5g Test cycle

What do you mean like they tested his urine for gear? how the dude was dead what did they open up his bladder and take urine out? Why wouldnt they just test his blood?
i don't know the details it was said that its a urine test no idea how they do that but good point you might be on to something.
Yes, of course. But in the case of Dallas McCarver, it actually made sense to take 5g of gear and to take on the associated risks. He achieved an amazing physique on those dosages and had great potential to improve even further.
lol it made sense huh ?! How’s that sense making out now ? If you’re going to speak of intelligence above better have some yourself first.
You are right. I can't tell another man how to live his life and didn't intend to. Perhaps it was more of me saying what I would do in the situation if I had a new kid, and it came off as criticizing his decision making. But I think most would agree his dosages seem reckless when you consider he does this as a hobby and he has a young child now. The biggest guy on this forum barely uses 1500 total anabolics a week. Chase is 275lb someone mentioned...ok how tall and how much of that is water from 3k test a week and 20iu a day? I don't look at his pics, I looked at his videos and I don't see someone who looks like they are on 5g and has been running grams for over a decade now. That gives me the impression his training or nutrition can be improved instead of 2g more of gear than the last blast he did. These are all my opinions so there is no confusion
Ya man kids, now look at all these people that eat fast food daily n processed sugars, the deaths n diseases caused by that shit will soon surpass cigarette related deaths.....the sick part is people allow there kids to eat it all the time, and ur literally settingbur child up for failure n an early death or diabetes, I mean really his cycle is normal for pros 3 grams is not crazy at all, nor is 18 ius of gh, just do some reading, I no it maybe hard to believe cause the mainstream tells u otherwise but it's true, I bring up fast food cause all these pros live on like everyone else even though some die, well young people die everyday from unhealthy living and other things, everyday.

Obviously most people say ya ya but but 35 bodybuilders died in one year.....but commonsense says it was caused by the experimental mrna shot as we have never in history seen anything like that and technically ud have to be an idiot not to see it.

So I wouldn't be so worried that he is taking a dose that most take and he is probably healthier then u or anyone else that goes on about it.
Haha. I find it hilarious when drug users on a steroid forum make righteous posts about how irresponsible others are being by using drugs.

Newsflash: If you use any amount of steroids you're a drug abuser. While you try to make yourselves feel good about how "safe" your dose is there is someone just like you around the corner waiting to tell you how irresponsible it is and that you're going to die.
Haha. I find it hilarious when drug users on a steroid forum make righteous posts about how irresponsible others are being by using drugs.

Newsflash: If you use any amount of steroids you're a drug abuser. While you try to make yourselves feel good about how "safe" your dose is there is someone just like you around the corner waiting to tell you how irresponsible it is and that you're going to die.
haha I kind of see where youre coming from but think of a dude who drinks two beers per day and a dude who drinks 30 beers per day. Big difference. Drinking two beers a day you could do that your whole life without problems, drink 30 beers per day and you will be in the ground quickly.

Edit: are you natty bro? Sounds like youre anti gear with that post, just saying.
You remind me of people who deny that intelligence is largely hereditary. "If only we put another trillion into public schools, then everyone is going to be an Einstein".
Lol...he is actually correct and with some reading you would see these doses are actually normal
haha I kind of see where youre coming from but think of a dude who drinks two beers per day and a dude who drinks 30 beers per day. Big difference. Drinking two beers a day you could do that your whole life without problems, drink 30 beers per day and you will be in the ground quickly.
While there is some truth to what you're saying, it's all a roll of the dice. Your idea of a safe dosage coupled with bad genetics might be more harmful than his dosage + genetics

Smoke a pack of cigarettes a day live to 93

Never smoke a day in your life, dead from lung cancer at 46.

Who dies first ?

1- You're using high dosages living a bodybuilding lifestyle/diet while doing cardio and getting blood work multiple times a year

2- You're a couch potato who goes to work and goes home. Your diet consists of fast food most nights of the week. You don't do regular blood work or exercise.

Who knows...but it was more about the irony of drug abusers arguing with each other about who abuses them most responsibility. For the rest of society that's a ridiculous argument, they're both drug abusers.
While there is some truth to what you're saying, it's all a roll of the dice. Your idea of a safe dosage coupled with bad genetics might be more harmful than his dosage + genetics

Smoke a pack of cigarettes a day live to 93

Never smoke a day in your life, dead from lung cancer at 46.

Who dies first ?

1- You're using high dosages living a bodybuilding lifestyle/diet while doing cardio and getting blood work multiple times a year

2- You're a couch potato who goes to work and goes home. Your diet consists of fast food most nights of the week. You don't do regular blood work or exercise.

Who knows...but it was more about the irony of drug abusers arguing with each other about who abuses them most responsibility. For the rest of society that's a ridiculous argument, they're both drug abusers.
100% brother, most people are very ignorant.
While there is some truth to what you're saying, it's all a roll of the dice. Your idea of a safe dosage coupled with bad genetics might be more harmful than his dosage + genetics

Smoke a pack of cigarettes a day live to 93

Never smoke a day in your life, dead from lung cancer at 46.

Who dies first ?

1- You're using high dosages living a bodybuilding lifestyle/diet while doing cardio and getting blood work multiple times a year

2- You're a couch potato who goes to work and goes home. Your diet consists of fast food most nights of the week. You don't do regular blood work or exercise.

Who knows...but it was more about the irony of drug abusers arguing with each other about who abuses them most responsibility. For the rest of society that's a ridiculous argument, they're both drug abusers.
ok getting into genetics is another conversation. These things we cant control and are hard to predict so we should put genetics aside here. You take massive amounts of gear its more unhealthy than taking less. Its that simple my guy.

Edit: and of course people are going to say not to run a 5g cycle because its insane and reckless. Idk what you want us to do be like "ok yeah man cool sounds good" Of course guys will say dude why so much that is very unsafe.. Weird argument were having here. There is resposible use and then there is reckless insane use and 5grams is reckless and insane.
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I think what lots of people have a hard time grasping is that those are normal doses to many
Lies have warped what the facts are
The amount of ancillaries required are great and he didn’t go from 125 mg a week to 5000 lol
He’s been doing this for a long time.
When lazy fat guys take a high dose they are riddled with side effects and bad blood markers because they are not doing the work required to run those doses and they aren’t the size required to run those doses.
So it seems crazy to them.
It’s not as crazy as it seems
I think what lots of people have a hard time grasping is that those are normal doses to many
Lies have warped what the facts are
The amount of ancillaries required are great and he didn’t go from 125 mg a week to 5000 lol
He’s been doing this for a long time.
When lazy fat guys take a high dose they are riddled with side effects and bad blood markers because they are not doing the work required to run those doses and they aren’t the size required to run those doses.
So it seems crazy to them.
It’s not as crazy as it seems
Be honest here you think 5g is normal to many? Ive never talked to one guy who uses even close to that and I cant imagine any coach being ok with his guys running 5 grams. I wouldnt say its normal, are there guys doing it? Yeah but the norm highly doubt it. I mean think of the volume of oil. Youd be shooting insane oil and doing that for a period of time? Shit thats the hardest part for me to believe is guys are injecting that much. I mean were talking like 750mg a day and to do that for a long time?
Be honest here you think 5g is normal to many? Ive never talked to one guy who uses even close to that and I cant imagine any coach being ok with his guys running 5 grams. I wouldnt say its normal, are there guys doing it? Yeah but the norm highly doubt it.
Not normal on Reditt or a forum but yes normal to a lot of guys

That being said I think he needs to drop the Tren and EQ. If think those doses are reckless. Just the Test and GH.
Not normal on Reditt or a forum but yes normal to a lot of guys

That being said I think he needs to drop the Tren and EQ. If think those doses are reckless. Just the Test and GH.
maybe for an amateur who cant see he doesnt have the genetics and has no other option but to push gear that high. The only reason I really have a hard time believing that is I tap at 1500mg which is the same for most guys ive talked to. Just my opinion.
Doesn't matter what blood tests you're doing and what meds you're taking... if you're blasting that much gear and gh and blowing up to nearly 300 lbs youre putting your heart through hell and probably kidneys as well
maybe for an amateur who cant see he doesnt have the genetics and has no other option but to push gear that high. The only reason I really have a hard time believing that is I tap at 1500mg which is the same for most guys ive talked to. Just my opinion.
Yeah and I respect your opinion
Not trying to argue in any way just giving my opinion
Ask Roman Fritz if he thinks Chases doses are reckless
Also I don’t think Chase would push though uncontrollable bloodwork. I think he is honest about that and when it gets out of control he would drop it.
Do I think this is shorting his life? Absolutely
Is it suicidal? Absolutely not

Tag Chase, he’s on here
Also to clarify. Do I think anyone should be doing these doses that isn’t 280 lbs lean or more and and/or a pro. Absolutely not
They have no business doing that and side affects will stop them anyway

…And I’m waiting for the repercussion from my comments ha ha
Be honest here you think 5g is normal to many? Ive never talked to one guy who uses even close to that and I cant imagine any coach being ok with his guys running 5 grams. I wouldnt say its normal, are there guys doing it? Yeah but the norm highly doubt it. I mean think of the volume of oil. Youd be shooting insane oil and doing that for a period of time? Shit thats the hardest part for me to believe is guys are injecting that much. I mean were talking like 750mg a day and to do that for a long time?
Have you heard about guys drink liters of booze everyday for 5 decades and are still waking around in their 80s or some guys who overdosed on opioids several times but got revived then continued their careers playing music till they looked like frail old women?

I think it’s the same with steroid users, there are just fellows out there who can push the boundaries of dosages unheard of and come out unscathed or with minimal damages.

There are hyper responders, people with extreme tolerances and then there’s those who have both.