NPP: No Ai. Expected E2 symptoms but have none. Normal?


I want to know if it’s normal or anyone else experiences at this dose of test/nandrolone no signs of E2 elevation with no AI/Serm/ no other supplements to control E2.
I do take p5p to preventively control prolactin and took 200mg daily for 4 weeks prior to beginning nandrolone to build it up on my system, to control prolactin further.

so I’m relatively new experience wise. But I’ve been deep into reading and learning for about a year and a half now specific to bodybuilding/Ped research.

I’m 29 years old in a few weeks, recently got prescribed legitimate trt 175mg/week and Nandrolone 105mg/week.

Since getting prescribed, I’ve slowly ramped up from just trt, and about each week bumped up, until the last 3 weeks I’m now not planning to go higher and will drop back to trt soon.

Currently for 3 weeks: per week:
560mgTest E
All split into daily doses IM
-Ocassionally for 2 weeks on, 1 week Break, and now on for 3 weeks
-364mg Tren A per week.

All split into daily doses IM

4IU Genotropin daily (sometimes 2iu split morning/pre w.o)
100mcg daily IGF1LR3
12iu Lantus daily
300iu HCG eod

Tudaca, Astagulus, Bergamont,

Here is the most part of my protocol above.
I was expecting to begin seeing AI symptoms creep up, but I feel as though 3 weeks or this now should have been enough to notice something.

I’ve had shoulder acne that’s moderate since starting going above 250mg test. But it hasn’t worsened, and if anything may have gotten a little bit better( not much though ).

Curious to know others highest doses of test and nandrolone specifically they’ve taken without adding in any E2 control weather an AI, or DHT derivative.

Also curious if people reading this protocol would expect to see E2 symptoms at this dose.
You can conjecture based upon symptoms. Libido, water weight, crying when you see a baby, etc...

But the only way to know is go get a sensitive E2 blood test brother.

I will say that injecting daily keeps your hormones stable so that may be your golden ticket right there.
You can conjecture based upon symptoms. Libido, water weight, crying when you see a baby, etc...

But the only way to know is go get a sensitive E2 blood test brother.

I will say that injecting daily keeps your hormones stable so that may be your golden ticket right there.
Thanks, I’m getting another panel any day now, my most recent one was immediately prior to this 3 week higher dosage.

I was previously on almost this same exact protocol, however since it was my first follow up, I skipped like 4 days of dosing Test, cut out the others, and resumed only 15mg/day (105mg/week) testosterone to try and resemble a more normal range the doctor would want to see to check my dose.

Total T was 860 and E2 was oddly lower than I expected at only 21pg/ml.

I’m not sure how that would have been at the dose I’m at now which I’m following up with another lab.

Thanks, I’m getting another panel any day now, my most recent one was immediately prior to this 3 week higher dosage.

I was previously on almost this same exact protocol, however since it was my first follow up, I skipped like 4 days of dosing Test, cut out the others, and resumed only 15mg/day (105mg/week) testosterone to try and resemble a more normal range the doctor would want to see to check my dose.

Total T was 860 and E2 was oddly lower than I expected at only 21pg/ml.

I’m not sure how that would have been at the dose I’m at now which I’m following up with another lab.

I love daily pinning for this reason

Think about it, your pinning ed, instead of one huge dose once a week. Makes a huge difference. I get instant gyno when i pin 1x a week. When i pin ed, i dont.
I love daily pinning for this reason

Think about it, your pinning ed, instead of one huge dose once a week. Makes a huge difference. I get instant gyno when i pin 1x a week. When i pin ed, i dont.
Exactly, this makes sense to me too. I knew that going in, but it was only “theoretical” to me at that point given all I’d learned and read. But without having actually the real world experience with any of these compounds, I didn’t want to take my knowledge for granted and end up with a side effect I could have avoided. So far it seems to be working.

3 weeks in might not be enough time, but I feel like it should be to a degree. I’m keeping an eye out.
With the AAS AND HGH, I'm getting gyno just reading your post
legitimately, I thought this could very well be the case which was why at the first sign on anything I had a plan on deck to mitigate the earliest changes even if it was just like more oily skin.

I continued on and I assumed that maybe I had trace primo in my system that I discontinued 5 weeks ago, and that by the time it was wearing off I would feel something off.

So far it hasn’t happened. Maybe 3 weeks isn’t enough time for symptoms to manifest so I’m still keeping a watchful eye and may even add back the primo to preemptively lower E2 as soon as I get my blood taken again.

I think I might just have low estrogen production.

That’s actually the reason I got on the trt. My total t was 451 , but three back to back tests as a natural my total t was around the same and my E2 only 4.5pg/ml. Those low E2 readings are what made me decide I almost had to do something about it.