Who are the top 10 largest pro anabolic stacking cycles regiments?

Just stop here. This stupidity just won't die. No - this was NOT Dallas McCarver's blood serum testosterone level. It's a post-mortem measure of his urinary metabolites of testosterone. Last time I checked blood and urine were two entirely different body fluids.

I've been correcting this misinformation for 6 years and by the looks of it I'll probably repeat it another 6 years.
Amazing how many times this has to be repeated
This is the third time in a month its been mentioned, problem is nobody can provide the data to refute it.
You can't be serious. The autopsy itself refutes it.

The T:E ratio is a urine test. The metabolites measured in a T:E ratio are testosterone glucuronide (17-beta-hydroxyandro-4-en-3-one) and epitestosterone glucuronide (4-androsten-17alpha-ol-3-one).

The so-called serum testosterone level of 55,000 ng/dl (550 ng/ml) is actually the level of urinary testosterone glucuronide.

It's just plain ignorance to say otherwise.

You can't be serious. The autopsy itself refutes it.

The T:E ratio is a urine test. The metabolites measured in a T:E ratio are testosterone glucuronide (17-beta-hydroxyandro-4-en-3-one) and epitestosterone glucuronide (4-androsten-17alpha-ol-3-one).

The so-called serum testosterone level of 55,000 ng/dl (550 ng/ml) is actually the level of urinary testosterone glucuronide.

It's just plain ignorance to say otherwise.

View attachment 270393
I'm serious, it's been mentioned quite a few times in a different thread. That's why I asked for someone to provide a concrete findings to stop the nonsense.

Why do you think people spread the misinformation? It's because nobody posts the actual data with proper information behind it.
lets see what kind of physique warrants this absolutely idiotic "cruise"
What’s idiotic about it? Too much, too little? Not your line up? Not your stack.

Educate us what you think is not an idiotic stack. Because last time I checked there isn’t a single regiment the same for any pro wrestler, any pro body builder, any pro football player. Also, why do you have to be insulting about it, can’t you just post something productive or do you have to be an idiot about it?

How is your post idiotically productive?
Seriously man, I’ll second wanting to see a photo and list your stats. I’ve been lifting enhanced for 27 years and never seen nor even heard of a cruise even in the ballpark of yours.

However, your posting gear photos from you favorite “great source” really reminds me of all the supermodels on tinder who are dying to meet me….
I’ll get them posted on once y’all send me a source for test gear kits DIY or send in sources.

Whats wrong with the line up.
I’ll get them posted on once y’all send me a source for test gear kits DIY or send in sources.

Whats wrong with the line up.

Also, you mention a few times, in fact you usually mention it before mentioning anything gym related.. that you use these mega doses for work performance. What kind of work do you do that benefits from large amounts of drugs?
What’s idiotic about it? Too much, too little? Not your line up? Not your stack.

Educate us what you think is not an idiotic stack. Because last time I checked there isn’t a single regiment the same for any pro wrestler, any pro body builder, any pro football player. Also, why do you have to be insulting about it, can’t you just post something productive or do you have to be an idiot about it?

How is your post idiotically productive?
Why do you avoid answering the question about your stats, physique, and experience?
I’ll get them posted on once y’all send me a source for test gear kits DIY or send in sources.

Whats wrong with the line up.
We use Jano to test gear. There is an entire section devoted to this.
Those stupid DIY test kits are inaccurate unreliable and don’t even provide the information that is required. Only fools use those

Also there isn’t DIY bloodwork lol
I posted the section that discusses all of that also in your other thread
Try venturing out of this section and reading anything else. You might learn something. It’s painfully obvious you need to educate yourself.
Also learn the definition of “cruise” so you don’t keep mislabeling the name of one of your blast regiments.
What’s idiotic about it? Too much, too little? Not your line up? Not your stack.

Educate us what you think is not an idiotic stack. Because last time I checked there isn’t a single regiment the same for any pro wrestler, any pro body builder, any pro football player. Also, why do you have to be insulting about it, can’t you just post something productive or do you have to be an idiot about it?

How is your post idiotically productive?
He didn't say it's an idiotic stack. He said it's an idiotic cruise. I tend to agree.
Why do you think people spread the misinformation? It's because nobody posts the actual data with proper information behind it.
That's clearly not the reason in this case.

The autopsy/toxicology is the actual data that disputes the assertion of blood serum testosterone levels.

Ignorance is the reason. People don't understand the evidence when it is staring them in the face.


  • dallas-mccarver-autopsy-and-toxicology-report.pdf
    900.3 KB · Views: 6

Also, you mention a few times, in fact you usually mention it before mentioning anything gym related.. that you use these mega doses for work performance. What kind of work do you do that benefits from large amounts of drugs?
Construction and demolition. My body hurts with so many years in intense labor, they give a good recovery rate. With subliminal working out, use to be regimented with gym time every week, now I lift only around 3 times a month. But that can change if I slap in gear to better regiment my days in general.

Also, you all keep insulting the line ups without giving any context of it, too large of a stack, too little, instead of saying large stack or idiotic stack or clown, be constructive about it. I don’t want trolls filling up my questionnaire threads, try to stay on topic of what the threads title is.

This is an anabolic forum, so we talk anabolics. If I wanted to talk diet I would take it to an nutrition forum, if I was to talk gym regiment line up I’d taking it to a bodybuilding forum, this is a anabolic forum, the only thing I’m interested in is stacking regiments. Other wise this will devolve into a shit post of mud slinging of validity, even when I post bloodwork’s, the trolling won’t stop, people like spacemanspliff only wanna troll and scorn. Take those type of posts to Reddit or YouTube comments. I only wanna be productive and learn something, and if the dosages are too high or too low than cite the proper studies that proves so.

I’m also here to experiment based on templates, not waste time, the golden era guys is what guys like Ronnie and Jay built upon, most guys here wanna start from scratch and muddling on anyone that goes over their own preferences is tiny dosages, I’ll stick with the pros regiments and copy theirs, if it’s not for you it’s not for you, don’t have to be scornful about it to those who wanna push the limits.
Construction and demolition. My body hurts with so many years in intense labor, they give a good recovery rate. With subliminal working out, use to be regimented with gym time every week, now I lift only around 3 times a month. But that can change if I slap in gear to better regiment my days in general.

Also, you all keep insulting the line ups without giving any context of it, too large of a stack, too little, instead of saying large stack or idiotic stack or clown, be constructive about it. I don’t think want trolls filling up my questionnaire threads, try to stay on topic of what the threads title is.

This is an anabolic forum, so we talk anabolics. If I wanted to talk diet I would take it to an nutrition forum, if I was to talk gym regiment line up I’d taking it to a bodybuilding forum, this is a anabolic forum, the only thing I’m interested in is stacking regiments. Other wise this will devolve into a shit post of mud slinging of validity, even when I post bloodwork’s, the trolling won’t stop, people like spacemanspliff only wanna troll and scorn. Take those type of posts to Reddit or YouTube comments. I only wanna be productive and learn something, and if the dosages are too high or too low than cite the proper studies that proves so.

I’m also here to experiment based on templates, not waste time, the golden era guys is what guys like Ronnie and Jay built upon, most guys here wanna start from scratch and muddling on anyone that goes over their own preferences is tiny dosages, I’ll stick with the pros regiments and copy theirs, if it’s not for you it’s not for you, don’t have to be scornful about it to those who wanna push the limits.
This is actually a “Harm Reduction” forum
So those other factors play a role and it extends beyond just anabolics
That’s why we have so much information on bloodwork, testing, diet and training here
This is actually a “Harm Reduction” forum
So those other factors play a role and it extends beyond just anabolics
That’s why we have so much information on bloodwork, testing, diet and training here

I cited the National Institute of healths data on deaths, which shows clicked in other various studies from the NIOH, WHO and PEW, not even having 100’deaths in 30 years of documenting millions of anabolics use ages in pro athletes censuses.

Yet over the counter pharmaceuticals like Tylenol, ibuprofen, oxy, kill 50,000+ a year, an additional million die from alcohol, drunken car accidents, drunken bar fights, alcohol poison, along with meth, crack, heroine and other drugs are all numbered in the 30,000+ a year deaths.

If you can cite me a study that shows just 100 deaths accumulated in the passed 50 years of monitoring steroids and actually have the autopsies with proof it was anabolic steroids root cause of death, than I make take your concern for thought. Until you post a scientific academic organization that proves so, I’ll take all talk on the matter as ignorance and a grain of salt. Is there side effects? Obviously those same orgs say so, are their countering supplements? Yes.

So if you have concerns then post the critiques. Not this I’m too afraid to push the limits so I’ll scorn others hi want to. This isn’t me being arrogant, this is me not wanting to waste time when it comes to comparing what well accredited health orgs state compared to the average gym and gear enthusiast who knows next to nothing of it. (Even myself) know next to nothing, yet that doesn’t stop me from mimicking successful people in the games regiments.
I cited the National Institute of healths data on deaths, which shows clicked in other various studies from the NIOH, WHO and PEW, not even having 100’deaths in 30 years of documenting millions of anabolics use ages in pro athletes censuses.

Yet over the counter pharmaceuticals like Tylenol, ibuprofen, oxy, kill 50,000+ a year, an additional million die from alcohol, drunken car accidents, drunken bar fights, alcohol poison, along with meth, crack, heroine and other drugs are all numbered in the 30,000+ a year deaths.

If you can cite me a study that shows just 100 deaths accumulated in the passed 50 years of monitoring steroids and actually have the autopsies with proof it was anabolic steroids root cause of death, than I make take your concern for thought. Until you post a scientific academic organization that proves so, I’ll take all talk on the matter as ignorance and a grain of salt. Is there side effects? Obviously those same orgs say so, are their countering supplements? Yes.

So if you have concerns then post the critiques. Not this I’m too afraid to push the limits so I’ll scorn others hi want to. This isn’t me being arrogant, this is me not wanting to waste time when it comes to comparing what well accredited health orgs state compared to the average gym and gear enthusiast who knows next to nothing of it. (Even myself) know next to nothing, yet that doesn’t stop me from mimicking successful people in the games regiments.
Why you making unnecessary work for people?
None of us work for you bossman

Irregardless this is a Harm Reduction forum

I already provided you some helpful information In reply to your questions
Start there
Why you making unnecessary work for people?
None of us work for you bossman

Irregardless this is a Harm Reduction forum

Work? So with the thousands of post here, it would be too strenuous for you to copy and paste 10 peoples stacking regiments. This forum is the anabolic use of history and post.

That’s too hard for you? Then why bother posting on the threads topic of subject?

What, to troll and waste peoples time with unproductiveness. Trial and error with half concocted guessing games would be more work for anyone compared to following proven regiments stacking cycles.
That's clearly not the reason in this case.

The autopsy/toxicology is the actual data that disputes the assertion of blood serum testosterone levels.

Ignorance is the reason. People don't understand the evidence when it is staring them in the face.
The problem most of the time is that the information is not even there, things are just being repeated over and over til it becomes a dogma. Just take this as example, everytime pro high doses is mentioned, dallas' autopsy result comes up but this is the first time I've seen the report here.

I think I saw it first in Promuscle if I recall correctly, and it was debated on too.
I cited the National Institute of healths data on deaths, which shows clicked in other various studies from the NIOH, WHO and PEW, not even having 100’deaths in 30 years of documenting millions of anabolics use ages in pro athletes censuses.

Yet over the counter pharmaceuticals like Tylenol, ibuprofen, oxy, kill 50,000+ a year, an additional million die from alcohol, drunken car accidents, drunken bar fights, alcohol poison, along with meth, crack, heroine and other drugs are all numbered in the 30,000+ a year deaths.

If you can cite me a study that shows just 100 deaths accumulated in the passed 50 years of monitoring steroids and actually have the autopsies with proof it was anabolic steroids root cause of death, than I make take your concern for thought. Until you post a scientific academic organization that proves so, I’ll take all talk on the matter as ignorance and a grain of salt. Is there side effects? Obviously those same orgs say so, are their countering supplements? Yes.

So if you have concerns then post the critiques. Not this I’m too afraid to push the limits so I’ll scorn others hi want to. This isn’t me being arrogant, this is me not wanting to waste time when it comes to comparing what well accredited health orgs state compared to the average gym and gear enthusiast who knows next to nothing of it. (Even myself) know next to nothing, yet that doesn’t stop me from mimicking successful people in the games regiments.
You know what? Cut the shit, bud. These people are going out of their way to try to help you. Don't post stupid ideas without expecting criticism from the people who know better, and don't expect people to go even further by spoonfeeding you scientific literature on the dangers of steroids as well. You're cruising on 2.5g of steroids and you don't even bloody-well train. You're just doing it so you can be better with a prybar and sledgehammer. It's fucking ridiculous.
Work? So with the thousands of post here, it would be too strenuous for you to copy and paste 10 peoples stacking regiments. This forum is the anabolic use of history and post.

That’s too hard for you? Then why bother posting on the threads topic of subject?

What, to troll and waste peoples time with unproductiveness. Trial and error with half concocted guessing games would be more work for anyone compared to following proven regiments stacking cycles.
I posted links that answered your questions in both your threads
Then i simply explained that this is a harm reduction forum
You okay bud?